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Fare thee well from GR…

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Fare thee well from GR…

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:18 am

Fare thee well from GR…

Dear CF members,

I wasn’t planning to write a “goodbye” letter but I feel obliged to respond to the many people that have sent me emails (and pms I found today) enquiring about my return, and some have done so on more than one occasion. I very much appreciate the friendship and support these people have given me so a very big Thank You to them from GR.

As I’ve already mentioned to some, the many days away from the forum sure kills the tempo and I really can’t be bothered picking up from where I left off. Perhaps the forum needs new blood to take it through this new Cypriot presidency and changing times, or perhaps I’m just looking for an excuse to slip away and try new things in my virtual life… :)

There’s a beginning and an end to everything in life and that includes our stay here on this forum and I feel that my time here has come to an end for I’ve had more than my fare share of say. Feel free to refer back to my CyProb threads if needed because I’ve spent countless hours researching and writing about myriads of CyProb issues that may come in handy in your debates and if you ever need help or guidance about a particular CyProb issue I’d be more than happy to assist if you write to me via email. (get_very_real at yahoo)

Perhaps, years from now the world will come to acknowledge and respect the millions of Cypriots that have come and gone over the millenniums on this island, and realize what I realized when I seriously contemplated what they had lived for and what they died for… and see that they deserve as much as anyone else in this world to be recognized and acknowledged as a people and as the nation that they have EARNED through their long and sorrowful history.

Finally, a big thank you to the many people I’ve had good debates with over the last couple of years and to the board owners/administrators for having me.

Thank you, good luck with everything, and so long…

Regards, GR.
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Postby tessintrnc » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:55 am

Sorry to hear you are going GR, best of luck and happiness always
Tess x
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Re: Fare thee well from GR…

Postby SSBubbles » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:56 am

Never had anything to do with you really GR, but good luck in your decision.

I am sure many will miss you; God speed
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Postby roseandchan » Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:06 am

hey, you. don't just walk away! come back and fight! i can find anyone here to insult me but where do i find a good arguement? it will not be the same. best wishes and loads of respect for what ever you do , everyone will miss you.
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Re: Fare thee well from GR…

Postby iceman » Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:12 am

Get Real! wrote:Fare thee well from GR…

Dear CF members,

I wasn’t planning to write a “goodbye” letter but I feel obliged to respond to the many people that have sent me emails (and pms I found today) enquiring about my return, and some have done so on more than one occasion. I very much appreciate the friendship and support these people have given me so a very big Thank You to them from GR.

As I’ve already mentioned to some, the many days away from the forum sure kills the tempo and I really can’t be bothered picking up from where I left off. Perhaps the forum needs new blood to take it through this new Cypriot presidency and changing times, or perhaps I’m just looking for an excuse to slip away and try new things in my virtual life… :)

There’s a beginning and an end to everything in life and that includes our stay here on this forum and I feel that my time here has come to an end for I’ve had more than my fare share of say. Feel free to refer back to my CyProb threads if needed because I’ve spent countless hours researching and writing about myriads of CyProb issues that may come in handy in your debates and if you ever need help or guidance about a particular CyProb issue I’d be more than happy to assist if you write to me via email. (get_very_real at yahoo)

Perhaps, years from now the world will come to acknowledge and respect the millions of Cypriots that have come and gone over the millenniums on this island, and realize what I realized when I seriously contemplated what they had lived for and what they died for… and see that they deserve as much as anyone else in this world to be recognized and acknowledged as a people and as the nation that they have EARNED through their long and sorrowful history.

Finally, a big thank you to the many people I’ve had good debates with over the last couple of years and to the board owners/administrators for having me.

Thank you, good luck with everything, and so long…

Regards, GR.

Just spent the last twenty minutes looking through your past posts but couldn't find what i was looking for...
Long time ago i remember you posting a reply after a members farewell post (like yours above)
You said something like "those who slip away quietly are not likely to return but the ones who write a farewell speech always do"
So cut the crap and get your arse back,you had a long enough brake and CF is not the same without you...
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:16 am

As one who , above all , has encountered numerous "conflicts of views" with GR , I wish him to know that I bear him no malice whatsoever and wish him all the very best . I offer you right here my hand and my wish that we could perhaps one day meet and share a chat and a drink. We all have our views and all have the right to express them , your views in many respects are shared by my self , views on the importance of Cyprus being an independent nation and detached from foreign domination.
It is a shame that people such as you with so much on offer find it necessary to "retire" from the Cyprus Forum ,
a site that has a worldwide traffic rank of under 300,000 , a very impressive ranking from a tiny island's forum , 40% of which traffic emanates from the UK .
Your contribution to the political threads has been enormously challenging and in many ways informative albeit at times controversial .
I wish you all the best my dear compatriot .
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Postby Niki » Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:26 am

Really excellent and well balanced farewell speech GR.

I enjoyed our small discussions in the past although not so much in recent times!

As you say things move on and change which is a good thing or the world would be very dull.

Best wishes and good luck to you and your family.
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Postby DT. » Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:44 am

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Get Back here Get Real!

Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:49 am

I hate you! :evil:

Get Real! wrote: I feel that my time here has come to an end

You are not capable of knowing how you feel because you are a man in your cave! 8)

You just do what you think is "honorable" and "principled" and "credible". :roll:

Stop it!

GR wrote:... and what they died for…

GR! ... what are you dying for? :?

You've just thrown in the towel.

You need to die in battle! ..... Farewell speeches are for traitors! :evil:

GR wrote:..... their long and sorrowful history.

Long history GR! ..... because none of them said I'm bored, I've had a good run! :roll: I'll just let those those new invaders carry on without me ....

You coward! This is the worst thing you've ever done. :shock:

Go and tinker with your computers .... :roll: ..... your massive brain is wasted on you!

I thought you were a Real Man! .... I hate you! :evil:

But most of all, my dear GR! ...... please please please please don't stop :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:14 am

Hey, GR.

I know we have had our ups and downs. That is life. Most of your views are well respected by a lot of forumers. I am sure that even some TCs will be among those that have nodded their heads at some of your views.
As far as I am concerned you have proved yourself a true child of Cyprus. Your departure will be a great loss to the CF. I would rather you stay where you belong; here at the CF. Unless ofcourse there are other family issues as well.

I dont want to admit missing you so you better stay on GR. You can work your way in gently and will be in 'full force' in no time.

Please dont go.

If you do decide not to come back, all I can say it has been an experience meeting you on and off the forum.
I will not say good bye. I wish you all the best. My friend.

NB. I left out any Emotikons and hope there are no mistakes needing your scrutiny.
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