Greek Cypriots call for Enosis on the anniversary of the EOKA day and reveal their aggressive designs over Northern Cyprus. EOKA is the terrorist organisation formed by Greece in Cyprus in the mid-fifties, responsible for murdering hundreds of British, Turkish and Greek Cypriots.
On April 1, during the remembrance ceremony at Ayia Ionni Church Glafcos Clerides, the leader of the Greek Cypriots, one of the leaders of the EOKA delivered a speech in which he praised the struggles of the EOKA.
Greek Cypriot daily Politis dated 2 April 2001 reported that on April 1, on the anniversary of the establishment of EOKA given at Ayia Ionni Church, Clerides repeated once again the determination to continue the "struggle". According to Clerides, the "struggle" is "to liberate" the North.
Politis further reported that in his message Clerides said, "Liberating our lands that are under occupation is a serious responsibility on our shoulders, which has to be fulfilled".
Another Greek Cypriot daily Simerini dated 2 April 2001 reported that during the celebrations marking the anniversary of EOKA held at Eleftheria Sports Centre, Clerides was observed applauding slogans chanted by the audience saying "No to Federation; Cyprus-Greece-ENOSIS" (union of Cyprus with Greece).
This is not an April Fool’s Day joke; it is the reality of Cyprus. Greek Cypriot leaders are portraying the Greek Cypriot terrorists, who had no hesitation in murdering innocent civilians, as "heroes" and pledging to follow their example.
It is clear that they have not given up their dream of uniting Cyprus to Greece. British and the EU politicians who extend unconditional support to the Greek Cypriot side have to realise that the longer they carry on with their support, the longer the Cyprus conflict will last.
YEAR 2001 IDIOTS STILL DEMANDING ENOSIS.Domuzun kuyruğnu 40 yıl engeneye koy yine ayni.