Anyway ... Goodnight all!
... I am retiring with my "River out of Eden" .....
Oracle wrote:Anyway ... Goodnight all!
... I am retiring with my "River out of Eden" .....
SSBubbles wrote:StellaAre you trying to get me banned? Sure sounds like it?
Funny how you take MY threads eh sister?!
Seems that I have missed these posts from Admin and Lana - so if you would be a love and direct us all for another read. Thanks luvvey!
(I do remember the post you sent via Grump that Admin answered but, hey, that was a lifetime ago!)
Sleep tight -sister, and try not to talk too much in your sleep.......................
Svetlana wrote:Good Morning O
I came across a useful MSN page last week entitled 'How To Return an Oracle' and it seems to have worked already!
In St Luke's parable of the 'Return of the Prodical Son', he was accused of "wasting his substance with riotous living', I trust with the 'Return of the Prodigious (in the literary output sense!) Daughter', you have not been similarly enjoying yourself?
We are pleased to see you back, but be aware that the appearance of any new threads entitled: 'Fat Chips' will mean you banished to CL for ever!
Oracle wrote:SSBubbles wrote:StellaAre you trying to get me banned? Sure sounds like it?
Funny how you take MY threads eh sister?!
Seems that I have missed these posts from Admin and Lana - so if you would be a love and direct us all for another read. Thanks luvvey!
(I do remember the post you sent via Grump that Admin answered but, hey, that was a lifetime ago!)
Sleep tight -sister, and try not to talk too much in your sleep.......................
SSBubbles wrote:Oracle wrote:SSBubbles wrote:StellaAre you trying to get me banned? Sure sounds like it?
Funny how you take MY threads eh sister?!
Seems that I have missed these posts from Admin and Lana - so if you would be a love and direct us all for another read. Thanks luvvey!
(I do remember the post you sent via Grump that Admin answered but, hey, that was a lifetime ago!)
Sleep tight -sister, and try not to talk too much in your sleep.......................
What are you bubbling on about again?![]()
Are you so worried you may have missed some posts?![]()
Unlike some, I do not read all posts, but seeing as how you made such a big case about it, I reckoned it it must be important.
So, if you could just oblige and point us in the right direction, there's a love
Svetlana wrote:I think a few CF members have joined CL this week because they became aware of it because of a link to it in a thread here.
As I understand it Oracle had used a succession of sequential Accounts, but all are now closed and she has not appeared under any other name. Lana
SSBubbles wrote:Do not be fooled Lana mou is all I can say!.
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