i been many countries and i think the best is bodrum, istanbul and dubai. photos taken by me

to go south africa

or u can say where would u like to visit on your next holiday . i want
tessintrnc wrote:The most beautiful places I ever saw was the tropical forest and mangroves of Sri-Lanka. The colours of the birds and the size sleeping fruit bats (flying fox) hanging in trees were unbelievable, as were the huge monitor lizards gliding through the water...........
The curry was pretty good too
Brittania wrote:
If bodrum..a touristic hell hole, Dubai a concrete jungle with a ruined seafront and Istanbul (I'll agree on this one just cause a Greek built this city) are the most beautiful places you've ever seen, then you haven't been left out of your cage enough my little chimp.
Brittania wrote:I do believe my friendly primate called me a beeeeach when he meant to call me a bitch.
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