Oracle wrote:Sorry! right sort of people never ask for an apology, and nor did Admin. But that’s not to say he/she does not deserve one.
I chose to cock-a-hoot at Admin’s request to desist provocation of certain unidentified groups. In fact pooh-poohed the advice, being engrossed with my own interests.
Untouched by self-doubt and unburdened by brains, I chose Freedom to Spew!
Sallied forth for any reaction out of a level-headed Admin, unaware we were communicating on “different wavelengths”. So I got the reaction I deserved.
Of course it is Admin’s Right to run the forum his way. It is his property, and I overstepped the mark by invading his sovereignty and right to self-determination.
All Admin have final say on their own fora.
So why return to CF?
Dash it all, we are given great linguistic freedom in expressing our opinions here. CF Admin is worthy of admiration for his tolerance. Notably, of great good fortune is my discovery of the depths of his perceptiveness, which is a comforting notion for pending future judgements.
My contrite return means I have cast my vote in favour of being governed by Admin and that is as close to democracy as exhibited in all other examples.
The Forum as a microcosm is only as good as its Admin... hence why I think CF is one of the best (actually the best, but I would be accused of grovelling, and I know Admin, to his credit, is not partial to that).
Progressing from this point, with minimum further interference to the smooth running of the playhouse, it was interesting to witness how everyone questioned the worthiness of principles (not necessarily truly applicable here), whether from an inferred support or in disagreement. However, all went down their own chosen paths, prejudices and perceptions exposed, regardless, whilst I unable to set any of you to rights, was merely entertained by the inner workings, and what a sorry state of affairs some of you pass as thoughts!
If it were not for the comings and goings of “revolting” forumers like Paphitis, DT., RichardB, bill c, Brittania; the private confessions of about a half-dozen “double CF /CL Agents” (u-know-who-u-R), halil the dependable carrier pigeon, Deniz signing up on two other fora to follow me (but failing to fool me), and the many GCs who carried on regardless ….. my two weeks in Coventry would have been unbearable!
In closing, I sincerely hope the Cypriot Mandela GR!, does us all a favour by a comeback to avoid a supreme catastrophe!
So everyone kindly let me have the last say on the matter! OK!
Mmmmm! …… pass another slice of (humble) pie!