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North or South??

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Postby halil » Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:28 pm

Ümitciğim ,
Doğum günün Kutlu olsun .......... Happy birthday Dear Ümit .

good luck !

you have my email .

Deniz ,
we were at strike today . No lokma ....

we had Döner Kebabs , efes ,ayran (İÇ BİRDAHA AYRANI) and lots of water .
not forget the coffes . coffes cooked at wood fire .

ofcourse we did have Davul and Zurna as well .

it was very hot day. we built up nice tent and afterwards gel keyfim gel !

see you in august .

For you again Ümit ,
Don't worry , you will do it abiciğim and you will return back to our lovely island we all need all of you ....

haa don't forget to make at least 3 child . This is our new program ! :lol:
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Re: North or South??

Postby Zimbo » Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:29 am

Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Can anyone give me advice? Where is it better to live? North or South? Obviously i know of the divide. I have only ever been to the South but people tell me the people in the North are much friendlier, housing much cheaper obviously because they are not in the EU, houses built to a better standard and its mean't to be more beautiful. I have heard the GCs don't like the Brits now they have their money?

After trawling through Conor's episode, I would recommend North or South AMERICA! Trust you will be supporting him in his fight 4 justice.

Asking for advice on this forum is leaving you wide open to infantile comments from the sufferers of 'island fever' who are insular and cannot accept constructive critisism. Any anti Cyprus comment made is retaliated by - oooh, but in the UK, blah, blah - is it a contest? No!

FFS, even contributors who don't live in the 'Dustbin of the Med' i.e. Richard, are blind to the facts. Oh, and how sick am I to see that Oracle is back, everyready with the sting in its tail. Nasty!

IF you ever decide to move to Cyprus, use an English solicitor and don't assume all Cyps are akin to those morons who use this forum.

You buy the crocs and I'll buy the socks! :wink:
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Re: North or South??

Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:25 am

Zimbo wrote:
Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Can anyone give me advice? Where is it better to live? North or South? Obviously i know of the divide. I have only ever been to the South but people tell me the people in the North are much friendlier, housing much cheaper obviously because they are not in the EU, houses built to a better standard and its mean't to be more beautiful. I have heard the GCs don't like the Brits now they have their money?

After trawling through Conor's episode, I would recommend North or South AMERICA! Trust you will be supporting him in his fight 4 justice.

Asking for advice on this forum is leaving you wide open to infantile comments from the sufferers of 'island fever' who are insular and cannot accept constructive critisism. Any anti Cyprus comment made is retaliated by - oooh, but in the UK, blah, blah - is it a contest? No!

FFS, even contributors who don't live in the 'Dustbin of the Med' i.e. Richard, are blind to the facts. Oh, and how sick am I to see that Oracle is back, everyready with the sting in its tail. Nasty!

IF you ever decide to move to Cyprus, use an English solicitor and don't assume all Cyps are akin to those morons who use this forum.

You buy the crocs and I'll buy the socks! :wink:

Since you are using this forum you must be a moron too then.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:32 am

IMO One of the biggest hypocrites on the forum ... showing off about having a house in Cyprus and then telling others not to come here.

I think she must be suffering from FELINE DISTEMPER :lol:
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Re: North or South??

Postby Oracle » Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:34 am

Zimbo wrote: Oh, and how sick am I to see that Oracle is back, everyready with the sting in its tail. Nasty!

Your similes are rather confused ... fur-ball stuck in your throat :lol:

Zimbo wrote:.... those morons who use this forum.

..... Oh dear are you labeling your god Conor a moron?
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:23 am

What is it with cats on this forum? or dogs for that matter .. or goldfish, terrapins, turtles, parrots etc etc . Am I the only sad sicko who doesn't like pets?
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Postby Oracle » Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:07 am

bill cobbett wrote:What is it with cats on this forum? or dogs for that matter .. or goldfish, terrapins, turtles, parrots etc etc . Am I the only sad sicko who doesn't like pets?

What do you parade as a badge of honour to camouflage moral depravity then?
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Postby RichardB » Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:37 am

FFS, even contributors who don't live in the 'Dustbin of the Med' i.e. Richard, are blind to the facts. Oh, and how sick am I to see that Oracle is back, everyready with the sting in its tail. Nasty!

OMG I've been slagged on forum AND tarred alongside the Oracle

Infamy Infamy they've all got it in famy :oops:
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Postby Oracle » Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:46 am

RichardB wrote:
FFS, even contributors who don't live in the 'Dustbin of the Med' i.e. Richard, are blind to the facts. Oh, and how sick am I to see that Oracle is back, everyready with the sting in its tail. Nasty!

OMG I've been slagged on forum AND tarred alongside the Oracle

Infamy Infamy they've all got it in famy :oops:

Tarred together 8)

Repent Richard, there is still hope for you :wink:
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Postby RichardB » Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:49 am

Repent Richard, there is still hope for you :wink:

Oh yeah Bob Hope and no Hope :lol:

Morning O
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