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how green are you? eco warrior or flytipper ?

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how green are you? eco warrior or flytipper ?

Postby roseandchan » Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:45 am

day in day out we hear about global warming. what can we do to stop this happening? do you recycle? save water ?or have a swimming pool? holiday less? do you have a petrol,diesel or eco friendly car?What can we do with all that rubbish?are there any members who are members of greenpeace? do members feel this is an important issue?
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Postby perdike » Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:51 am

I'm a pariah here in NZ. Of course, it's indisputable that global warming is happening, but I'm yet to be convinced as to the true causes.
That it is the result of human activity (as opposed to a cyclical ecological event) is like a religion to some. Question it, and you are treated like a leper.
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Postby roseandchan » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:03 am

i worry about how much oil and gas ect are being extracted from the earth, i think this could be part of the cause. we are not just destroying the part of the earth you can see but deep down as well.
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Postby perdike » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:19 am

roseandchan wrote:i worry about how much oil and gas ect are being extracted from the earth, i think this could be part of the cause. we are not just destroying the part of the earth you can see but deep down as well.

I hope this doesn't betray my pitiful knowlege of the oil production process, but I too have wondered about what is happening where all the oil was drilled from. Are there great, gaping subterranean caverns that were once filled with oil? What would that do to the planet's structure?

Is it all going to collapse in upon itself someday? Probably making an idiot of myself here, but usually you need to replace something to stop a gap.
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Postby roseandchan » Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:29 am

hi perdike, its clear from the lack of posts that its only the two if us that care about the planet and global warming here in cyprus. the others must be the lot who throw efes and keo bottles and cans all around the countryside. maybe they all have swimming pools. spend weekends washing the car,lol
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Postby tessintrnc » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:20 am

perdike wrote:
roseandchan wrote:i worry about how much oil and gas ect are being extracted from the earth, i think this could be part of the cause. we are not just destroying the part of the earth you can see but deep down as well.

I hope this doesn't betray my pitiful knowlege of the oil production process, but I too have wondered about what is happening where all the oil was drilled from. Are there great, gaping subterranean caverns that were once filled with oil? What would that do to the planet's structure?

Is it all going to collapse in upon itself someday? Probably making an idiot of myself here, but usually you need to replace something to stop a gap.

Thats really wierd you should ask about the space left behind after the oil is sucked up, because I was discussing that very same thing with a friend only two days ago!!! and the answer is.......................................

Don't know :shock:
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Postby tessintrnc » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:23 am

With regards being"green" I do what I can, only have "A" or where possible "AA" rated white goods, don't flush the toilet EVERY time, have a bucket in the shower to catch and use "run off" water in the garden. I re-use carrier bags till they fall apart,always turn off lights, and NEVER have TV on standby!! Any other ideas? I am happy to do more.
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Postby roseandchan » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:09 am

trouble is the take off and landing twice when flying to get. we always support the trnc and would never fly into larnaca. it does pose a eco problem thought. we also have a pool, a small above ground pool people argue that it is not eco friendly. in the evening all the wild birds come to drink from it, so i'm doing my bit for the wildlife instead. always save our efes bottles for return, financially sensible. we are fed up with going to the beach and sitting in rubbish, just don't go anymore. fields growing plastic page plants really p--- me off. kibtec just doing there bit to conserve energy as we now have a powercut and i'm running on borrowed time! god bless kibtec!
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Postby emassroua » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:18 am

Green ,, Geeeeeeeeen... It's beautiful word .. i think everyone care about the green & earth ... but how act ??? no one doing a small thing to help the enviroment ... everyone can do a lot around him .. starting from saving a drop of water , turn off the light when left the room .. close the fridge imidatlywhen taking something from but don't opened & look inside to choose your need's... etc. did someone read about JATROPHA tree..& what can do this little small tree ..
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Postby tessintrnc » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:20 am

emassroua wrote:Green ,, Geeeeeeeeen... It's beautiful word .. i think everyone care about the green & earth ... but how act ??? no one doing a small thing to help the enviroment ... everyone can do a lot around him .. starting from saving a drop of water , turn off the light when left the room .. close the fridge imidatlywhen taking something from but don't opened & look inside to choose your need's... etc. did someone read about JATROPHA tree..& what can do this little small tree ..

What about the tree? I am interested!!!
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