Sega wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Are prices coming down? The last time i was in Cyprus i thought the property prices were extremely high. I found this strange as there were so many empty?

House prices in Cyprus are at an all-time high, however, this is soon to change. Currently speaking the main source responsible for the inflation was indeed the British people coming over and purchasing property. Since the UK is having some sort of an economical problem, and most people are tight for cash. I believe this will affect the Cyprus property market. Let's face it, none of the houses are worth the price they are selling them at.
I think this is a pretty good assumption..after all elswhere in the world Builders ( called developers here?) like anybody else have to cut their cloth accordingly, builders being subject to laws developers are not (no doubt someone will be along to swear at me if im not correct) Spains market IS collapsing and the UK always has people going bust in the building trade when theres a slump, and house prices DO fall, eventually the price begins to return when theres an upturn in the economy. The buyer is getting bit more choosy as money becomes scarce and still wants something that represents value in their eyes. they are not going to pay the same price here as they do in the UK for something that isnt of the same quality of build,has no deeds(they are learning) and looks across a small gap into someone elses bedroom. Some developements today are tomorrows slums, and if they wouldnt buy into that scenario at home why do/would they accept it here??..
No, listening to people ive talked to the way for most of them is to rent, its also the advice being given out on forums UK citizens read by people living here..