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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby cypezokyli » Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:32 pm

it is only rational that the solution will lead to a single sovereignty and single citizenship.
and ofcource it doesnt contradict the political equality for it is two different things.

but in cyprus our two extremes enjoy turning simple things into serious matters.
in this respect it was a brave statement by talat to say that.

which let the extreme tc gang to start barking,
while it proved once again how rediculous was our extreme gang to be shouting the whole june (sometimes i wonder about these people - dont they ever get bored? ) , that the single citizenship was "forgotten" and this was a "fatal" mistake by christofias :roll:
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:56 pm

thanks cypezokyli, good insight.
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Postby humanist » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:29 am

VP ........ As I stated in my response earlier I read the whole article. And from where I sit Christofias said what Talat wanted to perhaps say for years. Turkey is doing everything possible to screw it up for you guys.
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Postby roseandchan » Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:19 am

i agree in equalitiy but i don't agree with the maths. how can this be when one population is larger than the other?
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:58 am

Equality of the partners in a federation is a normal feature in every such country in the world. So in the USA, which is a federation, a populous state like New York is equal with Wyoming with one million people. It is like saying one state one vote (two actually in the Senate), but at the same time there is the principle of one man one vote in the House of Representatives. The TCs will not accept the status of a minority within a GC dominated country, hence the option of the Federation between equal ranking communities which so far has been accepted. Now we are waiting to see the TC interpretation of the other importan principle, that of one man one vote.
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Postby kurupetos » Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:16 pm

Hayir! I want partition!
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Postby soyer » Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:29 pm

kurupetos wrote:Hayir! I want partition!


to hell with unification. :argue:
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Postby Magnus » Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:11 pm

soyer wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Hayir! I want partition!


to hell with unification. :argue:

No 'we all' don't. I don't want anything to do with your 'Taksim'.

I want all Cypriots to be able to live together and for people who lost their land to be able to go home.

I want the foreign powers out of Cyprus so that Cypriots can determine their own futures.

I want illegal settlers deported back to wherever they came from.

But most of all, I want moronic extremist propaganda merchants to shut the hell up and stop trying to destroy the fragile links that people have worked and died for to build.

I say 'to hell' with your 'taksim', you can shove it straight up your backside along with that Turkish flag.
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Postby kurupetos » Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:19 pm

Magnus wrote:
soyer wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Hayir! I want partition!


to hell with unification. :argue:

No 'we all' don't. I don't want anything to do with your 'Taksim'.

I want all Cypriots to be able to live together and for people who lost their land to be able to go home.

I want the foreign powers out of Cyprus so that Cypriots can determine their own futures.

I want illegal settlers deported back to wherever they came from.

But most of all, I want moronic extremist propaganda merchants to shut the hell up and stop trying to destroy the fragile links that people have worked and died for to build.

I say 'to hell' with your 'taksim', you can shove it straight up your backside along with that Turkish flag.

All GCs want the above but unfortunately we don't live in a world of justice. Who is going to force Turkey to bugger off from Cyprus?The US, the UK, or the EU hypocrites? IMO we have to seek a solution that is possible.
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Postby Magnus » Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:39 pm

If the negotiations go well and the leaders can come up with a solution then the Turkish soldiers and settlers will have to go back.

Even if all those things can't be achieved, I personally detest the idea of partition and resent being included in comments that state that it is what 'everybody' wants.

I would rather have the diplomatic process crawl along for another hundred years, opening up street by street than split a tiny island whose genuine inhabitants have more in common than difference.

That's just my opinion.
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