that reminds me of a story in my earlier days of pet sitting/dob walking. i was walking a golden retriever named Kerry, who had a thing for mice. (she must have been a cat in her previous life). it was a nice fall day, with leaves and sticks all over the ground. i noticed Kerry had what looked like a stick near her mouth, so i went to brush it off. it didn't fall off. so i tried to pick it off, when i realized it was in her mouth. i pulled a little, and that is when i realized it was not a stick at all. it was a decayed mouse,

and i was pulling the leg out of her mouth!!!!! not sure what to do, and totally disgusted, i screamed like a girl!

Kerry got excited, threw the mouse up in the air and caught it (very cat like!), causing me to scream again.

this time when she threw it up the second time, i quickly turned away, so not to see it, which totally distracted her into dropping it. i quickly got her away from the dead thing.... and that was that! (totally relieved i didn't have to go after it in her mouth!)