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Dogs...don't you just love 'em....

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Dogs...don't you just love 'em....

Postby connor » Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:06 am

We have several dogs...2 Golden Retrievers and 4 crosses. The crosses we rescued.

Heard a commotion in the garden the other day and on investigating it I found 2 of the dogs..( Terrier crosses..always causing trouble )...playing tug of war with a 2 foot long dead snake..!

Fortunately it was the non venomous type.
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:20 am

Did they kill it Connor, or just find it already dead? My dog just barks at them, but he's only seen two in the 5 and a half yrs we've been here.
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Postby connor » Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:32 am

I guess one of the terriers killed it after it came into the garden..then proceeded to do what terriers do... ie have some fun..
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Postby emmacheck » Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:29 am

Hi connor i have a black retriver (5months old) - would love to move out to Cyprus but how will poor harvey cope with the heat!? He struggle on hot days in england. How do urs do?

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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:43 pm

tessintrnc wrote:Did they kill it Connor, or just find it already dead? My dog just barks at them, but he's only seen two in the 5 and a half yrs we've been here.

that you KNOW of!
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:46 pm

emmacheck wrote:Hi connor i have a black retriver (5months old) - would love to move out to Cyprus but how will poor harvey cope with the heat!? He struggle on hot days in england. How do urs do?


OMG! how cute is that little guy!!!!! i have never seen a black retriever. are they common? (not here they aren't). i find retrievers to be a very loving and great family dog, however sometimes too high strung and very stubborn. give harvey a kiss from me!
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:48 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:Did they kill it Connor, or just find it already dead? My dog just barks at them, but he's only seen two in the 5 and a half yrs we've been here.

that you KNOW of!

True!!! He was sometimes alone in the garden...............I was referring to when out on walks. Hes a bugger for hedgehogs though, he is oblivious to pain as he picks them up and tosses them like a ball. I have to rescue them and put them over the wall!!
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Postby perdike » Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:54 pm

You are kind Tess! What about your hands afterwards?

Some people are a bit daft about hegdehogs. In our small city we have a a'hedgehog lady" who cares for all sick, injured or wayward hedgehogs. She lives in rather a large, stately house, and a couple of rooms are given over completely to the care of her prickly wards. When they are restored she finds people with large rambling gardens where she can release them. Takes all sorts, and if they are kindly sorts, where's the harm?
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:54 pm

that reminds me of a story in my earlier days of pet sitting/dob walking. i was walking a golden retriever named Kerry, who had a thing for mice. (she must have been a cat in her previous life). it was a nice fall day, with leaves and sticks all over the ground. i noticed Kerry had what looked like a stick near her mouth, so i went to brush it off. it didn't fall off. so i tried to pick it off, when i realized it was in her mouth. i pulled a little, and that is when i realized it was not a stick at all. it was a decayed mouse, :shock: and i was pulling the leg out of her mouth!!!!! not sure what to do, and totally disgusted, i screamed like a girl! :shock: Kerry got excited, threw the mouse up in the air and caught it (very cat like!), causing me to scream again. :shock: this time when she threw it up the second time, i quickly turned away, so not to see it, which totally distracted her into dropping it. i quickly got her away from the dead thing.... and that was that! (totally relieved i didn't have to go after it in her mouth!) :roll:
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Postby kurupetos » Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:58 pm

Is there anyone in this forum without pets? :? :twisted:
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