connor wrote:Again when we came you did not see many dogs being walked by local Cypriots..a lot of them do not like dogs.....
Cypriot dog owners usually have hunting hounds that are caged all day and night or they have house dogs which most prefer not to walk (although a few minority do) preferring to let them out to walk themselves!!

These dogs are a bit of a nuisance as they tend dig into bagged rubbish left outside communal bins and they end up hassling our pooch who sits yelping at the gate obviously wants to play out too! Not a big problem but I hate seeing dogs roaming round as dogs are natural pack animals and back in the UK as a child, I was attacked by a pack of domestic dogs left out to roam whilst their owners were out working!!! It became a such a problem that eventually, they brought in dog wardens. Would hate to see this happen in Cyprus.
Emma.....they reckon that after the dog reaches 7 yrs old, it isn't a good thing to bring them to Cyprus as they cannot adapt as easily to the heat and apparently, are prone to an early death????

How true this, I don't know but you should be fine as your little beauty is still a pup! Enjoy Cyprus and stop worrying, your dog will love it too and at least you won't have to clean up constant muddy paw prints lol!
As for dogs finding things, our's found a very large lizzard at a rocky isolated beach we use to sunbath at. Little pooch with very large lizzard in her mouth decided to bring present over to show me. When hubby tried to get her to let the poor creature go, she held on tighter until hubby finally won. Oh she let the lizzard go alright..... on top of me. Exit one traumatised, screaming owner with lizzard trying to run up shorts for safety (boy, do they scratch!) Ended up with lizzard under car bonnet hiding and dog yelping trying to find it! Oh what fun and games trying rescue lizzard and not mincing it up when we turned on the engine.