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Dogs...don't you just love 'em....

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Postby perdike » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:01 pm

kurupetos wrote:Is there anyone in this forum without pets? :? :twisted:

Errm, maybe not on the thread about dogs???? :oops:
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:06 pm

perdike wrote:You are kind Tess! What about your hands afterwards?

Some people are a bit daft about hegdehogs. In our small city we have a a'hedgehog lady" who cares for all sick, injured or wayward hedgehogs. She lives in rather a large, stately house, and a couple of rooms are given over completely to the care of her prickly wards. When they are restored she finds people with large rambling gardens where she can release them. Takes all sorts, and if they are kindly sorts, where's the harm?

I pick them up in a double folded tea towel!! I was slightly hurt only once when he flung it up over his shoulder and it hit me on the knee!! I had loads of tiny pinpricks - some bled and some didnt but they became infected (hedgehogs are quite dirty) and It took ages to heal completely. I really don't know why he does it, he totally ignores rats, but goes for these lovely creatures late at night!!!!
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Postby kurupetos » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:08 pm

perdike wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Is there anyone in this forum without pets? :? :twisted:

Errm, maybe not on the thread about dogs???? :oops:

They all end as pet threads don't they? :x
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:15 pm

kurupetos wrote:
perdike wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Is there anyone in this forum without pets? :? :twisted:

Errm, maybe not on the thread about dogs???? :oops:

They all end as pet threads don't they? :x

maybe because pets give us total, unconditional love, and devotion. and they ar cheaper than children! (no school tuition!)
plus they are just damn adorable!
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:17 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
perdike wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Is there anyone in this forum without pets? :? :twisted:

Errm, maybe not on the thread about dogs???? :oops:

They all end as pet threads don't they? :x

maybe because pets give us total, unconditional love, and devotion. and they ar cheaper than children! (no school tuition!)
plus they are just damn adorable!

True!!!! :lol:
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Postby perdike » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:21 pm

Actually, pets can be pretty expensive! I would rather have my children, SOMETIMES they can be civil . . . and SOMETIMES they go away to stay for a few days and sometimes they scrape the car up, and OFTEN they let you (me) know how uncool they think I am. But they are interesting and challenging, and we do love them, especially when they are tucked up in their beds!
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Postby GorillaGal » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:21 pm

my cats have seen me thru a divorce, the death of my mom, the loss of jobs and boyfriends, and several surgeries. they give me a reason to wkae up in the morning, a reason to go out to work, and to come home at night. there have been some really low times in my life when i think i would have committed suicide if not for them. i owe them my life!
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:24 pm

They certainly do keep you company, my children flew the nest quite a few years ago and ı couldn't imagine life without a dog!!! I do like cats but personally would rather have a dog, cats are far too intelligent!!!!!!!!
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Postby RichardB » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:27 pm

Dogs.. Don't you just love 'em!!!

I don't love my pair this morning they're being right buggers :evil:
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Postby connor » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:27 pm

Hello Emmacheck

Harvey looks a handsome chap.

When we moved out here, 1988, we brought our first Retriever, Luke, with us. He was 7 years old. He coped ok with the heat. We took precautions of course and made sure he had shade available to him in the garden and always had a fresh supply of water close by.

We rarely took him for walks in the hot midday sun but rather did that early morning or evenings when it was cooler. The dogs we have now all cope ok. Certain breeds like bulldogs or boxers don't do well in the heat but Retrievers are quite adaptable dogs.

Personally I would not hesitate bringing Harvey. Retrievers we've had here all lived a healthy lifespan, 13 years plus. When we first came veterinary services were a bit limited...but am pleased to say that in recent years they have improved dramatically .

Again when we came you did not see many dogs being walked by local Cypriots..a lot of them do not like dogs..but attitudes seem to be changing and in the Larnaca area at least i regularly see clean healthy looking dogs of all types being walked and cared for by their owners.

Any other questions let me know will help if i can...Regards...
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