templecone wrote:Not sure what this forum is about (I rarely get involved with any forums so you might understand this contribution) but I'm intrigued by the fact that, at this time of year, in Cyprus, so many people are sitting in front of computers participating in forums.
The beaches are great whether you like sandy ones or rocky ones. You can laze around on loungers, airbeds etc or enjoy freshening up in the sea (and I can recommend snorkelling if you haven't tried it - it's amazing what you can see around here, even if it is not really for those who like coral lagoons etc). There are some lovely walks once you get slightly away from the built up areas and into the mountains so, whether you are really laid back and inactive or enjoy a bit more of a physical effort there really is plenty to do without getting bored sitting in front of a computer.
Let's have some ideas of what people like doing. What is so addicitive about sitting in front of a PC? What else do you like doing? Why do you think other people would be intrested in some of the things you like doing?
By the way, I think I qualify as "Old Blood". I am 72 later this year and have worked in the computing arena in a variety of roles for over 40 years (and, as a result, think they are an even greater threat to a civilised socail life than the mobile 'phone - now there's a topic for debate

If I'm out of order for this forum please acceptmy apologies but I hope I've avoided being boring!!
Welcome to the Forum, Enjoy
Not sure where you live, but if you are in Cyprus you will know how hot (and humid) it is at the moment!
Not everyone enjoys the beach - once in a while yes, but not everyday!
Walks yes - but only early morning or late at night!
Have you ever started to read a book that you just cannot put down until the last page? Well this forum gets you like that! You think you are nearing the last page then someone will post a 'new chapter' for you to gain interest in!
Hope this makes sense