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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:25 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:soyer be wise. you should seek to kiss Kikapu on the feet.

Do I need to wash my feet first, or what.??? :lol:

Actually, Soyer does not need to kiss my dirty feet. He just needs to apologize to all those TC's who were detained by the "Greeks" in 1963, because for lying that he was kept as a "prisoner of war" by the EOKA and that he was interrogated by them at age 12 years old, and that many that were held with him have never returned back to their families alive.

He had no such experience and was just propagandising.

But then again, immoral people never apologizes for their wrong doings.!

Let see if Soyer is above all other immoral people and apologizes for his "mistake".!
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:03 am

...i'll wait until this story plays out to the end before I try to make out what the exagerations are.

in many ways our friend soyer has taken the role of the devil's advocate. we are played very well it seems, yet it gives a voice to opposition, a chance to demonstrate that the reasoning is well founded, and worthy of such intense scrutiny...

however, like the thread on solomou we remain unclear about the character of these advocates, like VP, and Big Al, each proud of being Cypriot, their personal credibility is in doubt, because they seek to convince us that as "Turks" they have a right to isolate themselves from "Greeks" (and others), demanding that there must exist this exclusivity without any more consideration, but that of the 'motherland'.

security is all our concern: if anything we must have a strong State, which is neither "Greek"or "Turkish".

as Cypriots, as this island's dwellers, we have this rare opportunity to build for the future a country that is the most socialised (and democratic) in the world. Being Bicommunal, "Turks" and "Greeks" (I hope Moaronites and Armenians as well) will have their expression in National Assemblies as well, where they can demonstrate their inclusiveness as a majority, and where they can sustain themselves.

kikapu, we all can wash each others feet, i think you understand that. I am still rooting for soyer, and i have no idea what he can do to redeem this ugly situation; but, he says he is a Cypriot. my hope is that this is (as always) the venue which will give us an understanding for this need.

to repopulate the island, is the single act that shows our commitment to Universal Human Principals. I suggest to you that enclaves are not a dirty word. i hope that you will reconsider them and give me your comments.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:35 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...i'll wait until this story plays out to the end before I try to make out what the exagerations are.

I'll connect the dots for you between the school where the TC's were held as prisoners by the "Greeks" in 1963 and the "old monastery" story that "Tom Soyer" claims to have been held as soon as he apologises for his lies.

kikapu, we all can wash each others feet, i think you understand that. I am still rooting for soyer, and i have no idea what he can do to redeem this ugly situation;

All "Tom Soyer" has to do, is tell the truth which he has not thus far, and I wish you well in rooting for "Tom Soyer". Perhaps you can reach his consciousness to tel the truth, because he has failed to do so within himself.

I wonder if VP and Halil has finally accepted that "Tom Soyer" took them for a ride with his lies, in which they both supported his lying story. I don't expect them to admit that they were duped by "Tom Soyer" anytime soon.

That would take some courage and honesty on their part.!!
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Postby soyer » Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:13 pm

Kikapu wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...i'll wait until this story plays out to the end before I try to make out what the exagerations are.

I'll connect the dots for you between the school where the TC's were held as prisoners by the "Greeks" in 1963 and the "old monastery" story that "Tom Soyer" claims to have been held as soon as he apologises for his lies.

kikapu, we all can wash each others feet, i think you understand that. I am still rooting for soyer, and i have no idea what he can do to redeem this ugly situation;

All "Tom Soyer" has to do, is tell the truth which he has not thus far, and I wish you well in rooting for "Tom Soyer". Perhaps you can reach his consciousness to tel the truth, because he has failed to do so within himself.

I wonder if VP and Halil has finally accepted that "Tom Soyer" took them for a ride with his lies, in which they both supported his lying story. I don't expect them to admit that they were duped by "Tom Soyer" anytime soon.

That would take some courage and honesty on their part.!!

KIKAPU you are the a liar from birth, yet you still insist on same rubbish. I stop not because I lie, but I notice you are a worthless big shit so I stop not to provoke an insolent person like you any more. After all I have my self-esteem to concern.

So according to you Kipaku'cuk,
Mrs Gazioglu
Ahmet Tolgay
Yusuf Kanli
Sevgul Uludag & Ayse Zeytincioglu
Solmaz ersoz & Hasan Hasturer
And many more

Are all liars?. This people was not in your SCHOOL all were in my MONASTERY they also say that same Turks went missing and also man and woman was separated. They all back me up on what I say. Do you also want apology from them :?: :lol: :lol: :lol:

First you insist that I am not from K. Kaymakli. I REPLY name of my neighbors, you ignore. You did not give me nothing to prove about you.
second I was not prisoner. I REPLY name of persons I was prisond with, you ignore again. Yet you not prove about yourself being one.
Third is it SCHOOL or MONASTERY :?: I say Monastery so all the others say same. Where Were you Kikapucuk on your own :?:

SURPRISED SUPRISED look what I found. :lol: :lol: :lol: "Sherlock Holmes",
I did work for the "New Scotland Yard" back in my early years in the 70's Tim, but I did not have a "smoke pipe" in my mouth back then as I do now on the forum.!!

Lets see, early 70's means 71,72,73 otherwise 74,75,76 will be mid 70's. 1963 Kikapu'cuk was 8 years old so he was 16,17,18 in early 70's when he was a Sherlock Holmes in New Scotland Yard. I never seen a 16 or 17 years old little Policeman let along being CID or Sherlock Holmes in England, did anybody else :?: That reminds me 1973 it was a article in paper about very first Turkish Cypriot origin Police Constable to be uniform in London, and that was not you Kikapucuk.

At least tell us what training and how long one must spend to meet requirement for Metropolitan Police needs and after how long if you any good to transfer to be Sherlock Holmes in New Scotland Yard :lol: :lol: :lol: I am Turkish Cypriot who lives in TRNC. London boys will know better, Go on tell them to make them smile we don't get charlatan like you on CF always.

Mrs. Gazioglu also remembers

"When I was seven or eight years old, in December 1963, combatants told us that the war had erupted and they would use our house as a frontline -- and that we would have to evacuate our house. We complied and stayed in a coffeehouse with our neighbors. We heard gunshots all the time. Eventually Greek Cypriots, brandishing guns, came and took us outside. They separated the women and children from the men. The made the men line up. At that moment EOKA leader Nikos Samson came and gave them some orders, so they didn't go through with killing the men. They loaded us on trucks and sent us to an ice cream factory and kept us there for a while. From there they took us to a big monastery [Cikko] and again separated the men and took them somewhere else. We stayed there for a week and were later send to Nicosia before we were freed. When the events of 1974 started I had just finished high school. We were living in a place which was called Göçmenköy [Immigrants' Village]. There was a combatant division located nearby. Greek Cypriots were bombing that location; some of our neighbors were killed there. Some of our relatives fled. Those were very difficult days; we found peace after 1974."

"Çarpışmalar neticesi Küçük Kaymaklı'nın bir kısmı hariç Lefkoşa ve varoşlarında müdafaa mevzilerimiz süratle ileri alınarak bugünkü hatlarımız teşekkül ettirildi. Cephane yetersizliği dolayısıyla bir kısım halkın salimen Hamitköy'e taşınması düşmana aradığı fırsatı vermiş ve ancak 26 Aralık 1963 günü Küçük Kaymaklı'ya girebilmişlerdir. Evlerinden çıkmayan 500 soydaşımızın esir alınması ve bunların arasında bâzı gençlerimizin akıbetlerinin hâlâ belli olmaması yanında, Küçük Kaymaklı'nın tahrip ve yağma edilişi, Rum vandalizminin bir abidesi olarak bugün ortada durmaktadır.

Araştırmacı yazar Ahmet Tolgay,
Küçük Kaymakli;'nın boşaltılmasını şöyle anlatmaktadır: 'Mermilerin tükenmesinden sonra, bir katliamın önlenmesi için köyün boşaltılması talimatını alan Küçük Kaymakli'daki mücahitler, bu görevi yerine getirirken ağlıyorlardı. Hüseyin Ruso, ateş yağmuru altında sivil halkın Hamitköy'e çekilmesine yardım ederken vuruldu. EOKA'cılar savunmasız kalan Küçük Kaymakli'ya girdikten sonra kaçamayan Türkler'i toplayıp dondurma fabrikasi;na götürdüler. Kaçırılan Türkler'in bir kısmı kurşuna dizilip bilinmeyen yerlere gömüldüler. Küçük Kaymaklı tutsakları, Türk jetlerinin uçmasından sonra serbest bırakıldılar. 1974 Barış Harekatı'na kadar 11 yıl boyunca işgal altında tutulan Küçük Kaymaklı, soyuldu, yakıldı, yıkıldı. Küçük Kaymaklı, Rum işgalinden en büyük vahşet ve hasarı gören bölgelerimizden biri oldu.'

Hüseyin Ruso was indeed a teacher who sacrificed on December 22, 1963 his life trying not to allow advancing Greek Cypriot EOKA hordes cross a bridge into the Küçük Kaymakli; area of the Turkish quarter of Nicosia... He lost his life but, as did many other brave Turkish Cypriot freedom fighters defending their posts to the death, helped thousands of people escape to safer areas and thus in a way saved their lives...

Ayse Zeytincioglu,
By Sevgul Uludag:

“Ninem birşeyler sezdi, battaniyeleri aldı, altınlarını, paralarını alıp koynuna koydu... Sonra bizi esir aldılar, Cikko’nun manastırı vardı, oraya götürdüler bizi...

Soru: Nasıl götürdüydüler? Otobüsle falan mı?
Ayşe Zeytincioğlu: Yok yok, yayan... Hatta yokladıklarında, ninemin altın çıkısı gelmiş ellerine, ona “Nedir bu?” demişler, ninem de bileziktir diye işaret edince, “Tamam” demiş Rum, “kalsın...” Cikko’nun manastırında kaldık, orada bize yemek verirlerdi. Hatta hiç unutmam, patates kebabı yaptıydı bir Rum kadın, döner derdi bize, “Yiyin” derdi, “kardeşimi vurdunuz ama ben gene da size yemek koyarım yiyesiniz...” Yani Türkler kardeşini vurmuşlar ama gene bize yemek kormuş yiyelim gibisinden...

Soru: Kaç gün kaldıydınız orada?
Ayşe Zeytincioğlu: Kaldık işte... Dayım 15 yaşındaydı, o da bizimleydi, hatta onu ayrı bir yere koydulardı – kadınları, erkekleri ayırdıydılar. 3-4 gün ancak kaldık zannederim orada. Ondan sonra İngiliz bir kadın geldi, çok güzel Türkçe bilirdi, geldi ve bize “Sakın erkeklerinizi bırakmayın, bırakırsanız erkeklerinizi öldürecekler, sizi alıp götürecekler” dedi. Çünkü bizi esir düşen Rumlarla değiştireceklerdi... Bu sefer kadınlar diretti ve gitmek istemediler... Bağırınca “Erkeklerimizi de isteriz” diye, onlar da bu sefer mecbur oldu, o İngiliz kadın da bizden yana çekince...

Solmaz Ersoz,
By Hasan Hasturer:
Esir düşenlerden bir okurumuz o günlerle ilgili şunları aktardı: “Biz kaçamamıştık. Büyük Kaymaklı’dan gelen Rumlar bizi esir almışlardı. Beş yüz kişi kadardık. Kamyonlara doldurulup Lefkoşa’nın Rum kesimindeki Cikkos Manastırına götürülmüştük. Doğruya doğru bize kötü davranılmamıştı. Aralık ayının son günlerinde bizi serbest bırakmışlardı. Türk kesimine dönüşte karşılanışımızı ve duygusallığımızı hiç unutamam.”


Lefkoşa’da Stovolos bölgesinde iki kuyuda yapılan kazıda Küçük Kaymaklı ve yöresinde 1963 döneminde kayboldukları bildirilen 40 Kıbrıslı Türk’ün cesedinin gömülü olduğu tahmin ediliyor.

Otonom Kayıp Şahıslar Komitesi Kıbrıslı Türk üye yardımcısı Ahmet Erdengiz’in verdiği bilgiye göre kazı yapılan bölgenin oldukça işlek bir caddenin yanıbaşında olması çalışmaların zaman zaman zorlukla yürümesine ve gecikmesine neden oluyor.


Turkish prisoners of war can be seen at behind Sacker Nikos Samson in Kucuk Kaymaklı (Omorfita).

Many intellect and respectful people on CF but unfortunately they are much more worthless bastards like Kikapu don't worth to lose a valuable time.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:37 pm

soyer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...i'll wait until this story plays out to the end before I try to make out what the exagerations are.

I'll connect the dots for you between the school where the TC's were held as prisoners by the "Greeks" in 1963 and the "old monastery" story that "Tom Soyer" claims to have been held as soon as he apologises for his lies.

kikapu, we all can wash each others feet, i think you understand that. I am still rooting for soyer, and i have no idea what he can do to redeem this ugly situation;

All "Tom Soyer" has to do, is tell the truth which he has not thus far, and I wish you well in rooting for "Tom Soyer". Perhaps you can reach his consciousness to tel the truth, because he has failed to do so within himself.

I wonder if VP and Halil has finally accepted that "Tom Soyer" took them for a ride with his lies, in which they both supported his lying story. I don't expect them to admit that they were duped by "Tom Soyer" anytime soon.

That would take some courage and honesty on their part.!!

KIKAPU you are the a liar from birth, yet you still insist on same rubbish. I stop not because I lie, but I notice you are a worthless big shit so I stop not to provoke an insolent person like you any more. After all I have my self-esteem to concern.

So according to you Kipaku'cuk,
Mrs Gazioglu
Ahmet Tolgay
Yusuf Kanli
Sevgul Uludag & Ayse Zeytincioglu
Solmaz ersoz & Hasan Hasturer
And many more

Are all liars?. This people was not in your SCHOOL all were in my MONASTERY they also say that same Turks went missing and also man and woman was separated. They all back me up on what I say. Do you also want apology from them :?: :lol: :lol: :lol:

First you insist that I am not from K. Kaymakli. I REPLY name of my neighbors, you ignore. You did not give me nothing to prove about you.
second I was not prisoner. I REPLY name of persons I was prisond with, you ignore again. Yet you not prove about yourself being one.
Third is it SCHOOL or MONASTERY :?: I say Monastery so all the others say same. Where Were you Kikapucuk on your own :?:

SURPRISED SUPRISED look what I found. :lol: :lol: :lol: "Sherlock Holmes",
I did work for the "New Scotland Yard" back in my early years in the 70's Tim, but I did not have a "smoke pipe" in my mouth back then as I do now on the forum.!!

Lets see, early 70's means 71,72,73 otherwise 74,75,76 will be mid 70's. 1963 Kikapu'cuk was 8 years old so he was 16,17,18 in early 70's when he was a Sherlock Holmes in New Scotland Yard. I never seen a 16 or 17 years old little Policeman let along being CID or Sherlock Holmes in England, did anybody else :?: That reminds me 1973 it was a article in paper about very first Turkish Cypriot origin Police Constable to be uniform in London, and that was not you Kikapucuk.

At least tell us what training and how long one must spend to meet requirement for Metropolitan Police needs and after how long if you any good to transfer to be Sherlock Holmes in New Scotland Yard :lol: :lol: :lol: I am Turkish Cypriot who lives in TRNC. London boys will know better, Go on tell them to make them smile we don't get charlatan like you on CF always.

Mrs. Gazioglu also remembers

"When I was seven or eight years old, in December 1963, combatants told us that the war had erupted and they would use our house as a frontline -- and that we would have to evacuate our house. We complied and stayed in a coffeehouse with our neighbors. We heard gunshots all the time. Eventually Greek Cypriots, brandishing guns, came and took us outside. They separated the women and children from the men. The made the men line up. At that moment EOKA leader Nikos Samson came and gave them some orders, so they didn't go through with killing the men. They loaded us on trucks and sent us to an ice cream factory and kept us there for a while. From there they took us to a big monastery [Cikko] and again separated the men and took them somewhere else. We stayed there for a week and were later send to Nicosia before we were freed. When the events of 1974 started I had just finished high school. We were living in a place which was called Göçmenköy [Immigrants' Village]. There was a combatant division located nearby. Greek Cypriots were bombing that location; some of our neighbors were killed there. Some of our relatives fled. Those were very difficult days; we found peace after 1974."

"Çarpışmalar neticesi Küçük Kaymaklı'nın bir kısmı hariç Lefkoşa ve varoşlarında müdafaa mevzilerimiz süratle ileri alınarak bugünkü hatlarımız teşekkül ettirildi. Cephane yetersizliği dolayısıyla bir kısım halkın salimen Hamitköy'e taşınması düşmana aradığı fırsatı vermiş ve ancak 26 Aralık 1963 günü Küçük Kaymaklı'ya girebilmişlerdir. Evlerinden çıkmayan 500 soydaşımızın esir alınması ve bunların arasında bâzı gençlerimizin akıbetlerinin hâlâ belli olmaması yanında, Küçük Kaymaklı'nın tahrip ve yağma edilişi, Rum vandalizminin bir abidesi olarak bugün ortada durmaktadır.

Araştırmacı yazar Ahmet Tolgay,
Küçük Kaymakli;'nın boşaltılmasını şöyle anlatmaktadır: 'Mermilerin tükenmesinden sonra, bir katliamın önlenmesi için köyün boşaltılması talimatını alan Küçük Kaymakli'daki mücahitler, bu görevi yerine getirirken ağlıyorlardı. Hüseyin Ruso, ateş yağmuru altında sivil halkın Hamitköy'e çekilmesine yardım ederken vuruldu. EOKA'cılar savunmasız kalan Küçük Kaymakli'ya girdikten sonra kaçamayan Türkler'i toplayıp dondurma fabrikasi;na götürdüler. Kaçırılan Türkler'in bir kısmı kurşuna dizilip bilinmeyen yerlere gömüldüler. Küçük Kaymaklı tutsakları, Türk jetlerinin uçmasından sonra serbest bırakıldılar. 1974 Barış Harekatı'na kadar 11 yıl boyunca işgal altında tutulan Küçük Kaymaklı, soyuldu, yakıldı, yıkıldı. Küçük Kaymaklı, Rum işgalinden en büyük vahşet ve hasarı gören bölgelerimizden biri oldu.'

Hüseyin Ruso was indeed a teacher who sacrificed on December 22, 1963 his life trying not to allow advancing Greek Cypriot EOKA hordes cross a bridge into the Küçük Kaymakli; area of the Turkish quarter of Nicosia... He lost his life but, as did many other brave Turkish Cypriot freedom fighters defending their posts to the death, helped thousands of people escape to safer areas and thus in a way saved their lives...

Ayse Zeytincioglu,
By Sevgul Uludag:

“Ninem birşeyler sezdi, battaniyeleri aldı, altınlarını, paralarını alıp koynuna koydu... Sonra bizi esir aldılar, Cikko’nun manastırı vardı, oraya götürdüler bizi...

Soru: Nasıl götürdüydüler? Otobüsle falan mı?
Ayşe Zeytincioğlu: Yok yok, yayan... Hatta yokladıklarında, ninemin altın çıkısı gelmiş ellerine, ona “Nedir bu?” demişler, ninem de bileziktir diye işaret edince, “Tamam” demiş Rum, “kalsın...” Cikko’nun manastırında kaldık, orada bize yemek verirlerdi. Hatta hiç unutmam, patates kebabı yaptıydı bir Rum kadın, döner derdi bize, “Yiyin” derdi, “kardeşimi vurdunuz ama ben gene da size yemek koyarım yiyesiniz...” Yani Türkler kardeşini vurmuşlar ama gene bize yemek kormuş yiyelim gibisinden...

Soru: Kaç gün kaldıydınız orada?
Ayşe Zeytincioğlu: Kaldık işte... Dayım 15 yaşındaydı, o da bizimleydi, hatta onu ayrı bir yere koydulardı – kadınları, erkekleri ayırdıydılar. 3-4 gün ancak kaldık zannederim orada. Ondan sonra İngiliz bir kadın geldi, çok güzel Türkçe bilirdi, geldi ve bize “Sakın erkeklerinizi bırakmayın, bırakırsanız erkeklerinizi öldürecekler, sizi alıp götürecekler” dedi. Çünkü bizi esir düşen Rumlarla değiştireceklerdi... Bu sefer kadınlar diretti ve gitmek istemediler... Bağırınca “Erkeklerimizi de isteriz” diye, onlar da bu sefer mecbur oldu, o İngiliz kadın da bizden yana çekince...

Solmaz Ersoz,
By Hasan Hasturer:
Esir düşenlerden bir okurumuz o günlerle ilgili şunları aktardı: “Biz kaçamamıştık. Büyük Kaymaklı’dan gelen Rumlar bizi esir almışlardı. Beş yüz kişi kadardık. Kamyonlara doldurulup Lefkoşa’nın Rum kesimindeki Cikkos Manastırına götürülmüştük. Doğruya doğru bize kötü davranılmamıştı. Aralık ayının son günlerinde bizi serbest bırakmışlardı. Türk kesimine dönüşte karşılanışımızı ve duygusallığımızı hiç unutamam.”


Lefkoşa’da Stovolos bölgesinde iki kuyuda yapılan kazıda Küçük Kaymaklı ve yöresinde 1963 döneminde kayboldukları bildirilen 40 Kıbrıslı Türk’ün cesedinin gömülü olduğu tahmin ediliyor.

Otonom Kayıp Şahıslar Komitesi Kıbrıslı Türk üye yardımcısı Ahmet Erdengiz’in verdiği bilgiye göre kazı yapılan bölgenin oldukça işlek bir caddenin yanıbaşında olması çalışmaların zaman zaman zorlukla yürümesine ve gecikmesine neden oluyor.


Turkish prisoners of war can be seen at behind Sacker Nikos Samson in Kucuk Kaymaklı (Omorfita).

Many intellect and respectful people on CF but unfortunately they are much more worthless bastards like Kikapu don't worth to lose a valuable time.

"Tom Soyer", I see you have been busy trying to put up a "defence" for your tales of being a prisoner of war at a old monastery. I don't have time to respond to your post now, but will do so very soon. In the meantime, can you give us a location and the name of the old monastery you claim to have been kept at, or are you claiming you were also kept at the "Cikko monastery" with the TC's statements above.? It is a very simple question. You either know it or you don't. Don't turn it into a project.........please.! :lol:

I'll be with you very soon.
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Postby soyer » Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:35 am

soyer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...i'll wait until this story plays out to the end before I try to make out what the exagerations are.

I'll connect the dots for you between the school where the TC's were held as prisoners by the "Greeks" in 1963 and the "old monastery" story that "Tom Soyer" claims to have been held as soon as he apologises for his lies.

kikapu, we all can wash each others feet, i think you understand that. I am still rooting for soyer, and i have no idea what he can do to redeem this ugly situation;

All "Tom Soyer" has to do, is tell the truth which he has not thus far, and I wish you well in rooting for "Tom Soyer". Perhaps you can reach his consciousness to tel the truth, because he has failed to do so within himself.

I wonder if VP and Halil has finally accepted that "Tom Soyer" took them for a ride with his lies, in which they both supported his lying story. I don't expect them to admit that they were duped by "Tom Soyer" anytime soon.

That would take some courage and honesty on their part.!!

KIKAPU you are the a liar from birth, yet you still insist on same rubbish. I stop not because I lie, but I notice you are a worthless big shit so I stop not to provoke an insolent person like you any more. After all I have my self-esteem to concern.

So according to you Kipaku'cuk,
Mrs Gazioglu
Ahmet Tolgay
Yusuf Kanli
Sevgul Uludag & Ayse Zeytincioglu
Solmaz ersoz & Hasan Hasturer
And many more

Are all liars?. This people was not in your SCHOOL all were in my MONASTERY they also say that same Turks went missing and also man and woman was separated. They all back me up on what I say. Do you also want apology from them :?: :lol: :lol: :lol:

First you insist that I am not from K. Kaymakli. I REPLY name of my neighbors, you ignore. You did not give me nothing to prove about you.
second I was not prisoner. I REPLY name of persons I was prisond with, you ignore again. Yet you not prove about yourself being one.
Third is it SCHOOL or MONASTERY :?: I say Monastery so all the others say same. Where Were you Kikapucuk on your own :?:

SURPRISED SUPRISED look what I found. :lol: :lol: :lol: "Sherlock Holmes",
I did work for the "New Scotland Yard" back in my early years in the 70's Tim, but I did not have a "smoke pipe" in my mouth back then as I do now on the forum.!!

Lets see, early 70's means 71,72,73 otherwise 74,75,76 will be mid 70's. 1963 Kikapu'cuk was 8 years old so he was 16,17,18 in early 70's when he was a Sherlock Holmes in New Scotland Yard. I never seen a 16 or 17 years old little Policeman let along being CID or Sherlock Holmes in England, did anybody else :?: That reminds me 1973 it was a article in paper about very first Turkish Cypriot origin Police Constable to be uniform in London, and that was not you Kikapucuk.

At least tell us what training and how long one must spend to meet requirement for Metropolitan Police needs and after how long if you any good to transfer to be Sherlock Holmes in New Scotland Yard :lol: :lol: :lol: I am Turkish Cypriot who lives in TRNC. London boys will know better, Go on tell them to make them smile we don't get charlatan like you on CF always.

Mrs. Gazioglu also remembers

"When I was seven or eight years old, in December 1963, combatants told us that the war had erupted and they would use our house as a frontline -- and that we would have to evacuate our house. We complied and stayed in a coffeehouse with our neighbors. We heard gunshots all the time. Eventually Greek Cypriots, brandishing guns, came and took us outside. They separated the women and children from the men. The made the men line up. At that moment EOKA leader Nikos Samson came and gave them some orders, so they didn't go through with killing the men. They loaded us on trucks and sent us to an ice cream factory and kept us there for a while. From there they took us to a big monastery [Cikko] and again separated the men and took them somewhere else. We stayed there for a week and were later send to Nicosia before we were freed. When the events of 1974 started I had just finished high school. We were living in a place which was called Göçmenköy [Immigrants' Village]. There was a combatant division located nearby. Greek Cypriots were bombing that location; some of our neighbors were killed there. Some of our relatives fled. Those were very difficult days; we found peace after 1974."

"Çarpışmalar neticesi Küçük Kaymaklı'nın bir kısmı hariç Lefkoşa ve varoşlarında müdafaa mevzilerimiz süratle ileri alınarak bugünkü hatlarımız teşekkül ettirildi. Cephane yetersizliği dolayısıyla bir kısım halkın salimen Hamitköy'e taşınması düşmana aradığı fırsatı vermiş ve ancak 26 Aralık 1963 günü Küçük Kaymaklı'ya girebilmişlerdir. Evlerinden çıkmayan 500 soydaşımızın esir alınması ve bunların arasında bâzı gençlerimizin akıbetlerinin hâlâ belli olmaması yanında, Küçük Kaymaklı'nın tahrip ve yağma edilişi, Rum vandalizminin bir abidesi olarak bugün ortada durmaktadır.

Araştırmacı yazar Ahmet Tolgay,
Küçük Kaymakli;'nın boşaltılmasını şöyle anlatmaktadır: 'Mermilerin tükenmesinden sonra, bir katliamın önlenmesi için köyün boşaltılması talimatını alan Küçük Kaymakli'daki mücahitler, bu görevi yerine getirirken ağlıyorlardı. Hüseyin Ruso, ateş yağmuru altında sivil halkın Hamitköy'e çekilmesine yardım ederken vuruldu. EOKA'cılar savunmasız kalan Küçük Kaymakli'ya girdikten sonra kaçamayan Türkler'i toplayıp dondurma fabrikasi;na götürdüler. Kaçırılan Türkler'in bir kısmı kurşuna dizilip bilinmeyen yerlere gömüldüler. Küçük Kaymaklı tutsakları, Türk jetlerinin uçmasından sonra serbest bırakıldılar. 1974 Barış Harekatı'na kadar 11 yıl boyunca işgal altında tutulan Küçük Kaymaklı, soyuldu, yakıldı, yıkıldı. Küçük Kaymaklı, Rum işgalinden en büyük vahşet ve hasarı gören bölgelerimizden biri oldu.'

Hüseyin Ruso was indeed a teacher who sacrificed on December 22, 1963 his life trying not to allow advancing Greek Cypriot EOKA hordes cross a bridge into the Küçük Kaymakli; area of the Turkish quarter of Nicosia... He lost his life but, as did many other brave Turkish Cypriot freedom fighters defending their posts to the death, helped thousands of people escape to safer areas and thus in a way saved their lives...

Ayse Zeytincioglu,
By Sevgul Uludag:

“Ninem birşeyler sezdi, battaniyeleri aldı, altınlarını, paralarını alıp koynuna koydu... Sonra bizi esir aldılar, Cikko’nun manastırı vardı, oraya götürdüler bizi...

Soru: Nasıl götürdüydüler? Otobüsle falan mı?
Ayşe Zeytincioğlu: Yok yok, yayan... Hatta yokladıklarında, ninemin altın çıkısı gelmiş ellerine, ona “Nedir bu?” demişler, ninem de bileziktir diye işaret edince, “Tamam” demiş Rum, “kalsın...” Cikko’nun manastırında kaldık, orada bize yemek verirlerdi. Hatta hiç unutmam, patates kebabı yaptıydı bir Rum kadın, döner derdi bize, “Yiyin” derdi, “kardeşimi vurdunuz ama ben gene da size yemek koyarım yiyesiniz...” Yani Türkler kardeşini vurmuşlar ama gene bize yemek kormuş yiyelim gibisinden...

Soru: Kaç gün kaldıydınız orada?
Ayşe Zeytincioğlu: Kaldık işte... Dayım 15 yaşındaydı, o da bizimleydi, hatta onu ayrı bir yere koydulardı – kadınları, erkekleri ayırdıydılar. 3-4 gün ancak kaldık zannederim orada. Ondan sonra İngiliz bir kadın geldi, çok güzel Türkçe bilirdi, geldi ve bize “Sakın erkeklerinizi bırakmayın, bırakırsanız erkeklerinizi öldürecekler, sizi alıp götürecekler” dedi. Çünkü bizi esir düşen Rumlarla değiştireceklerdi... Bu sefer kadınlar diretti ve gitmek istemediler... Bağırınca “Erkeklerimizi de isteriz” diye, onlar da bu sefer mecbur oldu, o İngiliz kadın da bizden yana çekince...

Solmaz Ersoz,
By Hasan Hasturer:
Esir düşenlerden bir okurumuz o günlerle ilgili şunları aktardı: “Biz kaçamamıştık. Büyük Kaymaklı’dan gelen Rumlar bizi esir almışlardı. Beş yüz kişi kadardık. Kamyonlara doldurulup Lefkoşa’nın Rum kesimindeki Cikkos Manastırına götürülmüştük. Doğruya doğru bize kötü davranılmamıştı. Aralık ayının son günlerinde bizi serbest bırakmışlardı. Türk kesimine dönüşte karşılanışımızı ve duygusallığımızı hiç unutamam.”


Lefkoşa’da Stovolos bölgesinde iki kuyuda yapılan kazıda Küçük Kaymaklı ve yöresinde 1963 döneminde kayboldukları bildirilen 40 Kıbrıslı Türk’ün cesedinin gömülü olduğu tahmin ediliyor.

Otonom Kayıp Şahıslar Komitesi Kıbrıslı Türk üye yardımcısı Ahmet Erdengiz’in verdiği bilgiye göre kazı yapılan bölgenin oldukça işlek bir caddenin yanıbaşında olması çalışmaların zaman zaman zorlukla yürümesine ve gecikmesine neden oluyor.


Turkish prisoners of war can be seen at behind Sacker Nikos Samson in Kucuk Kaymaklı (Omorfita).

Many intellect and respectful people on CF but unfortunately they are much more worthless bastards like Kikapu don't worth to lose a valuable time.

I never ever wrote about name of monastery because I was not one hundred percent sure, for me it was just monastery.

Don't forget about your Sherlock Holmes adventures will you Kikapu'cuk I like to know more about that. 16 year old New Scotland Yard detective. You live in a dream world now let along when you were eight.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:29 pm

"Tom Soyer"

I'm going to answer and prove you wrong "Tom Soyer" in stages, because I don't have the time to just spend on you, just because you have these little outburst in calling me a liar from birth. :lol:

"Tom Soyer", I have a question for you, and please, don't be embarrassed to answer it truthfully.

Here is my question. Did you ever finish your Propaganda school with a certificate or were you a dropout.?? The reason I ask is, I have never seen anyone incriminate themselves so much all on their own with their own information that they have provided. Have you read any of those little stories of those who were held as prisoners, or did you just found them on Google and thought to yourself, "yes, I have the goods now, to show Kikapu what a idiot and a liar he is" but each time you bury yourself further into trouble, and you wonder why I can't believe your story of being a prisoner of war.

Have you noticed that VP and Halil are keeping their distances from your stories, because they have probably seen your self incriminating evidence. I don't have a problem of you living in Kücük Kaymakli and knowing few names from there, despite not knowing what happened to the little girl. I just want you to answer my questions I gave you in the very beginning of this subject on being held a prisoner of war and wanted to compare notes with you, to see if in fact we were at the same place, and since that request, you have done everything but answer my simple questions. I've actually been saving the very best and important question for you last to answer, but lets hear the answers for the others first. If you go along with it "Tom Soyer", I'll be glad to answer all your questions. So, here are the original questions one more time.

soyer wrote: i have very bad memorable hard times end of 1963 in K. Kaymakli (Omorfida) i was prisoner under that flag of yours at age of 12

Kikapu wrote:Where were you a prisoner in 1963 Soyer..??

soyer wrote:For asking me this i take that you also had some involvement there.

Kikapu wrote:Soyer
Q1. I know your English is somewhat limited in expressing yourself very clearly, and I'm not picking on you because of it, but I would like to know just what you meant with the above statement.

Q2. How many of you were kept as prisoners at the "Old Monastery" Soyer.??

Q3. Soyer, are the above detailed information that you gave are your recollections of what happened or did you read them from somewhere, or were they told to you by others.??

Soyer, you say you are from Kücük Kaymakli and back in 1963, you said you were 12 years old, so your memory should be pretty good, so let me ask you a question. Sometime in 1962/63, something very bad happened to a little girl on the way home from school. Do you know what that was by any chance.??

Just answer questions 1,2 and 3 please.

Just to let you see that I'm willing to answer your questions same time, I'll explain the "Sherlock Holmes" thing that you have unfortunately got it all wrong, just because your English is lacking a bit and that you are not able to understand the information written down. It's not your fault, so don't take it personally. That reply was made to Tim Drayton who is English, and his English is better than yours and mine put together, therefore he got what I was talking about as others did, but somehow you got lost in the interpretation of it, so let me explain it to you. In the future, please put a link to your quotes of me, so that I can find them easier.

Tim Drayton wrote:What attracted me to this forum was the generally high intellectual standard of debate that goes on here.!

Kikapu wrote:That's true Tim, or at least it was until "Tom Soyer" showed up of course.!!

Tim Drayton wrote:Fiction can be as entertaining as fact!

Kikapu wrote:As long as Fiction is kept as such and not passed as a Fact, as in "Tom Soyer's" posts..

Tim Drayton wrote:Thanks to our resident "Sherlock Holmes", they do not get away with that for long.

Kikapu wrote:I did work for the "New Scotland Yard" back in my early years in the 70's Tim, but I did not have a "smoke pipe" in my mouth back then as I do now on the forum.!! ... d&start=30

Now "Tom Soyer", now that you have read the whole text above, where does it say that I claimed to be a police officer at the "New Scotland yard" or that I was working there early 70's.

I said I worked for the "NSY" in my early years, in the 70's, which is true. I was there from 1974-79. I did not say, I worked there in early 70's.

I said, that I did not have a "smoke pipe" in my mouth while I was at the "NSY", meaning, the pipe being something Sherlock Holmes used, I was not a police officer, but I do have one on the forum, meaning, that I'm catching liars like you.

It really wasn't that difficult to follow that short interaction between myself and Tim, but you managed to get lost in it. You were just too eager to score a point I guess. Well, don't wait for it to happen "Tom Soyer", because it will not happen in your life time.

So, answer my questions I gave you, and I will give you more explanations on your other claims later.
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Postby soyer » Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:23 pm

Kikapu wrote:
I did work for the "New Scotland Yard" back in my early years in the 70's Tim, but I did not have a "smoke pipe" in my mouth back then as I do now on the forum.!!

Cevir de gaz yandı :!:

If you did not say early :!: then who did :?:

My English is good enough to know the difference between EARLY and MID, 74,75 means MID 70's don't tell me you didn't know :roll: WHY YOU DON'T ADMIT YOU ARE THE COCK-AND-BULL STORY ( Sherlock Holmes) NEW VERSION AUTHOR.

When comes to VP and HALIL did they tell you why they keep away :!: I am sure they did not, you not only a LIAR you also PARANOIAC, I will pass this because they can answer for themselves if they thing you worth enough to answer.

I am shock, you still have a face to ask me same questions which I have answer time after time. How thick can one be yet claims to be Sherlock Holmes :idea:. Mrs Gazioglu, Ahmet Tolgay, Yusuf Kanlı, Ayse Zeytincioglu, Sevgul Uludag, Solmaz Ersoy, Hasan Hasturer answers not good enough for you. YOU SHOW ME ONE PERSON WHO SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL STORY, before you ask me for a answer any farher, I am not in a habit of imaginary arguments.


Give a idiot (Sherlock Holmes) enough rope and he'll hang himself
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Postby DT. » Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:28 pm

soyer wrote:Kikapu wrote:
I did work for the "New Scotland Yard" back in my early years in the 70's Tim, but I did not have a "smoke pipe" in my mouth back then as I do now on the forum.!!

Cevir de gaz yandı :!:

If you did not say early :!: then who did :?:

My English is good enough to know the difference between EARLY and MID, 74,75 means MID 70's don't tell me you didn't know :roll: WHY YOU DON'T ADMIT YOU ARE THE COCK-AND-BULL STORY ( Sherlock Holmes) NEW VERSION AUTHOR.

When comes to VP and HALIL did they tell you why they keep away :!: I am sure they did not, you not only a LIAR you also PARANOIAC, I will pass this because they can answer for themselves if they thing you worth enough to answer.

I am shock, you still have a face to ask me same questions which I have answer time after time. How thick can one be yet claims to be Sherlock Holmes :idea:. Mrs Gazioglu, Ahmet Tolgay, Yusuf Kanlı, Ayse Zeytincioglu, Sevgul Uludag, Solmaz Ersoy, Hasan Hasturer answers not good enough for you. YOU SHOW ME ONE PERSON WHO SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL STORY, before you ask me for a answer any farher, I am not in a habit of imaginary arguments.


Give a idiot (Sherlock Holmes) enough rope and he'll hang himself

Please refer to the red enlarged word. :roll: Sorry for butting in Kiks but I coudn't take it anymore.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:45 pm

DT. wrote:
soyer wrote:Kikapu wrote:
I did work for the "New Scotland Yard" back in my early years in the 70's Tim, but I did not have a "smoke pipe" in my mouth back then as I do now on the forum.!!

Cevir de gaz yandı :!:

If you did not say early :!: then who did :?:

My English is good enough to know the difference between EARLY and MID, 74,75 means MID 70's don't tell me you didn't know :roll: WHY YOU DON'T ADMIT YOU ARE THE COCK-AND-BULL STORY ( Sherlock Holmes) NEW VERSION AUTHOR.

When comes to VP and HALIL did they tell you why they keep away :!: I am sure they did not, you not only a LIAR you also PARANOIAC, I will pass this because they can answer for themselves if they thing you worth enough to answer.

I am shock, you still have a face to ask me same questions which I have answer time after time. How thick can one be yet claims to be Sherlock Holmes :idea:. Mrs Gazioglu, Ahmet Tolgay, Yusuf Kanlı, Ayse Zeytincioglu, Sevgul Uludag, Solmaz Ersoy, Hasan Hasturer answers not good enough for you. YOU SHOW ME ONE PERSON WHO SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL STORY, before you ask me for a answer any farher, I am not in a habit of imaginary arguments.


Give a idiot (Sherlock Holmes) enough rope and he'll hang himself

Please refer to the red enlarged word. :roll: Sorry for butting in Kiks but I coudn't take it anymore.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

DT, please do jump in anytime, and the same goes to others also, because as we say in the States, "it takes a village" in trying to teach or do things in life, and now I can see, that it is going to take a village to teach this VILLAGE IDIOT.!!
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