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Arguments after 1st julay meeting at North

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby RichardB » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:43 pm

It sounds like a very good and logical assessment! After all it has also been disclosed by Bananiot, therefore its validity should not be disputed!

Please excuse me for butting in (as A Brit) but my wife has been following this (Not often I can get her away from the TV) and she was telling me to post avery similar sort of post as you Kifeas



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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:44 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Some questions to all.

1. How can you have one country with two seperate citizenship's, as the case in what some TC leaders want for Cyprus.?? Are there such examples anywhere in the world, or is this another one of those "virgin birth" ideas.?? Even in Switzerland, which is a Confederacy State with 26 Cantons with 4 different languages, yet, they are all proud to call themselves, Swiss.!! Am I missing something in what some of these TC leaders want. Just what is a definition of a "united Cyprus" anyway.?? "Separate but equal" perhaps, as the case was in the States before 1960's, which was very Racist to say the least.!!

2. What is the advantage of the GC's delaying any settlement talks that some TC leaders keep bringing up.?? Just what is the advantage for the GC's and disadvantages for the TC's if there are delays.??. Is there something very big waiting around the corner to take effect, if certain dates are not met to finalize the settlement.?? Surely by now everyone knows what the UN resolutions on what BBF is, so sooner they accept the obvious meaning of what BBF is and sooner they stop trying to redefine what BBF is, and sooner we fulfill all the Human Rights issues, then we should be mostly there at the finishing line with one or two more details to be cleared at the "goal line".

You are perfectly right Kikabu, however, can you take a guess as to why the Turkish /TC side is making all these absurd claims and demands that only delay the process?

Errrr, let me see.!! :lol:

I know. Blame the failure of the talks on the Turk hating Papadopoulos, and demand that the world MUST now recognise the "trnc", because the GC's do not want a "Fair and Just" peace..!! :idea: :idea:

Yes but Papadopoulos has gone already, and this trick can no longer work, regardless of the fact that Bananiot has thrown his "life jacket" already by claiming that he (Papadopoulos) is still behind Christofias and is pulling most of the strings!

NO, no, no, no Kifeas. Don't you know, that Christofias on his own is a nice guy and he promised to find a solution at all cost and all the TC leaders have been praising him since becoming President, and find a solution and a settlement, even though the AP will not be put on the table (just under the table for quick references by the TC's during the negotiations). But Papadopoulos will not let him, therefore it is not the TC's fault, or Christofias, but Papadopoulos. He just won't go away. He is still saying OXI, OXI, OXI.............!! :lol:

It sounds like a very good and logical assessment! After all it has also been disclosed by Bananiot, therefore its validity should not be disputed! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That should teach you a lesson in doubting what our good friend Bananiot says in the future. :lol:
Last edited by Kikapu on Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:44 pm

But she didnt put it quite as nice as you :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:47 pm

Turkey and not the T/Cs is making the decisions. Our T/C compatriots must accept ONE SOVEREINTY AND ONE SINGLE CITENSHIP or give up their right to call themselves Cypriots and be absorbed by Turkey .What is wrong with one sovereignty and one single citizenship , is it perhaps incompatible with the monstrosity decorating Pentadachtilos .
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:52 pm

miltiades wrote:Turkey and not the T/Cs is making the decisions. Our T/C compatriots must accept ONE SOVEREINTY AND ONE SINGLE CITENSHIP or give up their right to call themselves Cypriots and be absorbed by Turkey .What is wrong with one sovereignty and one single citizenship , is it perhaps incompatible with the monstrosity decorating Pentadachtilos .

:shock: Are you sober? :lol:
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:54 pm

RichardB wrote:
It sounds like a very good and logical assessment! After all it has also been disclosed by Bananiot, therefore its validity should not be disputed!

Please excuse me for butting in (as A Brit) but my wife has been following this (Not often I can get her away from the TV) and she was telling me to post avery similar sort of post as you Kifeas



(kai Eleni)

I do not know what your wife has in her mind, but I can assure you I didn't mean to be a little bit sarcastic with what I have said above! :wink: :lol:
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:03 pm

Kifeas wrote:
RichardB wrote:
It sounds like a very good and logical assessment! After all it has also been disclosed by Bananiot, therefore its validity should not be disputed!

Please excuse me for butting in (as A Brit) but my wife has been following this (Not often I can get her away from the TV) and she was telling me to post avery similar sort of post as you Kifeas



(kai Eleni)

I do not know what your wife has in her mind, but I can assure you I didn't mean to be a little bit sarcastic with what I have said above! :wink: :lol:


I'm just the keyboard player now

Eleni is serious not Sarcastic

She doesnt know why someone would say that a former President would be able to influence the present one

Her words not mine

Wish she'd stayed watching the TV now I think she's getting addicted :lol:
(last sentance was mine)
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:10 pm

miltiades wrote:What is wrong with one sovereignty and one single citizenship , is it perhaps incompatible with the monstrosity decorating Pentadachtilos .

There is one thing wrong Miltiades, don't you know it? With one sovereignty and one citizenship, how will they secure the permanent and perennial, absolute and unchallenged Turkification -as a separate people (nation,) of such a "God promised and given" gift they had the blessing to receive in 1974!
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:20 pm

RichardB wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
RichardB wrote:
It sounds like a very good and logical assessment! After all it has also been disclosed by Bananiot, therefore its validity should not be disputed!

Please excuse me for butting in (as A Brit) but my wife has been following this (Not often I can get her away from the TV) and she was telling me to post avery similar sort of post as you Kifeas



(kai Eleni)

I do not know what your wife has in her mind, but I can assure you I didn't mean to be a little bit sarcastic with what I have said above! :wink: :lol:


I'm just the keyboard player now

Eleni is serious not Sarcastic

She doesnt know why someone would say that a former President would be able to influence the present one

Her words not mine

Wish she'd stayed watching the TV now I think she's getting addicted :lol:
(last sentance was mine)

Well, don't we say that Talat is powerless and that, behind him, all the decisions on Cyprus are made by the deep-state bureaucrats of the FM and the military in Turkey? Why wouldn't someone wishing to ameliorate and balance out the blame, “discover” that on our side too, Christofias is also powerless because he is “coached” by someone else, that is why he “appears” to be “uncompromising!” What will you do, if you wish to throw a "life jacket" to a friend?
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:41 pm

Kifeas wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
RichardB wrote:
It sounds like a very good and logical assessment! After all it has also been disclosed by Bananiot, therefore its validity should not be disputed!

Please excuse me for butting in (as A Brit) but my wife has been following this (Not often I can get her away from the TV) and she was telling me to post avery similar sort of post as you Kifeas



(kai Eleni)

I do not know what your wife has in her mind, but I can assure you I didn't mean to be a little bit sarcastic with what I have said above! :wink: :lol:


I'm just the keyboard player now

Eleni is serious not Sarcastic

She doesnt know why someone would say that a former President would be able to influence the present one

Her words not mine

Wish she'd stayed watching the TV now I think she's getting addicted :lol:
(last sentance was mine)

Well, don't we say that Talat is powerless and that, behind him, all the decisions on Cyprus are made by the deep-state bureaucrats of the FM and the military in Turkey? Why wouldn't someone wishing to ameliorate and balance out the blame, “discover” that on our side too, Christofias is also powerless because he is “coached” by someone else, that is why he “appears” to be “uncompromising!” What will you do, if you wish to throw a "life jacket" to a friend?

Well Kifeas

Eleni has gone to bed

But my personal opinion (and this is mine not Eleni's )

I say that the person who said that.....

Really has not a great deal of knowledge about what constitutes a democracy.

It is common knowledge that Talat is governed by the Ankara government whereas the ROC government is independent from foriegn influence.

To answer your question I dont know why anyone would say that without any proof
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