Kifeas wrote:RichardB wrote:Kifeas wrote:RichardB wrote:It sounds like a very good and logical assessment! After all it has also been disclosed by Bananiot, therefore its validity should not be disputed!
Please excuse me for butting in (as A Brit) but my wife has been following this (Not often I can get her away from the TV) and she was telling me to post avery similar sort of post as you Kifeas
(kai Eleni)
I do not know what your wife has in her mind, but I can assure you I didn't mean to be a little bit sarcastic with what I have said above!

I'm just the keyboard player now
Eleni is serious not Sarcastic
She doesnt know why someone would say that a former President would be able to influence the present one
Her words not mine
Wish she'd stayed watching the TV now I think she's getting addicted
(last sentance was mine)
Well, don't we say that Talat is powerless and that, behind him, all the decisions on Cyprus are made by the deep-state bureaucrats of the FM and the military in Turkey? Why wouldn't someone wishing to ameliorate and balance out the blame, “discover” that on our side too, Christofias is also powerless because he is “coached” by someone else, that is why he “appears” to be “uncompromising!” What will you do, if you wish to throw a "life jacket" to a friend?
Well Kifeas
Eleni has gone to bed
But my personal opinion (and this is mine not Eleni's )
I say that the person who said that.....
Really has not a great deal of knowledge about what constitutes a democracy.
It is common knowledge that Talat is governed by the Ankara government whereas the ROC government is independent from foriegn influence.
To answer your question I dont know why anyone would say that without any proof