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Social Experiment - Freedom of Speech and Racism!

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Social Experiment - Freedom of Speech and Racism!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:12 pm

The forum has had considerable debate on issues of free speech lately. I start this new thread to encourage further debate about the important issue and to also touch on the taboo subject of racism.

Recently, I and others made a short appearance on another forum. Our agenda was not to offend but to engage that particular forum in a social experiment. Sadly, the forum in question failed the test by not identifying any underlying issues or at least approach the situation with humor.

On this forum I had posted the following:

"Hello my colonial masters,

I am another new member from the CF who has only recently discovered this splendid forum. I had been a member at CF for about 2 years. The CF is a bit too heavy. Too many political discussions about the Cyprus Problem.

But since I discovered this site, I do not think I can go back. You all seem so splendidly friendly. Why discuss that silly Cyprus Problem when we can talk about the really important issues such as Animals and Animal Welfare, Health and Fitness, Cyprus Cost of Living, Restaurants and Bars, Home and Garden, Going Out, Buying Property and my all time favorite - Food and Recipes. Oh yes, sometimes I get in the mood to whack on the apron and cook up a storm. So I look forward to sharing a few recipes with you splendid folk

I am afraid that the CF has become a little too heavy for my overly delicate and sensitive nature. Thank heavens for this forum. I mean what a jolly good life saver. I might even find the forum very useful when I decide to move to Cyprus. So I will be looking for useful tips on where to buy a property complete with a swimming pool, so that I can have an endless supply of water. Useful tips on pool maintenance will also be welcome.

Thank you all. "

The above post could be deemed as rather sarcastic, but the ulterior aim was to test many things as outlined below. The readers unfortunately failed to comprehend or identify the underlining social tests, which is quite sad.

Now, the above post was a social experiment of sorts. Sadly, the way it was dealt with seems to indicate the severe non existence of humor. It made myself and others appreciate the clinical, bitchy and bitter nature of that forum's participants. Others may have dealt with the post in a different manner and countered it with a bit of humor. I know that Australians, Cypriots etc are very famous for "taking the piss" and laughing at themselves. Why were these qualities not prevalent at this forum? Does this reveal a sense of insecurity?

Even posts about philosophy met the axe! Was this because they were posted by Cypriots that had migrated from CF and engaged them in not so trivial banter?

Does this indicate a perception of being "beyond reproach" and being superior to the indigenous Cypriots?

Does it indicate a violation against freedom of speech and expression which is something we are blessed with at CF, thanks to Admin.

Does it indicate a degree of shallowness by avoiding cutting edge issues and discussing issues of triviality such as "pool maintenance" at a time when Cyprus is drastically rationing the precious resource?

Does it indicate that certain individuals do not care or appreciate the drastic problems faced by the island?

Have I and others identified a source of bigotry?

Many years ago, when many migrants were flooding into Australia, the immigrants had to face the indignity of racial victimisation in a conservative young Anglo Saxon society. These migrants congregated in certain suburbs and generally stuck together due to language and cultural similarities and as a comfort zone against their insecurities of being in a foreign country. These days, this racism has dissipated and these immigrants have now more or less assimilated into Australian culture. The new wave of migrants from Iraq and Afghanistan are now suffering the same indignities from the Anglo Saxon society and also from second and third generation migrants!

In Cyprus we are seeing the same thing with migrants searching for a better "life style," congregating in their own ghettos, mainly in Pafos. Are some migrants avoiding the experience of Cypriot culture?

Do the indigenous locals have a right to express their concerns against these ghettos and request upon certain individuals to "assimilate", as was experienced by migrants in Australia, USA and UK?

Should Cypriots be irritated with the aesthetic poor architecture of many developments catering to the individuals in question, who are searching for a better lifestyle?

Have many traditional Cypriot villages been destroyed by these developments?

Are certain individuals treating the indigenous Cypriots with a certain degree of contempt and disrespect in their own country?

Are these individuals racist?

It will be very interesting to read your views.

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Postby greggy » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:20 pm

How bored are you to create posts like this
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Postby perdike » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:52 pm

I find it a very thought provoking, stimulating and interesting post, and I have been waiting for people's ideas. I don't feel competent to comment because I live far away. My two children are Cypriot and that is why I take such an interest.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:51 pm

Excellent post paphitis

many, i think. very valid comments and observations

I am presently at work but will add my thoughts later this evening

Good to see you back on forum
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Postby Feisty » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:07 pm

Going back to the begining of your post, I would imagine that the members of the forum you joined weren't particularly interested in being part of your 'social experiment' and would also hazard a guess that some of the people you were carrying out the experiment with have reputations which precede them.
Perhaps it was racist on your behalf to try to impose your ways onto an established forum instead of integrating with them.
I'm sure they are also too busy getting on with living to care whether or not they passed your test.
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Postby Magnus » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:56 pm

To be honest, I don't think the response you got was anything to do with bigotry. I reckon your post rubbed them up the wrong way and they just thought 'what a tosser'.

While I think your post is funny (especially 'hello my colonial masters'), they probably felt that you were an outsider barging in to criticise them on their 'home turf'. They are happy to just chat about their daily lives and bearing in mind most of them are British ex-pats they probably don't care about the Cyprus Problem as much as a Cypriot does.

They were also a bit wary of new members coming in to disrupt their forum at the time so they probably didn't appreciate the humour. You might have been better off posting a 'vanilla' introduction and working up from there. The ones that say 'my wife and I are moving to XYZ' seem to go down better.
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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:56 pm

Welcome back P. :D

Sure others joined me in watching your progress in the other place. Very brave and interesting trial in adding a little spice and perhaps anarchy to the other place. ( Don't get me wrong - the other place does serve some very useful functions being a mine of info and support for ex-pats ). I guess starting off a post with ref to former colonial masters would get people on the defensive and they were all well aware of where you and others had come from which added to the challenge and they responded by belittling you, your motives and your posts.

If anything was proved to me by your exp. it is that this cyprus-forum is the real home of honest free speech on all aspects of CY.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:22 pm

Once again welcome back paphitis.

As I'm sure some members will know I also moved to the other forum for a short while.

So whilst the others were of Cypriot origin (not sure if thats the correct word) may I give my views as a Brit.

In a nutshell I was quite embarrassed how the other 'defectees' from CF were treated. What happened to the so called Britishsense of humour?

To Magnus
They were also a bit wary of new members coming in to disrupt their forum at the time so they probably didn't appreciate the humour. You might have been better off posting a 'vanilla' introduction and working up from there. The ones that say 'my wife and I are moving to XYZ' seem to go down better

I did in fact do this, and I can honestly say that all I posted was true and in no way could it have been misconstrued as offensive. One member of the other forum welcomed me and asked other questions which again I answered honestly then i was met with a barrage of cynisism -Post deleted!!

To Fiesty
Perhaps it was racist on your behalf to try to impose your ways onto an established forum instead of integrating with them.
I'm sure they are also too busy getting on with living to care whether or not they passed your test.

I dont know if you followed the other forum but i can assure you that none of the postings made by persons involved were racist.
Humourous yes , Sacastic possibly but definately not racist.

To Bill
If anything was proved to me by your exp. it is that this cyprus-forum is the real home of honest free speech on all aspects of CY.

I would agree with this 90% Bill but sometimes I do have my reservations.

I think the most worrying aspect of all this is that some of the persons on the other forum may take this attitude out of their little forum world and carry on in the same way in the real world.

I'm certainly not saying that all the expats are the same but I know from experience that a great many are not prepared to integrate and take hold the Cypriot culture and I would say in answer to this

Are certain individuals treating the indigenous Cypriots with a certain degree of contempt and disrespect in their own country?


In Cyprus we are seeing the same thing with migrants searching for a better "life style," congregating in their own ghettos, mainly in Pafos. Are some migrants avoiding the experience of Cypriot culture?

Yes we hear the same people moaning about the immigration into the UK and the immigrant encaves in the Uk and yet are doing the same in Cyprus

Does it indicate that certain individuals do not care or appreciate the drastic problems faced by the island?

Many expats are only interested in their own lifestyle and do not care of any problems in the land they have come to live in and enjoy.

Maybe some on forum are now wondering what on earth a Brit is doing posting this seemingly anti British Tirade. You are probably thinking that he doesnt live here why what gives him the right to comment!!

Well I am not Living in Cy at the moment but on and off during the past 30 years I have lived on the Island a lot longer than most of the expats on Forum. I shall return in the next couple of years (with my Cypriot Family) To live in my village away from all the posing 'good time jonny'
expats amongst real people ..Cypriot people.

Please I am not making this accusation against all expats on the Island but if the cap fits.......

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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:45 pm

RichardB wrote:I would agree with this 90% Bill but sometimes I do have my reservations.

Yes, ok RB, know what you mean, let's push for the last 10% :)
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Postby Niki » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:46 pm

I am just gobsmacked you even think the post was a 'social experiment' and anything to do with 'free speech'!!

I would guess you are young and have a lot of maturing to do before you can even begin to have a respected opinion.

The CL forum is most certainly not perfect and can be biased but your post was insulting and lacked even the most basic understanding, I also suspect the post was written only because of the fact you felt the need to show misguided support for a certain ex member who herself never went as far as this. Don't be a sheep.
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