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Social Experiment - Freedom of Speech and Racism!

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Postby RichardB » Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:24 pm

Zimbo wrote

"RichardB"]Once again welcome back paphitis.

As I'm sure some members will know I also moved to the other forum for a short while.

So whilst the others were of Cypriot origin (not sure if thats the correct word) may I give my views as a Brit.

In a nutshell I was quite embarrassed how the other 'defectees' from CF were treated. What happened to the so called Britishsense of humour?

To Magnus
They were also a bit wary of new members coming in to disrupt their forum at the time so they probably didn't appreciate the humour. You might have been better off posting a 'vanilla' introduction and working up from there. The ones that say 'my wife and I are moving to XYZ' seem to go down better

I did in fact do this, and I can honestly say that all I posted was true and in no way could it have been misconstrued as offensive. One member of the other forum welcomed me and asked other questions which again I answered honestly then i was met with a barrage of cynisism -Post deleted!!

To Fiesty
Perhaps it was racist on your behalf to try to impose your ways onto an established forum instead of integrating with them.
I'm sure they are also too busy getting on with living to care whether or not they passed your test.

I dont know if you followed the other forum but i can assure you that none of the postings made by persons involved were racist.
Humourous yes , Sacastic possibly but definately not racist.

To Bill
If anything was proved to me by your exp. it is that this cyprus-forum is the real home of honest free speech on all aspects of CY.

I would agree with this 90% Bill but sometimes I do have my reservations.

I think the most worrying aspect of all this is that some of the persons on the other forum may take this attitude out of their little forum world and carry on in the same way in the real world.

I'm certainly not saying that all the expats are the same but I know from experience that a great many are not prepared to integrate and take hold the Cypriot culture and I would say in answer to this

Are certain individuals treating the indigenous Cypriots with a certain degree of contempt and disrespect in their own country?


In Cyprus we are seeing the same thing with migrants searching for a better "life style," congregating in their own ghettos, mainly in Pafos. Are some migrants avoiding the experience of Cypriot culture?

Yes we hear the same people moaning about the immigration into the UK and the immigrant encaves in the Uk and yet are doing the same in Cyprus

Does it indicate that certain individuals do not care or appreciate the drastic problems faced by the island?

Many expats are only interested in their own lifestyle and do not care of any problems in the land they have come to live in and enjoy.

What a hypocrite! Should anyone make comments re issues in Cyprus you are arrogant enought to make sarcastic comments. You can't have it both ways. :twisted: (added by zimbo to make it look as if i wrote this)
Maybe some on forum are now wondering what on earth a Brit is doing posting this seemingly anti British Tirade. You are probably thinking that he doesnt live here why what gives him the right to comment!!


If you are going to use a post of mine I would appreciate you qouting it in the full context and not add your pieces to it Thereby making it look as if I wrote the above

My quote in full without Zimbos additions can be found here ... 26&start=0
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:25 pm

Paphitis, apologies but I was unreservedly enjoying the delights of Cyprus today so was not in a position to post.

Very good to hear that you have been enjoying everything Cyprus has to offer.

Good answer! Very refreshing and thank you for being honest.

I understand your right to feel 'Cypriot' and would never underestimate the effect the 'invasion' must have had. Indeed I find it difficult to offer opinions as I haven't experienced anything like this although I offer sympathy. Honest answer.


Paphitis it is the way you approach the posts accusing people of faults or opinions that I believe you do unfairly and without just cause that I have issues with. I for example have become a 'waste of space' and you know nothing about me or why I am in Cyprus. I don't at this point wish to expand on the reasons but it is far deeper than lifestyle. I would need to be far wealthier for this to be a lifestyle decision.

You also know nothing about what we have done here or what we have tried to add to Cyprus so please don't (again) make assumptions.

Your post was well written and insightful but there are certain 'jumping to conclusions' that spoil perceptions

Indeed I do not know enough about your reasons for being in Cyprus. I must say that this thread was suppose to be more general and should not be aimed towards yourself or anyone else. In any case, whatever I do post, I always look forward to a reply and I believe that you have answered and given a good account of yourself here. Can not argue with anything in your previous post.

Have a nice weekend.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:42 pm

RichardB wrote:Zimbo wrote

"RichardB"]Once again welcome back paphitis.

As I'm sure some members will know I also moved to the other forum for a short while.

So whilst the others were of Cypriot origin (not sure if thats the correct word) may I give my views as a Brit.

In a nutshell I was quite embarrassed how the other 'defectees' from CF were treated. What happened to the so called Britishsense of humour?

To Magnus
They were also a bit wary of new members coming in to disrupt their forum at the time so they probably didn't appreciate the humour. You might have been better off posting a 'vanilla' introduction and working up from there. The ones that say 'my wife and I are moving to XYZ' seem to go down better

I did in fact do this, and I can honestly say that all I posted was true and in no way could it have been misconstrued as offensive. One member of the other forum welcomed me and asked other questions which again I answered honestly then i was met with a barrage of cynisism -Post deleted!!

To Fiesty
Perhaps it was racist on your behalf to try to impose your ways onto an established forum instead of integrating with them.
I'm sure they are also too busy getting on with living to care whether or not they passed your test.

I dont know if you followed the other forum but i can assure you that none of the postings made by persons involved were racist.
Humourous yes , Sacastic possibly but definately not racist.

To Bill
If anything was proved to me by your exp. it is that this cyprus-forum is the real home of honest free speech on all aspects of CY.

I would agree with this 90% Bill but sometimes I do have my reservations.

I think the most worrying aspect of all this is that some of the persons on the other forum may take this attitude out of their little forum world and carry on in the same way in the real world.

I'm certainly not saying that all the expats are the same but I know from experience that a great many are not prepared to integrate and take hold the Cypriot culture and I would say in answer to this

Are certain individuals treating the indigenous Cypriots with a certain degree of contempt and disrespect in their own country?


In Cyprus we are seeing the same thing with migrants searching for a better "life style," congregating in their own ghettos, mainly in Pafos. Are some migrants avoiding the experience of Cypriot culture?

Yes we hear the same people moaning about the immigration into the UK and the immigrant encaves in the Uk and yet are doing the same in Cyprus

Does it indicate that certain individuals do not care or appreciate the drastic problems faced by the island?

Many expats are only interested in their own lifestyle and do not care of any problems in the land they have come to live in and enjoy.

What a hypocrite! Should anyone make comments re issues in Cyprus you are arrogant enought to make sarcastic comments. You can't have it both ways. :twisted: (added by zimbo to make it look as if i wrote this)
Maybe some on forum are now wondering what on earth a Brit is doing posting this seemingly anti British Tirade. You are probably thinking that he doesnt live here why what gives him the right to comment!!


If you are going to use a post of mine I would appreciate you qouting it in the full context and not add your pieces to it Thereby making it look as if I wrote the above

My quote in full without Zimbos additions can be found here ... 26&start=0

This Zimbo character can talk about Hypocricy. He has not posted 1 positive about Cyprus and yet spends part of the year "living" in Larnaca!

This guy is a prime example of what we are talking about in this thread.

Anyone can make comments with regards to issues in Cyprus, but when you can not make 1 single positive comment about Cyprus then you should really be asking yourself what the hell you are doing there. I think he should go back to UK for his own good as clearly, in his opinion, Cyprus offers nothing that is good.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:22 pm

Most certainly I will not accept any solution , my stance against the AP has been highlighted many times over the last couple of years on this forum , and it is in variance with the views of Bananiot .

Good to see that you have for once expressed your own opinion and free will, which is at variance to your masters.

Those that are rejecting the continuation of negotiations and are implying that ONLY WAR can achieve the rightful solution are in my opinion extremists , nonconstructive and highly damaging to the efforts by our government to arrive at a solution.

No one has ever implied that war is our only option. There was a more serious issue to those threads that has unfortunately gone way over your head. Those threads were more designed to imply that Cyprus, as a sovereign country, has the legal right to defend it's territory (from Pafos to Apostolos Andreas) and initiate it's own actions to liberate whenever the time is right and when all other avenues are exhausted. The deeper issue is off course Cyprus legal right to defend it's territory which is currently under occupation. And to highlight these rights is neither extremist in nature. The military is an important institution to any sovereign state and can never be belittled or ridiculed.

These threads are also not damaging to any peace efforts, because anything we say here has absolutely no bearing on international politics. Hate to burst your bubble.

Our hand is today the strongest it has ever been and allowing our impatience to determine the course to follow which would lead to an abyss is anathema to our cause.

This is only a matter of perception and your point here is very debatable and can be challenged if I wished to.

I wish I could say that you are correct. I am however a bit more sceptical and do not believe that the EU is a big enough draw card to Turkey. And in any case, the Kemalist military regime will and can counter any serious concessions made in Cyprus. You must remember that Turkey is not really a democracy.

Don't you carry on believing that ONLY PAPHITIS cares about Cyprus and only you has a right to air an opinion , dismissing those that oppose yours as traitors.

I certainly do not believe what you assert here. Everyone most certainly has the right to express their opinion. It would be a very boring world if we were all the same and agreed on everything. I will however challenge various views and I also expect that my views would also be challenged from time to time. This can only encourage debate.

It is you that I feel dismisses other opinions which are different to your own causing you to occasionally burst into emotional tirades of abuse. Add to this your willingness to deliberately misinterpret other persons postings in an effort to slander their true message and win the argument.

As I said before, you have many times derailed other persons messages which you either do not understand the true meaning of or you deliberately misinterpret them.

I was born in Cyprus and lived in Cyprus until the age of 15 , was active in the ANE and proud of mu minuscule contribution , now I'm 62 and a grandfather with a son in law in the CNG , how dare you call me a traitor and refuse to apologise ?

You are probably right in one aspect. No one has the right to call anyone a traitor. But I and others have suffered many insults from yourself in the past. It does not bother me at all as I have a very thick skin and am not easily offended.

But, I would like to know how your son in law reconciles your views? Your son in law is someone who has been trained for the possible eventuality of what was discussed in those threads. To dismiss these possibilities from ever occuring is infact irresponsible and diminishes the sovereign states credibilty and seriousness. The military provides the best negotiating power and this is proven by the uneven tilt towards Turkey in the current peace talks as negotiations will always favour the victor and the strongest.

You rejected my gesture of good will instead you come back after a break and straight away you begin to insult a man old enough to be your father.
Well mate I don't take shit from you as you no doubt have gathered by now.

And I still maintain this position. You have only served to spoil and misinterpret other persons messages, either deliberately or otherwise.
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Postby Feisty » Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:23 pm

perdike wrote:
Feisty wrote:
perdike wrote:
Feisty wrote:Well I see the relevance to the discussion.
My original point was that you can't force people to become involved in politics whoever they are and that the majority of people don't have an in-depth knowledge of any issue and don't wish to have.
In that statement I include the majority of people.
If I ever choose to live in Cyprus I daresay I'll still be more interested in starving kids in Africa than I will be in the Cprus problem and what discussions are going on about it and I will never apologise for holding that opinion. It's my right.

From all you've said, you won't be particularly interested in ANYTHING outside your immediate circle.

Why are you on Cyprus Forum then?

No need to apologise, if you are satisfied with seeing life through blinkers. You are selling YOURSELF short though, nobody else.

Eeerrrrr starving kids in Africa aren't in my immediate circle.

I have a business in Cyprus so keep half an eye on the forum.
Now I know more about how corrupt and unscrupulous it still is I am re-considering whether to make it a more permanent arrangement.

I rather think it is many others who see life through blinkers when they think the Cyprus problem is the be all and end all of existence and expect others to think that way too.

Feisty, to change gear a bit, because this is not meant in a clever-dick, one-over-on you kind of way. If you truly feel the way you have written, and I think you have been very open and honest, stay in the UK.

Moving to LIVE in a different country /culture is hard and, at times painful, even for those who are interested in other peoples. I have done it several times, and it takes literally years, a lot of hard work learning the language and culture ( and definitely more than a few tears of frustration and homesickness) for the most open of people. I don't think it would be right for you. In my humble opinion.

I do find your post rather patronising. You know nothing about me or the way I live.
I am very well aware of how hard it is to integrate into another culture. As I posted somewhere else, maybe even in this thread, I am married to a black Egyptian Muslim so I think I know more than most about living with a different culture.
My philosophy in life is live and let live and I don't ever presume to lecture anyone on how they should live their lives (unless they are hurting others) and then I won't waste my time sitting talking about it or expending energy on negative hatred. If a cause is important enough to me I will DO something about it not just mindlessly spout.
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Postby Feisty » Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:51 pm

Seeing as you live in Australia don't use the word 'come' when referring to Cyprus.

How much have you campaigned for the rights of Aboriginees since you've been there and how much do you integrate with them?
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Postby Feisty » Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:54 pm

mmmmmmmmm deleted your post eh?
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:06 pm

Feisty wrote:Seeing as you live in Australia don't use the word 'come' when referring to Cyprus.

How much have you campaigned for the rights of Aboriginees since you've been there and how much do you integrate with them?

If you migrate to Cyprus, then the least you can do is consider all Cypriot issues, contribute and integrate into your adopted land, just like countless migrants must do when migrating to the UK.

Your analogy with the Aborigines escapes me and is illogical as it was the British that first colonised Australia, and not only did they not integrate with the indigenous Aborigines, but exterminated them in a most cruel fashion! :?
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Postby Feisty » Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:21 pm

I'm not talking about anything that may have happened before I was born, I'm asking you, as a migrant to Australia, how much integrating you have done.

You are telling me to integraqte into a country that I haven't even decided to live in yet.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:25 pm

Feisty wrote:I'm not talking about anything that may have happened before I was born, I'm asking you, as a migrant to Australia, how much integrating you have done.

You are telling me to integraqte into a country that I haven't even decided to live in yet.

Sorry. I am not a migrant. Born in Australia so I am as Dinky Di Ozzie as you can get!
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