"RichardB"]Once again welcome back paphitis.
As I'm sure some members will know I also moved to the other forum for a short while.
So whilst the others were of Cypriot origin (not sure if thats the correct word) may I give my views as a Brit.
In a nutshell I was quite embarrassed how the other 'defectees' from CF were treated. What happened to the so called Britishsense of humour?
To MagnusThey were also a bit wary of new members coming in to disrupt their forum at the time so they probably didn't appreciate the humour. You might have been better off posting a 'vanilla' introduction and working up from there. The ones that say 'my wife and I are moving to XYZ' seem to go down better
I did in fact do this, and I can honestly say that all I posted was true and in no way could it have been misconstrued as offensive. One member of the other forum welcomed me and asked other questions which again I answered honestly then i was met with a barrage of cynisism -Post deleted!!
To FiestyPerhaps it was racist on your behalf to try to impose your ways onto an established forum instead of integrating with them.
I'm sure they are also too busy getting on with living to care whether or not they passed your test.
I dont know if you followed the other forum but i can assure you that none of the postings made by persons involved were racist.
Humourous yes , Sacastic possibly but definately not racist.
To BillIf anything was proved to me by your exp. it is that this cyprus-forum is the real home of honest free speech on all aspects of CY.
I would agree with this 90% Bill but sometimes I do have my reservations.
I think the most worrying aspect of all this is that some of the persons on the other forum may take this attitude out of their little forum world and carry on in the same way in the real world.
I'm certainly not saying that all the expats are the same but I know from experience that a great many are not prepared to integrate and take hold the Cypriot culture and I would say in answer to this
Are certain individuals treating the indigenous Cypriots with a certain degree of contempt and disrespect in their own country?
YesIn Cyprus we are seeing the same thing with migrants searching for a better "life style," congregating in their own ghettos, mainly in Pafos. Are some migrants avoiding the experience of Cypriot culture?
Yes we hear the same people moaning about the immigration into the UK and the immigrant encaves in the Uk and yet are doing the same in CyprusDoes it indicate that certain individuals do not care or appreciate the drastic problems faced by the island?
Many expats are only interested in their own lifestyle and do not care of any problems in the land they have come to live in and enjoy.
What a hypocrite! Should anyone make comments re issues in Cyprus you are arrogant enought to make sarcastic comments. You can't have it both ways.(added by zimbo to make it look as if i wrote this)
Maybe some on forum are now wondering what on earth a Brit is doing posting this seemingly anti British Tirade. You are probably thinking that he doesnt live here why what gives him the right to comment!!
If you are going to use a post of mine I would appreciate you qouting it in the full context and not add your pieces to it Thereby making it look as if I wrote the above
My quote in full without Zimbos additions can be found here
http://www.cyprus-forum.com/viewtopic.p ... 26&start=0