RichardB wrote:To MagnusThey were also a bit wary of new members coming in to disrupt their forum at the time so they probably didn't appreciate the humour. You might have been better off posting a 'vanilla' introduction and working up from there. The ones that say 'my wife and I are moving to XYZ' seem to go down better
I did in fact do this, and I can honestly say that all I posted was true and in no way could it have been misconstrued as offensive. One member of the other forum welcomed me and asked other questions which again I answered honestly then i was met with a barrage of cynisism -Post deleted!!
That's surprising, I thought they aim to be the 'nice' forum. To be honest, I had one look through the 'General' section and decided it wasn't for me.
There were a few comments about members on this site being nasty and insulting but I decided that I would rather be insulted and get some decent discussion than read about everyone agreeing all the time.
Still, their forum, their rules. I'll stay here with the 'nasty' bunch