Subsequent to my recent promotion, I have been informed that I will be obliged to retire from my profession upon reaching retirement age (42) in late October.
I will be leaving Cyprus in the small hours of Friday 4th and do not expect to be back before early September.
I therefore am seizing this moment to bid you all farewell, thank you for a most enjoyable association, IF, during my absence I am able to snatch small windows of opportunity which enable me to make contact, I will do so.
However, as is quite usual, such opportunities are rarely a possibility.
Best Wishes to you all, I offer my sincere apologies to any that I may have offended during this and previous periods of involvement with the forum, naturally forgiving those who have offended me.
(Save one which was a direct insult to my family and was delivered by an ex-member).
Good Luck and Best Wishes to you ALL..................Eliko.