This speech has since been discredited (contrary to the media) and the TRUE facts have been revealed.
For the benefit of those among you who may not be aware of the new revelations, I will explain them.
The President (Ahmadinejad) quoted a statement by 'The Ayatollah Khomeini' which was made years earlier in which the Ayatollah said :-
" Like Communism AND Fascism, Zionism would disappear as an IDEOLOGY from the pages of history".
NO threat to Israel, NOT the words of President Ahmadinejad NOR any threat to any other nation.
It would appear that through 'Misinterpretation' (since the words of the Ayotollah AND President Ahmadinejad were in Arabic) the media propagandists were able to sieze on an opportunity to discredit Iran and it would seem that they were successful since many STILL believe that a threat was delivered, which it was not.
Interestingly, the ONLY country that has been 'WIPED OFF THE MAP' in modern times is 'Palestine' and those who are responsible for wiping it are ISRAEL, the USA, GREAT BRITAIN and other Colonial powers.
(if you need proof, look it up on your atlas)
An 'ISRAELI' is a NEW nationality, (nobody seems to have noticed) which has displaced hundreds of thousands of the original occupants of the land which THEY now occupy, YET, they seem to have gained the sympathy of so many in the world SOLELY on account of the horrors of World War 2.
OR, is that 'Sympathy' merely a ploy by the USA and others (who finance every move Israel makes) to ensure that the stranglehold which they now have on the Middle East and elsewhere, is maintained ?.
Strange how there has not been a moments peace in the world since the foundation of Israel, stranger how world conflicts invariably seem to have their roots planted there.
One would have thought that those who have themselves 'suffered' (as they so frequently remind us all) would have a little compassion for others.
THAT is the normal perception of those who have respect for humanity (in my opinion) why is it not visible in the 'ISRAELI'.