On page 1 of the thread 'A MEMBER Blows his Cover !!' a member (boomerang) made the statement:- "I am sure there must be a political solution avoiding the need for bloodshed" directed in response to one made by another member (miltiades).
The response from miltiades was :- "Yes there is...Abide by the election results"
I immediately questioned such a comment from miltiades and asked for his views on the elections conducted in Iraq and made reference to other matters, all in the same thread.
Unfortunately, miltiades has failed to respond despite being prompted to do so on more than one occasion.
I DO wonder whether he has any worthwhile views on the latest 'Fiasco' that has taken place in Zimbabwe, surely worthy of the same degree of incredulity as one would be experiencing as an observer of those other 'Suspect Elections'.
I would also question WHY the duly elected government of 'Hamas' is generally found to be unacceptable simply because Bush Blair and Olmert are opposed to it.
I also pointed out to miltiades the fact that Olmert was under investigation for some financial misdemeanours, fully expecting some intelligent response.
I must confess , there has been a certain abatement in my expectations.
Nonetheless, STILL I would hope for some explanation from miltiades, if only to discover just HOW one can cultivate such allegiance to the blatantly obvious Lies, Deceit, Hypocrisy and general Chicanery of the powers in question, which are so visible to the majority of those able to THINK about them.
Without the usual foul language and personal insults of course.
The exchanges referred to are all contained in the thread mentioned :- ( A MEMBER Blows his Cover !!.)