After seeing the thread about what makes you proud about your country, I thought it would be fair to have this thread too.
I'm American, and I'll add more to the other thread to keep my posts equal.
There are a lot of things that embarrass me about being American, but perhaps at the top of the list is that we're one of the five most richest and powerful countries in the world, yet we are not in the top 15 for the education, quality of life, or safety.
The education offerings in the bottom third of American public schools is quite poor. The subjects of history and geography get eliminated in favor of more time for math and reading instruction (to boost test scores in these two subjects), but then as a result, American students don't learn that much about the rest of the world. For example, many Americans don't know that we - along with the UK - toppled a democratic government in Iran in the early 1950s in order to protect oil interests, and a democratic government in Guatamala around the same time to protect interests in tropical fruit companies.
I'm also embarrassed that we are the fattest people in the world and that we haven't signed the landmine-ban agreement as well as the United Nations Rights of the Child document. We should also offer to unconditionally listen to our enemies in their capital before we decide to bomb them. (Sigh.)