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Nelson Mandela still on 'TERROR LIST'

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Nelson Mandela still on 'TERROR LIST'

Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:55 am

How embarrassing for the politicians ( about to 'Honour' Nelson Mandela on his 90th birthday) to suddenly realize that the 'Great Man' is STILL on the US state department's 'TERROR LIST'.

Statues have been erected in his honour and no doubt he deserves to be afforded some recognition for the apparent injustices he suffered at the hands of those who now 'Fawn at his feet' (like whipped dogs since he DID eventually defeat them).

Right now, George Bush is hurrying through legislation which will 'Erase' the name of Nelson Mandela from their notorious 'TERROR LIST', one wonders if such 'Erasure' also works on the 'Memories' of those who suffered at the hands of this 'Great Man'.

Funny old game 'Politics' it is not inconceivable that a statue of 'Osama bin Laden' may one day stand in Trafalgar Square (If a sculptor with the ability to carve such a distinctive beard can be found !) :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Re: Nelson Mandela still on 'TERROR LIST'

Postby pantheman » Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:03 pm

Eliko wrote:How embarrassing for the politicians ( about to 'Honour' Nelson Mandela on his 90th birthday) to suddenly realize that the 'Great Man' is STILL on the US state department's 'TERROR LIST'.

Statues have been erected in his honour and no doubt he deserves to be afforded some recognition for the apparent injustices he suffered at the hands of those who now 'Fawn at his feet' (like whipped dogs since he DID eventually defeat them).

Right now, George Bush is hurrying through legislation which will 'Erase' the name of Nelson Mandela from their notorious 'TERROR LIST', one wonders if such 'Erasure' also works on the 'Memories' of those who suffered at the hands of this 'Great Man'.

Funny old game 'Politics' it is not inconceivable that a statue of 'Osama bin Laden' may one day stand in Trafalgar Square (If a sculptor with the ability to carve such a distinctive beard can be found !) :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Had Osama continued to serve his masters, AKA CIA, then he would too be honoured and statues of him would be put about. But as he chose to go his own way they now want to erase him too. Funny old world indeed, eith you bend over and take it like a good little boy or you get ERASED! :wink:

Oh not to mention Saddam, who also got erased for not serving his initial masters.

I do not condone some actions of these guys, but FFS, we have to ask who actually made them and put them there?

You raise a child in a particular way then you punish him because he is acting just like you made him. Ring any bells ?
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:40 pm

Pantheman, like yourself I do not condone the actions of many who are frowned on by those who seek to impose their might and will upon others.

I must confess that I DO admire the courage of those under oppression who are prepared to fight for their freedom, fully aware of the fact that circumstances FORCE them to adopt methods which are abhorrent to us all.

The alternative to 'Resistance' is 'Capitulation' and that would mean that whatever the mighty forces of the West seek to impose upon weaker nations (tantamount to bullying) it MUST be accepted by those under oppression.

If the examples of Western style 'Democracy' were something to be envied, perhaps such aggression by the West would not be quite so necessary, sadly, there are too many nations which view Western society with disdain on account of the fact they perceive such society to be inferior to their own.

Perfectly understandable when one considers the fact that 'Decadence' is so visible in the alternatives on offer.

How long will it take for people to realize that the act of unlawfully attacking an innocent nation with an overwhelmingly superior force is an act of 'Cowardice' rather than 'Bravery'.

How long before people realize that those who resist such acts are the real 'Heroes' in such circumstances. ?

I am once again on the eve of departure from Cyprus, I will be absent for some time, nice to know that there are still those among us who are capable of expressing opinions based on what they 'THINK' rather than what they are 'TOLD'.

But then, being a Scorpio, you already know all that.

Respect.................Eliko. :wink:
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Postby pantheman » Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:58 pm

Au Revoir dear friend, do take care and we await your return, or at some of us do :wink:
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