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Personal Conscience and the Off-Side Rule in Football

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Personal Conscience and the Off-Side Rule in Football

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:47 pm

(Yia sas prosfiges tou forum)

Some reflections from a "right idiot" on matters of football and personal conscience, some pertaining to the off-side rule in this sport.

Given the big game tonight I have been thinking about football.

It does seem to me that we all of us have some big, big choices to make. I mean who will we support tonight in this game of the year? We are almost exclusively of a neutral disposition. The good people of Germany and the foolish Chelsea supporters will forgive me if I say that I will not be supporting Germany.

I am predisposed to root for Spain because I feel they play a more attractive game, a more free-flowing one where individual players are allowed to express themselves within the context of the team and the rules of the game but what if the German side fall behind in the game? Then I fear my predominately English character will start to support the underdogs.

What if an important member of the German side is sent off for what is judged a particularly bad tackle? Then once again in a situation like this, where a team that has a key player shown to the dressing room, don't many of us start supporting the weakened side or at the very least hope that they will get back in to the game and that they won't fold and go down to humiliating defeat?

In any event, we start the game with twenty-two players, each one terribly proud to be playing for his/her country (and each one an ego-filled, multimillionaire!). I am reminded that we spoke about pride for country here a few days ago, in less happy times. In that debate some here defended their support for their chosen style of play as being the only acceptable patriotic approach and I think accused the other team of treason. In that thread I chose to condemn nationalism and instead suggested that only individual conscience should determine our thinking. What would we think of those who would choose to put their egos or their personal hurt and pain before their nation, by their own standards (or in the opinion of myself and perhaps others, before their personal conscience) in the run-off to the deciding contest, in this vital period before the big match? I am of the view that years of preparation and of training and loyalty to one's team should count for more. I hope this view is shared by others. I think more highly of a boxer, in the boxing ring, who suffers terrible, frightful blows but who has the courage, determination and strength of character to put personal pain aside, to pick him/herself off the floor and get back in to the fight, for it is an honourable fight, it's a just fight, it's a fight worth fighting, one that goes way beyond any frothy personal feelings.

The off-side rule? What's this got to do with the off-side rule? Oh gosh!... Well .... We will all be watching the game tonight and if there is an off-side/on-side decision we have the benefit of that instant replay, the one with the line drawn across the pitch which gives a view of the incident. That's great but what of those at the game in person, maybe in a "cheap" seat up in the stands at the other end of the stadium with a not so clear view? Well nothing, it seems, in real life is clear cut - no one has a perfect perspective.


...bill c ... abandoned (with many others) on the road to a Free Kyrenia ? or not ?

Oh - almost forgot! My prediction for tonight, the obvious one (please!!!), Germany will lose (for once) on penalties??? Please!!!! PLEASE!!! Viva Espana!!! ( as they say in Benidorm and the rougher parts of Paphos)
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Postby Raymanoff » Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:02 pm

I hope Germany wins... because i wanna see that chubby coach finally ripping his bodyfit Shirt or pants from running and cheering around the field, will be #1 Youtube video for months to come. :D :D :D

Also i dont want that nice old bloke Spanish coach having a heart attack or stroke... :D
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Postby bill cobbett » Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:41 pm

Very quickly before the match starts, may I add my admiration for the style of play of the team from Tr and for their late comebacks. :)
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