How to drive like a Cypriot:
+ Always be on your mobile.
+ If a traffic light is on red, ignore it.
+ If you do have to stop at red, stop with your car all the way over the white line.
+ While at the red light, creep constantly forward.
+ If you're at red behind someone who did stop at the white line (a tourist) blare your horn at them if they don't start moving before the light goes green.
+ At blind junctions with mandatory STOP signs, drive straight out without stopping.
+ Or looking.
+ Ignore all speed limits, they're only for tourists.
+ In areas with mandatory NO OVERTAKING signs, ignore them and overtake. Force the oncoming traffic up onto the pavement or into a ditch.
+ Don't drive along steadily in slow traffic (assuming overtaking is absolutely impossible). Wait for a 10m gap to open up then floor the accelerator like an F1 car off the grid, before stamping on the brakes again to avoid hitting the traffic in front.
+ Buy a left-hand drive car so that you can't see what's coming towards you when you pull out to overtake a bus.
+ Watch the oncoming traffic veer into a ditch when you do pull out.
And this is just from one week's driving over there!