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Explanation is needed

Postby turkcyp » Tue May 03, 2005 11:37 pm

Can somebody please explain this graph too me?

Who do you think all these asylum seekers are to RoC? And do you think they are applying to be in Cyprus or trying to go to EU’s other countires.

It seems that there is huge 124% increase last year. And it is close to 10000 asylum seekers.

Does RoC classify TCs as asylum seekers or is there any other people applying recently?

Thanks already,

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Postby garbitsch » Tue May 03, 2005 11:42 pm

I think these asylum seekers have nothing to do with Turkish Cypriots, since T.Cs are counted as "citizens" by RoC. And the reason why there was such a boom could be explained by the EU memberhip and Iraqi war. These people usually come from Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Sudan etc and mainly they use Cyprus to go to other European countries, e.g. Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark etc. These countries have much to offer to immigrants and asylum seekers.
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Postby -mikkie2- » Tue May 03, 2005 11:44 pm

Err, it is not TC's that are seeking asylum. They are already EU citizens!

I believe the vast majority of asylum seekers come through the occupied areas and mainly comprise of citizens of other muslim countries such as Syria and Pakistan. I assume your regime wholeheartedly welcomes these people, who then proceed to try to get into the free areas.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Tue May 03, 2005 11:47 pm

Cant see the picture Turkcyp.
We have a very setious problem with those people.They come here as illegal immigrants many of them from the occupied areas. Other hundreds coming from the sea from Lebanon everywhere you name it. And they ALL claim they want political asylum "under EU laws".This means their life is in danger if we deport them. 99.9% of them lie of course.So under the laws we feed them and they just sleep all day.Many of them refuse to reveal their identity.So they are held in custody for long long times.Most of them are Syrians, Persians,Iraqis,Kurds you name it.

It worries me how those miserable people travel into the sea in dangerous boats with too much risk in getting drowned just to go somewhere to have a piece of bread every day.

Sad, too sad.

After long time most of them are deported.Some stay however on grounds of "political asylum" perhas we have about 1000 now with this right.I am not sure.
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Postby garbitsch » Tue May 03, 2005 11:53 pm

I assume your regime wholeheartedly welcomes these people, who then proceed to try to get into the free areas

WE again! :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Wed May 04, 2005 12:01 am

The asylum seekers do not go to other EU countries since the vast majority of them do not get the asylum in the end (because they do not qualify).

However, according to EU laws, until their claim for asylum can be investigated they can remain in Cyprus. (I believe they can work in some sectors like agriculture) ... 2&cat_id=1
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed May 04, 2005 12:12 am

I think the explanation is simple these people are moving to have a better life.So they are determined to get a job, earn money and live a better life than back home.

Of course accomodation costs in Cyprus compares more favourably to the rests western EU countries. For example how can these people , afford to rent a flat in Paris , Berlin or Brussels or even Tokyo I think this is a major factor why they come to Cyprus and they come with empty pockets I guess ! Of course not all of them are in the same class, but they do work hard and they deserve much more of what they get!
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Postby insan » Wed May 04, 2005 12:18 am

They come here as illegal immigrants many of them from the occupied areas.

How do they infiltrate into South from North? I heard that there are thousands of GC "businessmen" who import cheap illegal workers from 3rd world countries. It is said that when this "businesmen" kick those cheap labourers out of work they seek assylum in "RoC" in order not to be deported. And also it is said that there's a human trafficing mafia in South who by exploiting these people promise them jobs, education in GC schools, citizenship and visas to EU countries. Plus there is a prostitution industry in South that tricks government offices in order to extend the visas of these prostitutes.
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Postby TVSET » Wed May 04, 2005 1:09 am

MicAtCyp wrote:So under the laws we feed them and they just sleep all day.

Recently I read in the news, that the salary of some workers in agriculture is less than what these people get. So why work and get less, when you can rest and get more? Laws need fixing.
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Postby uzan » Wed May 04, 2005 1:18 am

Hello TVSET and well come to forum.
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