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What Nationality am I?

Total votes : 33

Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:57 pm

I would like to change my mind. You are not Cypriot. You are a Space Invader. :lol: :lol:
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Postby umit07 » Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:18 pm


You are what you believe you are , it's as simple as that . YOu should not need a poll or other people to " brand you" as british or chinese or whatever. I consider myself a Aussie-TC and I feel lucky about it.
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Postby SSBubbles » Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:21 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Sotos wrote:Can I change my vote? After examining all the evidence carefully I came to the conclusion that Magnus is half Chinese and 2/3rds Mexican!

That's bad math.

1/2 + 2/3 > 1 :roll:

What were you doing in your math classes sotos? :x You should be spanked. :evil:

well spotted! :lol: :lol:
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:17 pm

GAVCARoCOM wrote:you should now your history correct !!!! then you will realize that the chatholics brainwashed you for crusade. ottomans were great empire which they give freedom to all citizens and it was the real democracy . why you never have any evidence that from 1571 300 years you dont have any complain to ottoman empire . ottomans gave you freedom from the venetians.

It must be remembered that the Venetians were foreign feudal landlords in Cyprus, and the first step of the Ottoman governors was to abolish the feudal system, giving the freehold of the land to the peasant families who had worked it.

The Orthodox Church was freed from centuries of control by the Latin hierarchy and its previous tradition of independence reasserted under a revived archbishopric. On the other hand, the Catholic Church of the Crusader and Venetian rulers were expelled. Its building were confiscated and converted into mosques, or were sold to the Orthodox Church. They also made being Catholic a punishable offence, so Catholics had to choose between conversion to Orthodox Christianity, to Islam, or exile. The majority chose Christianity, but the result was that the population began to take on the ethnic structure it still possesses today, namely Greek and Turkish.

miltiades wrote:So how come the G/Cs from a mere 20 thousand (forget those killed by the marauding Turks )
reached over half a million then.
Give us an idea where you get your info from , you must have some idea where your ideas derive from !!

as i stated on thop many venetians become muslims and orthodox or expile. now we talking about 500 years . if after ottomans came only 100.000 people here in 300 years till british time easylt this could increase. another most important thing that when british start to rule the island some greece greek moved here as well. even imagine 20.000 real greek orthodox was here and many venetians changed their releigoun to orthodox. even we say 40.000 total and if the population increased 1000 a year easly it could come up to todays 500.000 . and also you can see the cypriots which is about 30% which is very nice people and they dont hate TCs , the most of them knows the truth deep inside of them . Also like papadopulus and the smilar very fachist groops which they wanted enosis and hellenic stuff is the people from mainland greece. the real cyprots the ones which lived here 100s of years and they know how ottoman empire time was great time . but even today you can see some strange points that the ones whoes ancestors are venetians (catholic church) vatikan they took cyprus back . with EU. and when you look the world orthodox and muslims dont have bad past . even today u can see the russians and iranians are close allies. its kind of relegion fight . the greek cypriots in cyprus are the ones real GREEK (the greek gods grandsons)( from the great nation . not macedonian or who knows what they are in the mainland greece)and the turkish cypriots in cyprus the Real ottomans the real turks not like the turkey but the Turkish Cypriots are the ones grandsons of the GREAT NATION of OTTOMAN EMPIRE . i m proud to be

i have to make sure you get this right . Wikipedia is not a good source !!!
turkish wikipedia tell the story from a turkish mouth
english wikipedia tell the story from a Greece mouth (remember all your history books made in greece)

go and search the real history then you should see that TCs are your best friends . not the venetians !!!

from wikipedia "The Greek population of Cyprus were given weapons by their rulers the Venetians and fought the attacking Ottomans."

today " the grandsons of ibrahim doing this " catholics

the cypriots who is in EU they have to call themselves Europian
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Postby kurupetos » Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:29 pm

GAVCARoCOM wrote:you should now your history correct !!!! then you will realize that the chatholics brainwashed you for crusade. ottomans were great empire which they give freedom to all citizens and it was the real democracy . why you never have any evidence that from 1571 300 years you dont have any complain to ottoman empire . ottomans gave you freedom from the venetians.

It must be remembered that the Venetians were foreign feudal landlords in Cyprus, and the first step of the Ottoman governors was to abolish the feudal system, giving the freehold of the land to the peasant families who had worked it.

The Orthodox Church was freed from centuries of control by the Latin hierarchy and its previous tradition of independence reasserted under a revived archbishopric. On the other hand, the Catholic Church of the Crusader and Venetian rulers were expelled. Its building were confiscated and converted into mosques, or were sold to the Orthodox Church. They also made being Catholic a punishable offence, so Catholics had to choose between conversion to Orthodox Christianity, to Islam, or exile. The majority chose Christianity, but the result was that the population began to take on the ethnic structure it still possesses today, namely Greek and Turkish.

miltiades wrote:So how come the G/Cs from a mere 20 thousand (forget those killed by the marauding Turks )
reached over half a million then.
Give us an idea where you get your info from , you must have some idea where your ideas derive from !!

as i stated on thop many venetians become muslims and orthodox or expile. now we talking about 500 years . if after ottomans came only 100.000 people here in 300 years till british time easylt this could increase. another most important thing that when british start to rule the island some greece greek moved here as well. even imagine 20.000 real greek orthodox was here and many venetians changed their releigoun to orthodox. even we say 40.000 total and if the population increased 1000 a year easly it could come up to todays 500.000 . and also you can see the cypriots which is about 30% which is very nice people and they dont hate TCs , the most of them knows the truth deep inside of them . Also like papadopulus and the smilar very fachist groops which they wanted enosis and hellenic stuff is the people from mainland greece. the real cyprots the ones which lived here 100s of years and they know how ottoman empire time was great time . but even today you can see some strange points that the ones whoes ancestors are venetians (catholic church) vatikan they took cyprus back . with EU. and when you look the world orthodox and muslims dont have bad past . even today u can see the russians and iranians are close allies. its kind of relegion fight . the greek cypriots in cyprus are the ones real GREEK (the greek gods grandsons)( from the great nation . not macedonian or who knows what they are in the mainland greece)and the turkish cypriots in cyprus the Real ottomans the real turks not like the turkey but the Turkish Cypriots are the ones grandsons of the GREAT NATION of OTTOMAN EMPIRE . i m proud to be

i have to make sure you get this right . Wikipedia is not a good source !!!
turkish wikipedia tell the story from a turkish mouth
english wikipedia tell the story from a Greece mouth (remember all your history books made in greece)

go and search the real history then you should see that TCs are your best friends . not the venetians !!!

from wikipedia "The Greek population of Cyprus were given weapons by their rulers the Venetians and fought the attacking Ottomans."

today " the grandsons of ibrahim doing this " catholics

the cypriots who is in EU they have to call themselves Europian

What's a Europian? :? :lol: :lol: :lol: .do you mean a Eurinopian? 8) :lol:
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Postby B0B » Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:07 am

Magnus - you are nether
in Britain you are a "foreigner"
in Cyprus - youd be a "charly"
but you should not care about it
because nationality matters only for nationalists :!:
so just look at it this way - you know better than the brits, you know better than the cypriots
so when someone tries to humiliate you on nationality
youd know they do it because they envy you 8)
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Postby roseandchan » Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:19 pm

magnus, we are all of mixed heritage somewhere way back. look at cyprus, look at the uk where did all those people originate from? my suprise was in tunisia where some people have red hair. red hair on an arab? it was to do with the scottish years back. rape and plunder that sort of stuff. i have lots of friends with british status that have origins in other parts of the world. i don't see them as froeigners but as friends, people who can also educate me about their culture and their religion.
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Postby Agios Ionas » Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:04 am

10. I love Cyprus more than the UK.

I regard myself as a Greek Cypriot.

You Sir, are a Cypriot. No doubts about it. Both your parents are and so are you. The fact that you love Cyprus more than the UK says it all if your parents' background wasn't enough.

Why not think of it like the Americans do? They're African Americans, Italian Americans, Irish Americans, Chinese Americans etc. But at the end of the day they're all Americans. Especially in bad times such as 9/11.

In Cyprus there are Greek Cypriots, British Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots etc, I mean there's loads of <enter any EU nationality or in fact any other nationality here> Cypriots as well. People who moved there with families or on their own and then married and started a family. People who integrated well, contribute to Cyprus by starting business/working/paying taxes and consider themselves (new) Cypriots although they keep some of their 'old identity' as well.

Cyprus, being an island is and has always been a melting pot although it's been primarily Hellenic since the late 12th century B.C. You must not forget that Cyprus has been the target for conquest and the spring-board for the expansion of the various conquerors. Naturally she has experienced the impact and suffered the consequences of these occupations. And we can also not forget that globalisation is most certainly changing the demographics of not just Cyprus, but all countries in the EU (and many other 'rich' countries too I might add).
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Postby perdike » Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:52 pm

roseandchan wrote:magnus, we are all of mixed heritage somewhere way back. look at cyprus, look at the uk where did all those people originate from? my suprise was in tunisia where some people have red hair. red hair on an arab? it was to do with the scottish years back. rape and plunder that sort of stuff. i have lots of friends with british status that have origins in other parts of the world. i don't see them as froeigners but as friends, people who can also educate me about their culture and their religion.

Japan is unusual in having almost nil inward migration. Concurrently, they have one of the lowest birthrates in the world. The big worry now is how the elderly will be supported, financially and physically. with a dwindling birthrate.
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