Niki wrote: [
This whole post is heavily leaning towards the fact that you feel and want to be Cypriot. There is no choice here as you feel you have made up your mind so no point in any other discussion.
Cypriot. Of course.
Thank you for this but my aim isn't to get some sort of validation to what I feel. As you say, I have already made up my mind. My aim is to see what other people with claims to 'Cypriotness' think about my own claim and to stimulate a bit of discussion.
I've seen a few comments in other threads where people have mentioned 'what makes a Cypriot a Cypriot' and this is just a follow-up of sorts. Is it ethnic heritage, place of birth, active citizenship or what?
It doesn't really matter what I feel/want in this case, I've put four options there, all of which have had some response, and with different arguments, though I wish the people that put 'neither' would explain their choice.
The most interesting thing for me is the question of if I were to relocate to Cyprus, would I be accepted as a Cypriot or would I forever be a 'Charlie'. I know the government would accept me but what about the people?