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Postby brother » Thu May 05, 2005 3:42 pm

Thanks to all for your kind words and support, i also wish you all the best.
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Postby ex_pat » Thu May 05, 2005 5:15 pm


That is a terrible thing to hear, I feel for you and your family. Glad to hear that you have made changes and things are better now for you, although in this day and age it is ridiculous that these changes had to be made in order for you to live in peace.

I myself look forward to returning to live in the UK similar (although not nearly as shocking) reasons involving being treated differently for living in a foreign country.

The world is a very shallow place, if only we could all get on a bit better regardless of where one comes from, then bullshit like this could be avoided.

Good luck to you and yours :)
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Postby cannedmoose » Thu May 05, 2005 5:22 pm

I have to say I'm :shock: by all of the things said in this thread. Firstly, although I often find Cypriots self-righteous and arrogant, I've never been the target of offensive behaviour by anyone (and I look very English). Secondly, my wife is GC and is a 'dark' GC, and has never come across any sort of racial harassment here in the UK, even living in a small town like Loughborough.

I think it's very much luck of the draw. In some cases personality also comes into it. If a Cypriot pushed in front of me, I'd have a go at them in Greek, they tend to be less bombastic if they realise you can actually understand what they're saying. Plus, I tend to be taller than most Cypriots, so I don't tend to get pushed very often.
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Postby Marina2005 » Fri May 06, 2005 8:46 am

Its also the area, like Brother said his troubles were outside London but now he's in Enfield everything is fine!!

I have noticed that its the older generation that do the pushing in queues, I remember once in the general hospital I was getting pushed by a load of old ladies until I politey told them to carm down! I don't find this type of behaviour in the younger generations though, do remember that most are studying aboard and are coming back with a more European style.
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Postby Liza » Fri May 13, 2005 9:26 am

After reading this thread I'd like to say first off that not ALL ex-pats are with the same mind, my parents live in Moni Village where there's quite alot of ex-pats, we're quite friendly with some of them and they've only got nice things to say about Cyprus. You can't expect to come to a foreign country and have the same mentality as you - o.k. I admit that when it comes to common courtesy they've got a long way to go but many British people take for granted the fact that most of the GC's speak English and won't make an effort to even learn the basic words that would probably make their life easier and more pleasant. My mums British and my dads Greek so I'm not predjudice I've lived in both countries and I can safely say that Cyprus is paradise compared to the U.K.
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Postby coredump » Wed May 25, 2005 8:50 pm

ex_pat wrote:The salaries here are a joke! Welcome to the dark ages!

Why complain? Here is a free market in Cyprus. Come on, start your own buisiness and hire people with salaries which are not "a joke" :)
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Postby coredump » Wed May 25, 2005 8:52 pm

BTW, how it can be legal to hire someone with a salary of 300 CYP? AFAIK the minimum salary defined by the law is 382 CYP or smth like this.
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Postby coredump » Wed May 25, 2005 9:49 pm

ex_pat wrote:Would just be my luck that things changed and Cypriots no longer welcome non-Cypriots to the island (unless there is a buck to be made).

Years ago most of foreigners were either tourists or "visitors" or retired persons (i.e. all who were just coming here to spend their money and do not do anything else). But nowadays there are more and more resident foreigners who work here or do their business here etc. (also do not forget about tons of false "asylum seekers" which are definitely nothing good).
Got the idea? :wink:
Maybe I'm wrong, but probably in 10...20 years or so the cypriots will become the minority here (mainly because of the EU accession). The cypriot population is extremely small (compare to 450M of total EU population) and there are still plenty of space where to live (and build). Of course the growth of economy is necessary for this to happen.
Cypriots have closed minds and don't welcome change, great, but not any more.

I disagree. Cyprus is still great place to live. The climate is great and there is a nice beach around the island :) Stop blaming cypriots, do you depend on them too much? If you do not like what's happening around you just do something to change it. Come on, make a new Singapore or Hong Kong here :lol:
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