magikthrill wrote:insan wrote:I see no reason to restrict the number of posts based on ethnicity/nationality. It's irrelevant!
We have never talked about restrictions on freedom of speech in a united Cyprus.
But I think Piratis means that if freedom of movement can be restricted for stability and viability of bi-zonal, bi-communal federation; why don't we restrict the freedom of speech, according to ethnicity just for self-amusement of Piratis likes.
my restrictng freedomon of movement you are not stabilizing a federation but a confederation.
you claim, it is not fair for TCs to not have politica equality in their own country.
but you dont think it is unfair for a GC not be able to live anywhere in his own country?
if you think that way, then this thread of piratis makes more sense than you!
And by not restricting the freedom of movement, you are not stabilizing either federation or confederation but you are creating a TC minority in a GC state.
Imagine a mixed federation with no restrictions on anything. Everyone has full human rights. The number of GC citizens of so-called TC constituent state reached 450.000 in 15 years and number of TC citizens of TCCS reached 350.000.
Senate of GCCS composes of 21 GCs+3 TCs
Senate of TCCS composes of 15 GCs+9 TCs
Political structure based on political equality of two component states instead of political equality of two communities.
Here it is: The so-called bi-communal Federal Republic of Cyprus. Is this waht you want? If so, why don't you tell it directly? But do know that it does not make any sence to overwhelming majority of TCs.