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Is it getting better..?

Postby connor » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:13 am

In general terms..Is the world getting better or worse..? A response may depend on personal circumstances..but if we could generalise.
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state of the world

Postby Bucksboy » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:37 am

Excellent posting!

I personally see the world as spiralling out of control.
Gross overpopulation is causing the world's fragile & limited resources to be raped at an alarming and ever increasing rate by greedy & totally selfish governments & individuals resulting in the frequent crisis that happen today.

The result I'm sure, will be a very gradual decline in the standard of living for most and eventually a world mostly devoid of much beauty as we know today. A grim future in the centuries ahead.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:49 am

Connor, indeed an excellent and thought provoking posting, with regard to people, as far as I can see the more tightly packed we are in a small area, the more terratorial and aggressive we become. I live in SW france
and the scale is 4 people per square kilometre. There are of course the odd bad apple but by and large there is no tension here.

Global warming and climate change, that frightens me, I feel that the damage has been done and we will be reaping the rewards of centuries of abuse very soon, I feel that the affects we have already witnessed are just the start.
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Postby tessintrnc » Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:06 am

I am afraid of global warming not so much for me (being more than half way through my life), but the effect on my Children and Grandchildren. With regards wars, war has been waged constantly throughout history, and I think news coverage is such that we are all more aware of what is going on than we were in days gone by. We have NATO and the UN to help preserve peace and protect the innocents - but too much power? Yes I think so, wars waged in the name of democracy but in reality, causing more mayhem and bloodshed than ever the "tyrant" caused. Food shortages - WHY? That, I cannot understand, not in the 21st century when billions is spent on looking at dust on Mars, developing more and more lethal weapons, its a disgrace, no, WE are a disgrace to let this happen.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:11 am

tessintrnc wrote:I am afraid of global warming not so much for me (being more than half way through my life), but the effect on my Children and Grandchildren. With regards wars, war has been waged constantly throughout history, and I think news coverage is such that we are all more aware of what is going on than we were in days gone by. We have NATO and the UN to help preserve peace and protect the innocents - but too much power? Yes I think so, wars waged in the name of democracy but in reality, causing more mayhem and bloodshed than ever the "tyrant" caused. Food shortages - WHY? That, I cannot understand, not in the 21st century when billions is spent on looking at dust on Mars, developing more and more lethal weapons, its a disgrace, no, WE are a disgrace to let this happen.

Sadly that is the hard truth, we should not be spending money looking at some dead planet millions of light years away, we should be looking at the people who are alive here and now.
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Postby paul1978 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:46 am

how long before this posting is about cyprus v turkey???????????????? :D
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:17 am

paul1978 wrote:how long before this posting is about cyprus v turkey???????????????? :D

It will not be from me Paul,
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Postby paul1978 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:47 am

the world is getting worse, it is full of propaganda.
what i want to know is what happens to all this money that is raised via so called charities.
you always see adverts for jus £2a month yiu can feed and shelter?????
how come nothing has ever come of the millions of pounds raised every year?
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Postby kurupetos » Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:51 am

paul1978 wrote:how long before this posting is about cyprus v turkey???????????????? :D

It should be about Cyprus at least. :) Isn't this the Cyprus Forum? :? Sometimes I am really :? from stupid threads like this one. If there was a real administrator it would have deleted them and advice the members to talk about CYPRUS. There are millions of forums if u want to talk about other things. Why doesn't people use them instead? :twisted: :roll: :wink:
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Postby connor » Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:58 am were right..!

Kurepitos...There is a world beyond cyprus. A world full of problems. Maybe if you studied other countries never might come up with a cure for the cyprus one.
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