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Whining British Soldiers..

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Postby Feisty » Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:04 pm

Piratis wrote:I would have no problem if the UK had some military training in Cyprus, while Cyprus had some military training in the UK. I have no problem when this is mutual.

But how is that related with the vast bases you occupy in Cyprus which are probably the biggest overseas military bases in the world? Would you give to us equivalent sized bases, on prime coast land, in the UK?

Vast? Have I missed something somewhere?
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Postby murf62 » Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:06 am

If we had the whole of Cyprus, it wouldn't be 'vast' compared with the areas we could utilise for training in the Middle East. We have listening stations & an FMB in Cyprus, which is why we are currently there, and why we're staying. The RoC is now a part of Europe and that's not about to change, so it's time to start accepting that we are all on the same side.

In reply to the other point - Why would the Cypriot forces need training facilities in a temporate climate country such as the UK? The RoC has one 'threat' and they're on your doorstep, so you already have the best training area possible, which is the very terrain you may have to defend or attack.
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Postby RichardB » Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:10 am

murf62 wrote:If we had the whole of Cyprus, it wouldn't be 'vast' compared with the areas we could utilise for training in the Middle East. We have listening stations & an FMB in Cyprus, which is why we are currently there, and why we're staying. The RoC is now a part of Europe and that's not about to change, so it's time to start accepting that we are all on the same side.

In reply to the other point - Why would the Cypriot forces need training facilities in a temporate climate country such as the UK? The RoC has one 'threat' and they're on your doorstep, so you already have the best training area possible, which is the very terrain you may have to defend or attack.

Hi Murf62

The area of the bases may not seem vast to you

But pro rata the areas the SBAs cover is the equivalent to say the whole of Nottinghamshire in the UK

I dont think we in the Uk would Find that acceptable
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Postby murf62 » Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:20 am

We should also mention of course that of the 'vast' area, only a very small amount is behind the wire and inaccessible. The rest of the SBAs are used by GCs as with any other land in the RoC & anyone who lives there has the benefit of dual citizenship. The SBAs also employ thousands of GCs and a fair few TCs whom are all paid well over the local going rate for the jobs they do.
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Postby Feisty » Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:42 pm

Well whatever, I have to say that the base areas that I have seen are kept better than anywhere else in Cyprus and I always choose to drive through them rather than round them due to the way they look.
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Postby BOF » Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:10 pm

8) :sniper: Oh dear Feisty i fear the "ïf you dont like it you know what you can do" police will be onto you soon!
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Postby Feisty » Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:34 pm

I haven't said I didn't like anything BOF, just made a comment on what looks better to me.
Nowhere unfortunately is perfect and never could be anyway because everyone likes something different. I happen to think abandoned rusting cars look pretty unsightly but some might like them. :D
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Postby murf62 » Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:53 pm

I did consider starting a website called a while back, featuring all the fridges, cookers and the like scattered across the otherwise scenic countryside. I thought it might shame some Cypriots into changing their ways.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:09 pm

murf62 wrote:I did consider starting a website called a while back, featuring all the fridges, cookers and the like scattered across the otherwise scenic countryside. I thought it might shame some Cypriots into changing their ways.

Blame lies with the municipalities. They should provide a phone contact number and the 'white goods ' should be collected. These things can not be left for the public to act upon.
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Postby di-di » Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:27 pm

Hi Jan

Hope you are well. Just had to come in on your comments regarding scrap metal yards etc a little earlier. When we go to Limassol we drive through the cement works and on the left is a vast scrap metal place that crushes cars etc etc.

I agree that more should be made available.

Warm wishes

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