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Whining British Soldiers..

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Postby purdey » Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:06 pm

Other than politics, the only thing stopping them are the UN and the Cypriot army. I am not sure who would be close enough initially to aide Cyprus.
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Postby Feisty » Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:11 pm

I'd also like to say that it is very easy to criticise the UK and the USA and I hate the fact that the two are talked about together but none of us can know what life would be like if we had not won WW2.
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Postby lee hayes » Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:38 pm

Hi all,

I have served in the british army and belive me what the civvys see on the outside is not all true facts of what goes on in the inside. its not all roses hard days and belive me little pay for what you have to do. I come from a very much working family and always have and i gave up a job to go into the army. as they say for Queen and Country and that is what is about and the boys in there become one big family that are willing to help each other for what ever is needed.


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Postby purdey » Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:06 pm

Spot on Lee.
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Postby dcoops22 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:17 pm


You are quite a small minded "BRAINWASHED" person yourself if you think they brainwash people in the british Army.

They do not teach anything other than tenacity and the ability to realise that there may be a time where it is you or them. All humans are programmed to survive when faced with this.

I have spent nearly 10 years in the British Army 7 years of them in the Infantry and am yet to meet a single person that has been brainwashed.

Grow up and get real!!!
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Postby RichardB » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:42 pm

It depends on your definition of 'Brainwashing'

The average British soldier probably joins the army at 19-20 years old A great many even younger . I myself joined just after turning 16

This is the time of life when these young men (and women ) are most susceptable to outside influences

So therefore it stands to reason that their views are moulded in the direction that is required by the military leaders , Who, in turn have gotten there orders from the government of the day. And every soldier knows he must follow orders!

So maybe brainwashed isn't the correct term to use but there views are at the very least heavily turned in favour of what ever the Govt requires them to do and to follow these orders without question

As a by line we often here stories of how young 'terrorists' have been brainwashed into doing an evil deed yet these 'terrorists for the most part see themselves as soldiers also what is the difference
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Postby Sotos » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:42 pm

dcoops22 wrote:Piratis,

You are quite a small minded "BRAINWASHED" person yourself if you think they brainwash people in the british Army.

They do not teach anything other than tenacity and the ability to realise that there may be a time where it is you or them. All humans are programmed to survive when faced with this.

I have spent nearly 10 years in the British Army 7 years of them in the Infantry and am yet to meet a single person that has been brainwashed.

Grow up and get real!!!

If you are brainwashed yourself how can you recognize that other people are brainwashed? :roll: Piratis is right. You send your troops to kill people around the world to serve your interests and then you are brainwashed to believe that you are doing some service to humanity with your bloody crimes!
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Postby Sotos » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:46 pm

Feisty wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Feisty wrote:I don't think I have said any such thing.

What I did say was that the USA and the UK come a long long way down the list of powers that brainwash their troops which is what your statement did say and also that neither country's troops are naturally associated with oppression.

My statment was not just about brainwashing. Here is my complete statment: "Basically these countries (USA, UK etc) brainwash these people and send them to fight and kill even more unfortunate people in other countries"

I guess you missed the second part of my statement. What Germany did was over 6 decades ago. Today, how many countries do you know that send their troops around the world, and maintain tons of bases in foreign countries, in order to impose their will by force or the threat of use of force?

The USA is at the top of the list, and the UK is near.

Just an off the cuff question here.
What do you believe stops Turkey invading and occupying the whole of Cyprus and who do you believe would be one of the first countries to intervene if they attempted it?

NOT the UK ... we already know the answer to that since 1974. :evil:
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Postby murf62 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:47 pm

I have not read most of the posts in this thread some of the ones I have read saddened me deeply. I don't care what the Cypriots (either side), Americans, Russians or any other nationality think about our British forces, but some of the Brits posting here should be ashamed of themselves. The forces do as they're ordered by the government YOU people elected, nothing more, nothing less.

If you can't stand behind our British forces, then have the balls to come and stand in front of us. I will gladly pay your airfare to Afghanistan myself.
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Postby murf62 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:48 pm

Sotos wrote:NOT the UK ... we already know the answer to that since 1974. :evil:

I don't profess to being an expert in Cypriot history, but exactly why did they stop at Famagusta?
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