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Whining British Soldiers..

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Re: Whining British Soldiers..

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:35 am

connor wrote:Have every sympathy for the people conscripted into the first and second world wars..Like it or not mate you are in the army or you are in clink..or whatever the punishment was.

Today british soldiers sign in to the service voluntarily..why ? In the majority of cases its cos they can't handle civvy street. In the army they get decent pay..regularly on the dot and if dhekelia garrison is anything to go by a whole host of facilities. ie swimming pools..glider sports club..duty free cars..the list goes on. The locals refer to it as Butlins in Cyprus.

But when it comes to doing what they are paid for what do we hear.."Mum that foreign person is pointing a gun at me..!"

Don't want to see any british soldier injured or killed in battle..but come on first and foremost you are a soldier and you volunteered..!

Have more sympathy for the local cyprus lads..conscripted for 2 or 3 years into less than ideal working conditions and pathetic rates of pathetic in fact that their parents have to find money to bolster their pitiful salaries.

( Well..if that don't get a discussion going i don't know what will..)

It was announced today that the 100th British soldier KIA will be returned to the UK.

Everyday the media is full of news of a soldier killed here and another there. I keep on wondering of the mass slaughter of the soldiers at Paschendale the Somme etc. How the news of these many thousands of deaths were greeted by their loved ones. Its so long ago now. We can not imagine the mass grief abounding the home nations of these deaths and those of other nations too.

I feel sorry for these young kids, fighting other peoples wars. One death too many. :?
Last edited by denizaksulu on Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby dcoops22 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:41 am

The whining isn't always about pay and as for the moaning about facing their enemies this is completly untrue as nearly everyone I have met in the nearly 10 years I have served actually cannot wait to go to war. Its what they are trained to do, Kill, And they do it so well.

All troops want, is to be able to tell people they are serving in the forces without the fear of F@!?ing Civvies wanting to smash their heads in down the pub. Troops cannot even wear uniform out of work without being attacked or spat on.

I don't know about the Cyprus Army, do they actually go overseas?
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:43 am

Eliko wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Eliko wrote:connor, you are right of course, you could have amplified the reasons for the young men of the U.K. signing on with the military by mentioning the fact that the lack of 'Gainful Employment' virtually forces them to do so.

Many of those I come into contact with, particularly from the Northern and Midland regions of the U.K. confirm what I have written.

Once trained, these young men seem to develop a rather unhealthy outlook (in humanitarian terms) of those people of other nations that their leaders unleash their talents upon.

I have engaged with many (at all levels) and must say that I am often struck by the lack of respect they have for those that they perceive to be their enemies.

A fatal flaw in combat since it reduces the feelings of achievement in a successful encounter.

Old Arabic adage;- "Though your foe be an ant, imagine it to be an Elephant"There is no glory in overcoming a weak opponent and one must be magnanimous in victiory over the strong.

In my humble opinion of course. :wink:

In case I have not already done so, welcome to the forum connor and good luck with your postings. :wink:

Very interesting adage. Is that Arabian adage something you agree with, Eliko?

Deniz, not only do I agree with it, I 'LIVE' by it.

Interestingly, perhaps many in the troubled regions of the Middle East also do, which would explain the reason for their ferocious resistance to unlawful aggression. :wink:

Part of your answer was as expected. (oh, sorry, did I say Good morning?)

Goodmorning all.

So Turkey did the right thing and looked upon the National Guard and Greek forces in Cyprus as 'an Elephant'. So much for all the criticism that Turkey endured for its 'Peace Op' in 1974.

It should not have happened, but please blame the Junta and Eoka B + Enosis'ists. :lol:

In my HUMBLE opinion of course. :?
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Postby Eliko » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:57 am

purdey wrote:I have served Eliko, three times on active and seen action. I have also done three tours of Northern Ireland. Believe me a serving soldier does not listen too political rantings. They are trained to fight under orders and in the main have full respect for their foes.
As Milt quiet rightly says there are a few bad apples and from time to time they slip through the net. I still maintain the British forces are the best trained in the world, without exception.

purdey, as regards the training issues, I doubt if many would disagree with you.

I am inclined to the view however, that there is a general awareness among the young soldiers that some of the current campaigns they are engaged in are unjustified and wrong.

Although they are still obliged to obey orders, I believe they do so with some reluctance at times, this may explain the reduction in recruitment figures and may certainly give rise to the 'Lack of Respect' issues.

It is extremely difficult to perform an unlawful act (knowingly) without the ability to justify it, therefore, in order to cover the shame one may feel, one 'MAYBE' uses the option of disrespect in order to function.

Not sure of the accuracy in psychological terms but I think such a theory is something worthy of consideration. :wink:
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Postby Magnus » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:31 pm

Just out of interest, is it true that there is a four-year waiting list for British soldiers wanting to serve in Cyprus?
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Postby purdey » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:35 pm

Yes that will be true. There has always been a waiting list for foreign postings, genrally on the basis of specialist trades.
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Postby Feisty » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:41 pm

The only experience I can speak of was when I owned a bar/nightclub in the late 1980's and early 1990's. The ex soldiers I came across were the most violent and racist people I have ever come across. They were the ones who organised football violence and talked of meeting up at, funnily enough, a holiday camp in North Wales to rise up against Muslims.
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Postby purdey » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:56 pm

Oh, they sound a nasty lot.
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Postby Bucksboy » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:58 pm

dcoops22 wrote:The whining isn't always about pay and as for the moaning about facing their enemies this is completly untrue as nearly everyone I have met in the nearly 10 years I have served actually cannot wait to go to war. Its what they are trained to do, Kill, And they do it so well.

All troops want, is to be able to tell people they are serving in the forces without the fear of F@!?ing Civvies wanting to smash their heads in down the pub. Troops cannot even wear uniform out of work without being attacked or spat on.

I don't know about the Cyprus Army, do they actually go overseas?

I for one am immensly proud of the British Military as all patriotic Brits ought to be. They are the best and deserve all our support in these hideous times of conflict. Let those individuals & countries who don't like it go and do better!

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Postby Feisty » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:02 pm

purdey wrote:Oh, they sound a nasty lot.

I think they were the sort that went there or to prison I'm afraid.
I have to say they always treated me with the utmost respect.
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