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proud of your country

Postby Bucksboy » Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:13 pm

I Live in the Midi Pyrenees ( SW France), which is very similar to where your photo's are taken.[/quote]
Sorry Cheshire cat but i was not able to get back to this thread till today.
What fabulous place to live, and your house looks lovely and very welcoming...great pictures. I am a firm beliver that lving in a tranquil and stressless place like you have definately helps to living longer.
Is that how you picked your forum name? because coming home every day to that house and surroundings i would be grinning from ear to ear too!! :D

Thank you BOF !!!

Do you know, I never looked at it like that, my forum name comes from where I was born and raised, but yes I do smile a lot these days.

I left Cyprus because of health reasons amongst others, my doctor said I was a stroke waiting to happen, my blood pressure was so high. I still have to take medication to control my blood pressure but with the help of a good doctor over here my blood pressure is now a perfect 120/80 from being 180/150 or something like that.

Our house is called Ambre lys, or golden lily in English, we chose the name because when the sun shines on it the stones of which it is built appear to have a golden glow.

The SW of France , ( Gers region) is a place that sidestepped the stresses of modern life, old fashioned manners are still used here. And everyone smiles at you.

I could highly recommend a break here as an antidote from the stresses of modern life.
The food is good, the wine is superb, the people are charming.[/quote]

It seems that you have found paradise on earth~! It sounds as though Gers is like England used to be in the 1950's except of course that you are surrounded by "foodies" who demand the freshest of produce for their culinary inspirations. I envy you your Elysian fields with glorious weather and RAIN!
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:25 pm

Oh , My French friends love their food alright, they demand quality and they get it.
eg, Lunch we had out not long ago in an auberge,
Homemade soup and fresh bread,
Charcuterie course, either pate or ham with salad,
main course,
cheese course,
coffee and petit fours,
all the wine you can drink,
cognac was on the house.
cost for 3 persons, Less than €40 euros
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proud of country

Postby Bucksboy » Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:34 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:Oh , My French friends love their food alright, they demand quality and they get it.
eg, Lunch we had out not long ago in an auberge,
Homemade soup and fresh bread,
Charcuterie course, either pate or ham with salad,
main course,
cheese course,
coffee and petit fours,
all the wine you can drink,
cognac was on the house.
cost for 3 persons, Less than €40 euros


That is so cheap CC! Wouldn't get that kind of meal here in Cyprus for the same kind of money. No wonder you departed these arid shores for a slice of heaven! :D
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:56 pm

Tastes Nice too !!

More often then not they don't charge for young kids
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:35 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:Tastes Nice too !!

More often then not they don't charge for young kids


This too appeared in my SPAM folder. I suspect it is of 'Paeadise Found' :lol: .
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Postby CanDiaz » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:08 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:
BOF wrote:8) Some are indeed the cotswolds cheshire :) pic 0ne and three, pic 2 is near romsey in hampshire. pic 4 & 5 in oxfordshire and pic 6 in gloucestershire..all taken this June. :)

Deniz : no offence taken, fish in the streams, ducks on the pond, and songbirds in the trees and the gentle humming of a bumble bee on are indeed correct very un cypriot :lol:

I Live in the Midi Pyrenees ( SW France), which is very similar to where your photo's are taken.

A beautiful part of Europe, how close to Rennes Le Chateau are you? I stayed there once on a drive to(or from the) UK. Great village.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:30 pm

CanDiaz wrote:
Cheshire Cat wrote:
BOF wrote:8) Some are indeed the cotswolds cheshire :) pic 0ne and three, pic 2 is near romsey in hampshire. pic 4 & 5 in oxfordshire and pic 6 in gloucestershire..all taken this June. :)

Deniz : no offence taken, fish in the streams, ducks on the pond, and songbirds in the trees and the gentle humming of a bumble bee on are indeed correct very un cypriot :lol:

I Live in the Midi Pyrenees ( SW France), which is very similar to where your photo's are taken.

A beautiful part of Europe, how close to Rennes Le Chateau are you? I stayed there once on a drive to(or from the) UK. Great village.

I dont know , will ask, hubby to look at the map when he comes back.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:32 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Cheshire Cat wrote:Tastes Nice too !!

More often then not they don't charge for young kids


This too appeared in my SPAM folder. I suspect it is of 'Paeadise Found' :lol: .

Yes I don't know how it ended up in your spam folder though, another mystery of life, :lol:

Not quite Paradise Deniz, but as close as I have found so far :)
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Postby EPSILON » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:42 pm

There is not even one facking reason after 1960
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:43 pm

EPSILON wrote:There is not even one facking reason after 1960

:( ??????????????????????
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