Cheshire Cat wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Heratismata se olous tous mangaes tou forum
I would like the company of
Jane Fonda
Rosana Arquette
Bo Derek
Jenny Agutter
A token coloured lady (accuse me of being sexist if you will but I am no racist)
Any female member of the forum, to be selected by popular vote of the forum - (but please don't ask to run it.)
For the first course we would have tomato soup
For the second we would have mayonaise
For desert we would have chocolate sauce
With the after-dinner conversation we would have mud
If the following morning, a kind member might make my funeral arrangements, I would be obliged. Thank you.
What does the first line translate to,
Tomato soup fine
Mayo with what
Chocolate sauce and ?
After dinner , sir, we are a respectable establishment !!!
Funeral, would you like to be
a, Boiled ( buried at sea on a hot day)
b, roasted, ( a la crematorium,)
c, stuffed and preserved in spices, ( embalmed and posed to resemble a coat rack)
Hi CC - First line translates as:- " hello to everyone on the forum, forgive me for posting the following, it's just the sick, demented expression of the late flowering lust of a bored middle-aged fool ".

Nothing extra with the dinner, light eater. Can dispense with the table, chairs and certainly the cutlery.
Cremation I think, no fine words, but plenty of vulgar, coarse and offensive ones, no poetry, no music.