SSBubbles wrote:In light of a recent topic that did not reveal its contents until you had opened the thread which left many shocked and upset (and personally one I wish I had not witnessed); what do you think to us using some sort of waring alert in the title of the thread?
It just need something simple that we can all identify with and then it will give us the option of viewing that post or avoiding it!
Anybody any views - positive or negative please
Many thanks x
No responses, not surprised really
So sad to see that some of you do not appear to have any morals and think it was ok to open the above mentioned thread.
For those of you who saw the picture will know what I mean about it being very graphic. There she was, such a pretty and innocent girl (toddler in a pushchair_ and then underneath, the bold 'pedophile' which was to be the basis of the topic!
Maybe a mistake by the author - I do not know - but definitely uncalled for
Can you imagine if it was your wife, sister, aunt, gran (any relative really) who had opened that thread and in doing so it opened a memory of great pain and loss

How would you feel then? Those of you with young children - daughters - but let us not kid ourselves, boys are victims too - would you honestly have opened this thread if you knew its contents?
Can we do something about these 'Controversial' postings please? I see we have another - on the issue of eating birds on sticks. I was asked to look at this thread otherwise I would have let it pass!
Also, please do not liken this thread with the Cyprus problem. I understand that is a very painful issue for many of you - (an issue I do try to educate myself by reading that particular thread, though I realise I can never empathise or truly understand the 'problem' -that is why I rarely post on the subject) - at least for the best part it is kept in the 'Cyprob' pages and fellow forumers are at least given the chance to see if they want to participate or not.
This is only my opinion - does anyone else have anything to add?