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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:02 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Your despot mentality gets us nowhere, we are going around in circles and you are not worth arguing anything with because your imagination works overtime to a degree of delusion and you end up believing your own made up crap. You try to substantiate your fabricated lies and get everyone to believe you, man you need a does of reality as no one gives a shit about you or your biased and blinkered views, you are and mean absolutely nothing to the Turkish Cypriot people.

Thank you for proving my point, that you are in support of those who commit crimes and refuse to condemn them, but you are very quick to condemn the victims, and then you want to make arguments about you being accused of not being a "paid propagandist". What have you done in the above cases to show us anything that does not make you a "paid propagandist". Just words alone of denial is not good enough in your case I'm afraid, since you lack any credibility.

First you need to acknowledge that they had murdered two unarmed civilians in a brutal way. Secondly, you need to call them what they are, murderers, and thirdly, that they should have been prosecuted and sent to jail accordingly. As soon as you have done the above, then I will not call you "supporter of criminals and murderers" based on those two specific cases, and being their "paid propagandist" to absolve them from their crimes by blaming the victims, as you have done at every opportunity. Those who did the killings were the ones who saw themselves as the Judge, Jury and the Executioners that you often talk about. Do you not agree, that's exactly how they acted, or are you still going to protect them once again.?

Go to hell, I have clearly stated my views and you appear to be the only one who has problems, you opinion is of no substance anyway as you are an individual who would argue white is black just because I stated it was white, so Kikapu you know what in the grand scheme of things you mean jack shit to the TRNC so as I said go to hell where you belong.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:08 am

repulsewarrior wrote:In this case Judgement, without Judge Jury and Executioners, this is the problem, VP. Indeed it is not enough, and the credibility of your "State" is neither demonstrated nor bettered by the ignorance. If you love this "country" you call the KKTC, this is important. You have and had the opportunity to better yourselves, and to show your esteem for the word we call Freedom, instead the "dogs" that died haunt you as Humans. Things never stay the way they are, and this Problem will not remain the same. Either way VP you must take a look at yourself, if you believe that you reflect a common thought, having the support of other members, to me you are not the wiley old crow for nothing, you have the book. just beyond the dogma though is a change which if it is not called for, secures the corruption that allows for journalists to be murdered, and the glory that is Turkey to be held Internationally disdained. Where is in this matter, the Rule of Law, abrogated to the ECHR, don't you take that as incompetance, at a Governmental level. Denktash was there? no one called for a demonstration of force? riot police, buses, more police than the expected demonstrators...why?
did someone have to die? ...didn't matter who, save a lot of money this way, simple brutality, it always works, this was the set up, it seems with so few in authority, capable of something better, (and more to be in complete control,) this was not demonstrated, it is a failing we all regret; as a militant, VP you must fight this for there to be a shine. me a favour, reread the Manifesto and make a comment. I would like to know how it would effect/affect you personally.

reconsider enclaves and suggest to me where these communities can be most useful to us all, in the north and the south. (boy...that's asking alot), but tell me something else about enclaves other than the "bad" memories, and that these communities may not be successful. Think of them rationally, give me your help.

Forget about enclaves. I have images of 'Reservations' in mind. (American Indian style)
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:41 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Your despot mentality gets us nowhere, we are going around in circles and you are not worth arguing anything with because your imagination works overtime to a degree of delusion and you end up believing your own made up crap. You try to substantiate your fabricated lies and get everyone to believe you, man you need a does of reality as no one gives a shit about you or your biased and blinkered views, you are and mean absolutely nothing to the Turkish Cypriot people.

Thank you for proving my point, that you are in support of those who commit crimes and refuse to condemn them, but you are very quick to condemn the victims, and then you want to make arguments about you being accused of not being a "paid propagandist". What have you done in the above cases to show us anything that does not make you a "paid propagandist". Just words alone of denial is not good enough in your case I'm afraid, since you lack any credibility.

First you need to acknowledge that they had murdered two unarmed civilians in a brutal way. Secondly, you need to call them what they are, murderers, and thirdly, that they should have been prosecuted and sent to jail accordingly. As soon as you have done the above, then I will not call you "supporter of criminals and murderers" based on those two specific cases, and being their "paid propagandist" to absolve them from their crimes by blaming the victims, as you have done at every opportunity. Those who did the killings were the ones who saw themselves as the Judge, Jury and the Executioners that you often talk about. Do you not agree, that's exactly how they acted, or are you still going to protect them once again.?

Go to hell, I have clearly stated my views and you appear to be the only one who has problems, you opinion is of no substance anyway as you are an individual who would argue white is black just because I stated it was white, so Kikapu you know what in the grand scheme of things you mean jack shit to the TRNC so as I said go to hell where you belong.

I can't go to HELL, because the last available spot has been reserved for you I'm afraid. I know you have earned it.!

You have not stated your case at all. You stated what a "paid propagandist" would do to protect the guilty, and I'm not going to let you get away with it. Your other "excuse" for the murders was, "they should not have been killed, BUT, they put themselves in that situation". Regardless of the situation where they posed no harm to their murderers, you are right, they should not have been murdered, but guess what, they were murdered and you have said nothing to condemn the murderer, other than saying, that they should be held "accountable". Well, not only they have not been accused of murder, they have not even held accountable to anything, and you have not spoken out either, other than making excuses for them.

At least the European Courts have spoken on behalf of the victims, and you are still fighting to do the same. What a shame on you.!!
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:48 am

Kiks and VP argue so much, just like husband and wife. Those two should get married. They would get on like a house on fire. :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:04 am

denizaksulu wrote:Kiks and VP argue so much, just like husband and wife. Those two should get married. They would get on like a house on fire. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Really Deniz, is that what Husbands and Wives do.?? :lol:

Good thing I only have a Girlfriend then.! :lol:

Listen Deniz, you can't blame for trying to teach an "old dog" new tricks, can you.?? :lol:

God knows it is hard work. It would be so much easier just to "put him down" and get another one, but I still think he has potential in becoming obedient yet, therefore onwards with the training of simple tricks for now. :lol: :lol:

He'll get it one of these days, hopefully before arthritis set in of course, or else he won't be able to lift his leg to even take a piss let alone lifting anything else. :lol: :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:13 am

Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Kiks and VP argue so much, just like husband and wife. Those two should get married. They would get on like a house on fire. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Really Deniz, is that what Husbands and Wives do.?? :lol:

Good thing I only have a Girlfriend then.! :lol:

Listen Deniz, you can't blame for trying to teach an "old dog" new tricks, can you.?? :lol:

God knows it is hard work. It would be so much easier just to "put him down" and get another one, but I still think he has potential in becoming obedient yet, therefore onwards with the training of simple tricks for now. :lol: :lol:

He'll get it one of these days, hopefully before arthritis set in of course, or else he won't be able to lift his leg to even take a piss let alone lifting anything else. :lol: :lol:

Well, it is incessant, to say the least. At the beginning it was enjoyable. Getting two diametrically opposite views. As it goes on the repetitiousness gets a bit (only a bit) stale. Never boring. I give full credit to both of you for your stamina. My God, the Cyprus needs people like you(plural). :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:21 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Kiks and VP argue so much, just like husband and wife. Those two should get married. They would get on like a house on fire. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Really Deniz, is that what Husbands and Wives do.?? :lol:

Good thing I only have a Girlfriend then.! :lol:

Listen Deniz, you can't blame for trying to teach an "old dog" new tricks, can you.?? :lol:

God knows it is hard work. It would be so much easier just to "put him down" and get another one, but I still think he has potential in becoming obedient yet, therefore onwards with the training of simple tricks for now. :lol: :lol:

He'll get it one of these days, hopefully before arthritis set in of course, or else he won't be able to lift his leg to even take a piss let alone lifting anything else. :lol: :lol:

Well, it is incessant, to say the least. At the beginning it was enjoyable. Getting two diametrically opposite views. As it goes on the repetitiousness gets a bit (only a bit) stale. Never boring. I give full credit to both of you for your stamina. My God, the Cyprus needs people like you(plural). :lol:

I do try to make my posts "colourful" as possible so not to become boring or stale.! :lol: :lol:

On the other hand, VP's posts are very plain and dull.! :lol: :lol:

Reflects his personality really.!! :wink: :wink:
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:26 am

Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Kiks and VP argue so much, just like husband and wife. Those two should get married. They would get on like a house on fire. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Really Deniz, is that what Husbands and Wives do.?? :lol:

Good thing I only have a Girlfriend then.! :lol:

Listen Deniz, you can't blame for trying to teach an "old dog" new tricks, can you.?? :lol:

God knows it is hard work. It would be so much easier just to "put him down" and get another one, but I still think he has potential in becoming obedient yet, therefore onwards with the training of simple tricks for now. :lol: :lol:

He'll get it one of these days, hopefully before arthritis set in of course, or else he won't be able to lift his leg to even take a piss let alone lifting anything else. :lol: :lol:

Well, it is incessant, to say the least. At the beginning it was enjoyable. Getting two diametrically opposite views. As it goes on the repetitiousness gets a bit (only a bit) stale. Never boring. I give full credit to both of you for your stamina. My God, the Cyprus needs people like you(plural). :lol:

I do try to make my posts "colourful" as possible so not to become boring or stale.! :lol: :lol:

On the other hand, VP's posts are very plain and dull.! :lol: :lol:

Reflects his personality really.!! :wink: :wink:

You, as a participant in this unholy matrimony with VP, should let us decide. You (both) have on occasion been rather colorful. :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:42 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Kiks and VP argue so much, just like husband and wife. Those two should get married. They would get on like a house on fire. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Really Deniz, is that what Husbands and Wives do.?? :lol:

Good thing I only have a Girlfriend then.! :lol:

Listen Deniz, you can't blame for trying to teach an "old dog" new tricks, can you.?? :lol:

God knows it is hard work. It would be so much easier just to "put him down" and get another one, but I still think he has potential in becoming obedient yet, therefore onwards with the training of simple tricks for now. :lol: :lol:

He'll get it one of these days, hopefully before arthritis set in of course, or else he won't be able to lift his leg to even take a piss let alone lifting anything else. :lol: :lol:

Well, it is incessant, to say the least. At the beginning it was enjoyable. Getting two diametrically opposite views. As it goes on the repetitiousness gets a bit (only a bit) stale. Never boring. I give full credit to both of you for your stamina. My God, the Cyprus needs people like you(plural). :lol:

Deniz cant you see how sick this man is no wonder hes not married who would want to sign away their sanity, I'm sure any marriages he has had have ended in divorce, he makes things up then turns around and believes his own lies using verbal diarrhea to try and cover up the lies he spouts out. I can be just as "colourful" as Kifeas but where would it take a slanging match as you can see he uses this camouflage to hide insults which he has aimed at many on this forum who now don't even give him the time of day let alone respond to his meaningless posts about a people he knows nothing about.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:55 am

Viewpoint wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Kiks and VP argue so much, just like husband and wife. Those two should get married. They would get on like a house on fire. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Really Deniz, is that what Husbands and Wives do.?? :lol:

Good thing I only have a Girlfriend then.! :lol:

Listen Deniz, you can't blame for trying to teach an "old dog" new tricks, can you.?? :lol:

God knows it is hard work. It would be so much easier just to "put him down" and get another one, but I still think he has potential in becoming obedient yet, therefore onwards with the training of simple tricks for now. :lol: :lol:

He'll get it one of these days, hopefully before arthritis set in of course, or else he won't be able to lift his leg to even take a piss let alone lifting anything else. :lol: :lol:

Well, it is incessant, to say the least. At the beginning it was enjoyable. Getting two diametrically opposite views. As it goes on the repetitiousness gets a bit (only a bit) stale. Never boring. I give full credit to both of you for your stamina. My God, the Cyprus needs people like you(plural). :lol:

Deniz cant you see how sick this man is no wonder hes not married who would want to sign away their sanity, I'm sure any marriages he has had have ended in divorce, he makes things up then turns around and believes his own lies using verbal diarrhea to try and cover up the lies he spouts out. I can be just as "colourful" as Kifeas but where would it take a slanging match as you can see he uses this camouflage to hide insults which he has aimed at many on this forum who now don't even give him the time of day let alone respond to his meaningless posts about a people he knows nothing about.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

many on this forum who now don't even give him the time of day let alone respond to his meaningless posts

Oh, but you'll never leave me, would you VP.!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just who exactly are these members that you say are not giving me the "time of the day" VP.??
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