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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:46 pm

...VP, we are all this island's dwellers. You saying "we" have lost 37% of the island is a subtle encouragement, on your part, and I recognise this solidarity.

...Christo, your part of the culture is "Greek". Cyprus may be overwhelmingly "Greek", but we are Cypriots, and as a Cypriot, we identify ourselves with a closeness to the land, we respect each other, and we work as this island's stewards. There never was a Greece until Lord Byron, this union of "Greeks" like you was won, and for "us" it has been formally realised with our membership in the EU, because all European countries are "Greeks" as well. In that regard Turkey is "Greek", so they too can sit in this club. Although it's Asian roots survive, and its "Melding" with Arab culture remain, they are no different to the French, Queen Elizabeth's Monarchy, or the Hapsbergs, in this regard. We are Cypriots, not Greeks, and where we come from is this coincidence.

I have traveled the Middle East, and worked there. It is a different place, the practice is much different, but the values are the same. They are no different to those of Jews as well. And that is to Love, to fear God alone, and with this Grace to serve. the case of Solomou, VP has put up a brave fight for our debate, as you say christo, it is so different to "Western" thinking. And for Kikapu abnormal, so much so, it is an anathema that in his mind makes VP an agent, or someone paid.

VP cares, and for this reason I continue caring with him,

we can serve as "Masters" here before the grave and thus serve ourselves in the plunder: the thinking that led to Global Warming, and the impasse in our own Problem.


we can serve the "Master" as a Universal Principal that all things, living and not deserve the same respect that we expect for ourselves: and for this we must choose to change ourselves.

"Greek"/"Turk" vs. Cypriot
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:30 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Your are letting your emotions rule your head, look at it from this angle was soloman breaking the law by rioting entering the buffer zone and trying to rip down a flag? was the people who shot him guilty of defending their border?

He may have broken trespassing laws, but who's laws did he break, the UN's, the RoC's or a illegal state, the "trnc" which he obviously had no respect for. As far as he was concerned, he was in his own country, regardless of what the situation was in front of his eyes. So then he climbs the flag pole to tear down the flag of the occupying force. So what.? Is it in your penal code, that such incidences gives the right to anyone with the gun to be Judge, Jury and the Executioner, because that's exactly how they behaved. What about the one who got his brains beat all over the "Green Line" what was his crime exactly. Was his crime also in your penal code as well.

Then you ask "was the people who shot him guilty of defending their border". YES, they are guilty, because there were no borders then, and there are no borders now. It is called the "Green Line" which the UN is present to see problems does not occur. If what you believe was a justifiable killing just by crossing into the "Green Zone", then you would have had no problem had the GC soldiers executed the 3 TC police officers who wondered into the "Green Zone" when the Ledra street was opened recently and closed briefly subsequently. So what you think VP, should the three TC police officers been gunned down because they wondered towards the south.???

Then you have been using terms which is laughable even to the most uneducated and morons, when you use the term, "he was infiltrating" into the "trnc". :lol: :lol:

You right VP, he was going to ûse the flag pole as a "vault", to get over the wall. :lol: :lol:

You are nothing but a paid Propagandist who has no shame or principles as long as you are getting paid like a WHORE to try and make justifications of these murders and do as you are told.

I can't see any other reasons for your actions..............sorry.!!

So once we get past all your insults and degrading remarks what you are saying is that he had every right to riot, go through the buffer, ignore the UN, all the warnings and climb up a pole to rip down the flag of his enemy? because he did not recognize the TRNC or its borders police or laws, yet when it suits you accuse non exisistent police and government officials for shooting him with non exsistent bullets.

Soloman was breaking the law in all respects his punishment should not have been death which I have stated before but you seem to be having problems with accepting the facts that Soloman was mentally unstable and jumped into the fire and got burnt by of course a non "existent flame".

Actually VP, the bullets were real.!!!

What insults did I throw at you VP.?? Are you going to deny, that you are not a Paid Propagandist in the north for specific party.??

Am I going to challenge you on this one also, to tell us the truth, if you have the BALLS that is, that you really are a Paid Propagandist.??

You failed the last question put to you, so lets see how you will do this time.!!

Only, this time I will not let you get away so easy with your answer, if you say NO.!!!

Think very carefully in what you say, that's all.


NO/HAYIR/OHI I am noway a paid propagandist, what are you willing to bet if you are proven wrong? I have met your challenge many times only to find you shit yourself make feable excuses that only you believe and run away with your tail between your legs.

HODRI MEYDAN....the gauntlet has get again been slapped in your face.

The whole forum can see your warped mentality when you ask "what insults did I throw at you VP.??" and you proceed to post them in your post, crazy stuff you appear to be believing your own shit yet again.

So Kikapu?

Where are your balls Kikapu, all talk and no real substance.

Where are you Kikapu? backed out yet again, you prove my point that time and time again I rise to your challenge and you run shitless.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:59 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:NO/HAYIR/OHI I am noway a paid propagandist, what are you willing to bet if you are proven wrong? I have met your challenge many times only to find you shit yourself make feable excuses that only you believe and run away with your tail between your legs.

HODRI MEYDAN....the gauntlet has get again been slapped in your face.

The whole forum can see your warped mentality when you ask "what insults did I throw at you VP.??" and you proceed to post them in your post, crazy stuff you appear to be believing your own shit yet again.

So Kikapu?

Where are your balls Kikapu, all talk and no real substance.

Where are you Kikapu? backed out yet again, you prove my point that time and time again I rise to your challenge and you run shitless.

Hello VP,

I was away from my computer yesterday, but did use a public one to send couple of posts, but would you believe it, that I was not able to open page 36 of this thread, due to filters to protect foul language that may expose children to. I guess the use of the words "Balls and Shit-less" was enough to activate the protective screens, hence the fact I was not able to see you responding post.

My, my, my, you are in a hurry to get an answer back to try and prove yourself that you are not a "Paid Propagandist". By the way, just because I wanted to speak with full authority, I had my Balls checked by an independent person this morning to make sure that they were still there, and to my relief, she gave the "all OK" sign. :lol:

NO/HAYIR/OHI ....I see you are working on your Bi-lingual technique. I thought it was OXI and not OHI. Perhaps that means "NO" in Chinese.!! Once again you are trying to use your unaccountable ways of trying to buy your way out by making bets that cannot be implemented or prove anything you say one way or the other. No VP, all we need to do is to read into what you write and how you behaved over the last couple of years, and we pretty much see you what you are. Of course, the use of the term "Paid Propagandist" comes in many forms. It can be direct money, or working for the "government" to push their agenda, or making money from sale of GC properties, or just trying to keep any "exchanged land" that you may be holding onto, and you have no way of proving your innocence at all, and the fact that you often lie, exaggerate, misstate facts, are all the "qualities" of a "Paid Propagandist".

If we were to try you in the court of law and direct proof cannot be made to find you quilt of being a "Paid Propagandist", you will be nailed to the wall on circumstantial evidence which this forum is full of with your statements such as;

a) from the time of my visit to the RoC last year and upon my return, you have been obsessed with my political stand and arguments and try very hard to dismiss them.

b) you have always said, that an "insult on you is an insult on the "trnc" and visa verse". It shows that you are trying to protect the "state" anyway possible.

c) in your 8500+ posts, you are only on politics of Cyprus and nothing else. You are the only person on this forum, in the north who has access to the Internet 24 hours a day it seems and you make good use of that time to make comments such as
"Genocide" "Infiltrate" "Indigenous" on topics that adoes not warrant such inflammatory words to describe in what you want to say, unless to provoke to achieve your Partition with any way possible, even if it means to lie, which you do all the time.

Now, I'm not really going to ask you to do this, just because you do lie and the fact that you are not religious, you are likely to lie even more and be at ease with it. In Turkish we call it "Yemin" when someone wants to make it perfectly clear that they are innocent of any accusations, they are made to "swear to tell the truth" using their family's well being. Normal person will not dare to take this very lightly and make a "Yemin" frivilously, which has much more powerful meaning than how the West uses the word "swear to tell the truth", but with you, that is another story.

So you see VP, we can only go by what you write and the expressions that you use that makes you guilty of the charges I've accused you off. You cannot do anything to prove otherwise, other than making responsible posts that steers you away from being seen as a "Paid Propagandist" who is only willing to serve the interest of the NeoPartitionist and not Cypriots as a whole.

Just one more thing as a closing remark. I hope that you are a "Paid Propagandist", because of the ways that you do speak which is very cold, inhumane, unprincipled, antagonistic, criminal and so on. At least I can understand you selling your soul to be like the above description, but being natural like that, you can hardly call yourself a Human Being.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:22 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:NO/HAYIR/OHI I am noway a paid propagandist, what are you willing to bet if you are proven wrong? I have met your challenge many times only to find you shit yourself make feable excuses that only you believe and run away with your tail between your legs.

HODRI MEYDAN....the gauntlet has get again been slapped in your face.

The whole forum can see your warped mentality when you ask "what insults did I throw at you VP.??" and you proceed to post them in your post, crazy stuff you appear to be believing your own shit yet again.

So Kikapu?

Where are your balls Kikapu, all talk and no real substance.

Where are you Kikapu? backed out yet again, you prove my point that time and time again I rise to your challenge and you run shitless.

Hello VP,

I was away from my computer yesterday, but did use a public one to send couple of posts, but would you believe it, that I was not able to open page 36 of this thread, due to filters to protect foul language that may expose children to. I guess the use of the words "Balls and Shit-less" was enough to activate the protective screens, hence the fact I was not able to see you responding post.

My, my, my, you are in a hurry to get an answer back to try and prove yourself that you are not a "Paid Propagandist". By the way, just because I wanted to speak with full authority, I had my Balls checked by an independent person this morning to make sure that they were still there, and to my relief, she gave the "all OK" sign. :lol:

NO/HAYIR/OHI ....I see you are working on your Bi-lingual technique. I thought it was OXI and not OHI. Perhaps that means "NO" in Chinese.!! Once again you are trying to use your unaccountable ways of trying to buy your way out by making bets that cannot be implemented or prove anything you say one way or the other. No VP, all we need to do is to read into what you write and how you behaved over the last couple of years, and we pretty much see you what you are. Of course, the use of the term "Paid Propagandist" comes in many forms. It can be direct money, or working for the "government" to push their agenda, or making money from sale of GC properties, or just trying to keep any "exchanged land" that you may be holding onto, and you have no way of proving your innocence at all, and the fact that you often lie, exaggerate, misstate facts, are all the "qualities" of a "Paid Propagandist".

If we were to try you in the court of law and direct proof cannot be made to find you quilt of being a "Paid Propagandist", you will be nailed to the wall on circumstantial evidence which this forum is full of with your statements such as;

a) from the time of my visit to the RoC last year and upon my return, you have been obsessed with my political stand and arguments and try very hard to dismiss them.

b) you have always said, that an "insult on you is an insult on the "trnc" and visa verse". It shows that you are trying to protect the "state" anyway possible.

c) in your 8500+ posts, you are only on politics of Cyprus and nothing else. You are the only person on this forum, in the north who has access to the Internet 24 hours a day it seems and you make good use of that time to make comments such as
"Genocide" "Infiltrate" "Indigenous" on topics that adoes not warrant such inflammatory words to describe in what you want to say, unless to provoke to achieve your Partition with any way possible, even if it means to lie, which you do all the time.

Now, I'm not really going to ask you to do this, just because you do lie and the fact that you are not religious, you are likely to lie even more and be at ease with it. In Turkish we call it "Yemin" when someone wants to make it perfectly clear that they are innocent of any accusations, they are made to "swear to tell the truth" using their family's well being. Normal person will not dare to take this very lightly and make a "Yemin" frivilously, which has much more powerful meaning than how the West uses the word "swear to tell the truth", but with you, that is another story.

So you see VP, we can only go by what you write and the expressions that you use that makes you guilty of the charges I've accused you off. You cannot do anything to prove otherwise, other than making responsible posts that steers you away from being seen as a "Paid Propagandist" who is only willing to serve the interest of the NeoPartitionist and not Cypriots as a whole.

Just one more thing as a closing remark. I hope that you are a "Paid Propagandist", because of the ways that you do speak which is very cold, inhumane, unprincipled, antagonistic, criminal and so on. At least I can understand you selling your soul to be like the above description, but being natural like that, you can hardly call yourself a Human Being.

Total and utter crap as usual.

Now apologize for making things up and calling me a paid propagandist which I am not, as I say you make things up and then you believe your own shit, I neither work for the government nor do I own disputed land you have this "image" of me in your brain which is warped because you do not know me and how I live or where I was educated. You really need to analyze your own mental defect as you appear to hallucinate and believe what is not correct, in other words you are crazy.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:09 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Total and utter crap as usual.

Now apologize for making things up and calling me a paid propagandist which I am not, as I say you make things up and then you believe your own shit, I neither work for the government nor do I own disputed land you have this "image" of me in your brain which is warped because you do not know me and how I live or where I was educated. You really need to analyze your own mental defect as you appear to hallucinate and believe what is not correct, in other words you are crazy.

If you were a man of honour, then your words of denial of being a "paid propagandist" would mean something, therefore it could be respected and a full apology would be in order and forthcoming, but since you are not an honourable person, your denial of being a "paid propagandist" is hardly acceptable means of telling the truth.

Here is something for you to remember.

One's actions speaks louder than their word.!
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:29 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Total and utter crap as usual.

Now apologize for making things up and calling me a paid propagandist which I am not, as I say you make things up and then you believe your own shit, I neither work for the government nor do I own disputed land you have this "image" of me in your brain which is warped because you do not know me and how I live or where I was educated. You really need to analyze your own mental defect as you appear to hallucinate and believe what is not correct, in other words you are crazy.

If you were a man of honour, then your words of denial of being a "paid propagandist" would mean something, therefore it could be respected and a full apology would be in order and forthcoming, but since you are not an honourable person, your denial of being a "paid propagandist" is hardly acceptable means of telling the truth.

Here is something for you to remember.

One's actions speaks louder than their word.!

And you are full of hot air, you use words to manipulate those who follow without question well Im not one of those people so you should apologise for lieing by claiming you were going to prove beyond a doubt that I am a state paid propagandist which I am not, your constant barrage of verbal dihorrea into which you sink deeper and deeper does you no favors as people can clearly read the shit you spout out which only you in turn believe as if it were gospel.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:56 pm

...gentleman, this topic should be of help if this is a personal match,
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:10 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...gentleman, this topic should be of help if this is a personal match,

repulse the man lives in his own world far from reality and dictates to us as if everything he says is right and what we say is wrong, he has a superiority complex and will never understand the TC viewpoint becuase he is not one of us.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:13 pm

VP kikapu is not one of 'you'. But this has nothing to do with being Turkish. As for K's frustration, I understand, and his excellent posts always inspire me to write better as well.

...he is tired VP, so are we all.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:07 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:VP kikapu is not one of 'you'. But this has nothing to do with being Turkish. As for K's frustration, I understand, and his excellent posts always inspire me to write better as well.

...he is tired VP, so are we all.

repulse this man is a liar he claims things throws them into the ring as if they are the gospel truth and people like you follow without question thats why his posts are excellent for you for me they are meaningless crap as I have challenged him to prove what he claims it true but of course without anything concrete but a barrage of verbal dihhorea which amounts to nothing he is proven a liar time and time again..
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