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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Rebel.Without.A.Pause » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:10 pm

allright rebel. all tcs are stuppid acoring to you. you shuld know i'm not tc, my wife is tc. She dont know everything but she know what gos on.

Why yopu thing all other peeople exept greek are stupid?

Let me write this in your language so you can understand..

Why youj tri 2 tull lyes, eye dodnit sae thot all excepd greek are stipud...

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Postby lovernomore » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:26 pm

Magnus wrote:
lovernomore wrote:
Magnus wrote:
lovernomore wrote:In england they haev suicied by police. maybe Slomou did suicied by Turkish solders. nobody think like this but belive me in england peeople deliberatly provoke police and pretent they carri gun and get shot so they die. Solomou did this i think.

I've read some utter nonsense on this site but this comment takes the prize. I'm not surprised you might try to blame the victim instead of own up to the fact that your thugs murdered the man over a flag, but this is pitiful.

If everybody started using the same twisted logic some of you people employ then every victim of every crime that ever happened was asking for it and the perpetrator is completely absolved.

Open your eyes and accept the facts: this man was murdered.

As for your 'suidice by police' theory I would love for you to show me some evidence that proves this prevalent trend in England because it doesn't sound like the England I live in.

Wake up my frend. I dont say this is what Solomou did for sure, but it is just, jsut a small posibility.

This article mentions six cases. Five of them from the USA and the other from New Zealand. Six examples does not constitute a regular occurrence and there is no reference to anything in the UK so no idea where 'it happens in England' came from.

Nobody wants you personally to accept blame, just stop trying to apportion blame to the victim and accept that those soldiers murdered him and the ECHR ruling decides it.

only couple of months ago a yong solisitor in Chelsee done suicid by police, papres and police dont say this not to incourage but it is comon nowledge, everybody say this.
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Postby lovernomore » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:28 pm

Rebel.Without.A.Pause wrote:
allright rebel. all tcs are stuppid acoring to you. you shuld know i'm not tc, my wife is tc. She dont know everything but she know what gos on.

Why yopu thing all other peeople exept greek are stupid?

Let me write this in your language so you can understand..

Why youj tri 2 tull lyes, eye dodnit sae thot all excepd greek are stipud...


u r clvr rebel :roll: :roll:
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Postby Rebel.Without.A.Pause » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:35 pm

only couple of months ago a yong solisitor in Chelsee done suicid by police, papres and police dont say this not to incourage but it is comon nowledge, everybody say this.

What the f**k?? Its like trying to red a post by Captain Caveman!
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Postby Magnus » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:44 pm

lovernomore wrote:
only couple of months ago a yong solisitor in Chelsee done suicid by police, papres and police dont say this not to incourage but it is comon nowledge, everybody say this.

Mark Saunders was given five hours to give himself up and shot at the cops with a shotgun when they tried to arrest him. Hardly 'suicide by police', especially if we compare it to your original definition:

lovernomore wrote:peeople deliberatly provoke police and pretent they carri gun and get shot so they die

Also, even if it was as you say, one incident does not make it a regular occurrence. In fact, Saunders was the only person shot by the police since De Menezes so it's not like the cops are out there making martyrs of people every day.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:07 pm

lovernomore, your hypothesis is valid, however others have posed their own quite different to yours. Don't you think that a situation which has taken on International Proportions should be given some consideration in the north by its administration, or in Turkey, by Trial or in the least by an Official Enquiry, to answer this question.

Justice is not seen, beyond the injustice of this case, it does not bode well for "Turks", and their security under a Turkish Rule of Law.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:09 pm

...forgive my manners, welcome lovernomore to the forum.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:46 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Your are letting your emotions rule your head, look at it from this angle was soloman breaking the law by rioting entering the buffer zone and trying to rip down a flag? was the people who shot him guilty of defending their border?

He may have broken trespassing laws, but who's laws did he break, the UN's, the RoC's or a illegal state, the "trnc" which he obviously had no respect for. As far as he was concerned, he was in his own country, regardless of what the situation was in front of his eyes. So then he climbs the flag pole to tear down the flag of the occupying force. So what.? Is it in your penal code, that such incidences gives the right to anyone with the gun to be Judge, Jury and the Executioner, because that's exactly how they behaved. What about the one who got his brains beat all over the "Green Line" what was his crime exactly. Was his crime also in your penal code as well.

Then you ask "was the people who shot him guilty of defending their border". YES, they are guilty, because there were no borders then, and there are no borders now. It is called the "Green Line" which the UN is present to see problems does not occur. If what you believe was a justifiable killing just by crossing into the "Green Zone", then you would have had no problem had the GC soldiers executed the 3 TC police officers who wondered into the "Green Zone" when the Ledra street was opened recently and closed briefly subsequently. So what you think VP, should the three TC police officers been gunned down because they wondered towards the south.???

Then you have been using terms which is laughable even to the most uneducated and morons, when you use the term, "he was infiltrating" into the "trnc". :lol: :lol:

You right VP, he was going to ûse the flag pole as a "vault", to get over the wall. :lol: :lol:

You are nothing but a paid Propagandist who has no shame or principles as long as you are getting paid like a WHORE to try and make justifications of these murders and do as you are told.

I can't see any other reasons for your actions..............sorry.!!

So once we get past all your insults and degrading remarks what you are saying is that he had every right to riot, go through the buffer, ignore the UN, all the warnings and climb up a pole to rip down the flag of his enemy? because he did not recognize the TRNC or its borders police or laws, yet when it suits you accuse non exisistent police and government officials for shooting him with non exsistent bullets.

Soloman was breaking the law in all respects his punishment should not have been death which I have stated before but you seem to be having problems with accepting the facts that Soloman was mentally unstable and jumped into the fire and got burnt by of course a non "existent flame".
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:40 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Your are letting your emotions rule your head, look at it from this angle was soloman breaking the law by rioting entering the buffer zone and trying to rip down a flag? was the people who shot him guilty of defending their border?

He may have broken trespassing laws, but who's laws did he break, the UN's, the RoC's or a illegal state, the "trnc" which he obviously had no respect for. As far as he was concerned, he was in his own country, regardless of what the situation was in front of his eyes. So then he climbs the flag pole to tear down the flag of the occupying force. So what.? Is it in your penal code, that such incidences gives the right to anyone with the gun to be Judge, Jury and the Executioner, because that's exactly how they behaved. What about the one who got his brains beat all over the "Green Line" what was his crime exactly. Was his crime also in your penal code as well.

Then you ask "was the people who shot him guilty of defending their border". YES, they are guilty, because there were no borders then, and there are no borders now. It is called the "Green Line" which the UN is present to see problems does not occur. If what you believe was a justifiable killing just by crossing into the "Green Zone", then you would have had no problem had the GC soldiers executed the 3 TC police officers who wondered into the "Green Zone" when the Ledra street was opened recently and closed briefly subsequently. So what you think VP, should the three TC police officers been gunned down because they wondered towards the south.???

Then you have been using terms which is laughable even to the most uneducated and morons, when you use the term, "he was infiltrating" into the "trnc". :lol: :lol:

You right VP, he was going to ûse the flag pole as a "vault", to get over the wall. :lol: :lol:

You are nothing but a paid Propagandist who has no shame or principles as long as you are getting paid like a WHORE to try and make justifications of these murders and do as you are told.

I can't see any other reasons for your actions..............sorry.!!

So once we get past all your insults and degrading remarks what you are saying is that he had every right to riot, go through the buffer, ignore the UN, all the warnings and climb up a pole to rip down the flag of his enemy? because he did not recognize the TRNC or its borders police or laws, yet when it suits you accuse non exisistent police and government officials for shooting him with non exsistent bullets.

Soloman was breaking the law in all respects his punishment should not have been death which I have stated before but you seem to be having problems with accepting the facts that Soloman was mentally unstable and jumped into the fire and got burnt by of course a non "existent flame".

Actually VP, the bullets were real.!!!

What insults did I throw at you VP.?? Are you going to deny, that you are not a Paid Propagandist in the north for specific party.??

Am I going to challenge you on this one also, to tell us the truth, if you have the BALLS that is, that you really are a Paid Propagandist.??

You failed the last question put to you, so lets see how you will do this time.!!

Only, this time I will not let you get away so easy with your answer, if you say NO.!!!

Think very carefully in what you say, that's all.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:45 pm

lovernomore wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
lovernomore wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
lovernomore wrote:In england they haev suicied by police. maybe Slomou did suicied by Turkish solders. nobody think like this but belive me in england peeople deliberatly provoke police and pretent they carri gun and get shot so they die. Solomou did this i think.

Sure, if you pretend that you have a gun in your pocket or pull out a joy gun and point to the police. What the hell did these murdered victims have that was so threatening, a lit cigarette.!!


I dont say what the Tcs did is right. I dont say i am happy he die. i agree with you taht the shoting was wrong and the man who pull triger is gulty. what i say is maybe Solomou new that somebody shhoot himand he die, i read he was upset because sombody from hes familly die before one week or somthing.

Mr Kikapu, Tcs done wrong to you and you done wrong to Tc. Both now must try for beter futuer.

Hi lover. Kikapu IS a TC.

I know that will come as a shock to him Deniz.!! :lol:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

See.!! :lol: :lol:

Listen lover, you say you are not a TC, and yet you are shock that I am. Are you just pulling our legs or what.??

If you are not a TC or a GC for that matter, why on earth would you get shocked.??

So where are you from lover and what ethnicity are you.??
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