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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:19 pm

observer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Disproportional force was used against an unarmed individual who posed no threat to any person within the buffer zone. This deems Solomou's shooting as an act of cold blooded murder and can not be deemed as self defence.

In any other western nation, such an act would have resulted in a court martial against the offenders and also civil charges on discharge. Why has this not happened in this case? And why has the "minister of agriculture" not been charged? He is wanted by Interpol which is a reflection of the crime committed here.

Perhaps any other nation except RoC where the guilty at the massacres at Murataga and Sandallaris don't see to have faced prosecution.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:25 pm

observer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Disproportional force was used against an unarmed individual who posed no threat to any person within the buffer zone. This deems Solomou's shooting as an act of cold blooded murder and can not be deemed as self defence.

In any other western nation, such an act would have resulted in a court martial against the offenders and also civil charges on discharge. Why has this not happened in this case? And why has the "minister of agriculture" not been charged? He is wanted by Interpol which is a reflection of the crime committed here.

Perhaps any other nation except RoC where the guilty at the massacres at Murataga and Sandallaris don't see to have faced prosecution.

I do not understand why you bring this up as a form of defence for your crimes as I for one along with many others would love to see these culprits face criminal charges for their actions as well.

What about you? Don't you want justice served against the murderous thugs that slaughtered Solomou? If not, then this is an indication of the sought of society you have in the "trnc".
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:30 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
observer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Disproportional force was used against an unarmed individual who posed no threat to any person within the buffer zone. This deems Solomou's shooting as an act of cold blooded murder and can not be deemed as self defence.

In any other western nation, such an act would have resulted in a court martial against the offenders and also civil charges on discharge. Why has this not happened in this case? And why has the "minister of agriculture" not been charged? He is wanted by Interpol which is a reflection of the crime committed here.

Perhaps any other nation except RoC where the guilty at the massacres at Murataga and Sandallaris don't see to have faced prosecution.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Something funny? :?
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:39 pm

Paphitis wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
observer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Disproportional force was used against an unarmed individual who posed no threat to any person within the buffer zone. This deems Solomou's shooting as an act of cold blooded murder and can not be deemed as self defence.

In any other western nation, such an act would have resulted in a court martial against the offenders and also civil charges on discharge. Why has this not happened in this case? And why has the "minister of agriculture" not been charged? He is wanted by Interpol which is a reflection of the crime committed here.

Perhaps any other nation except RoC where the guilty at the massacres at Murataga and Sandallaris don't see to have faced prosecution.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Something funny?

Nothing is funny Bafidis. I cant help but smile with all these tit for tats. Accusations and counter accusations are part and parcel of the Cyprus Problem. As has been said many times before, once one side will acknowledge any wrong doings, the other will also follow suite, one hopes. Then the charges begin again, what was said in previous posts are forgotten, and on and on, ad infinitum.

Thats my smile. We have to accept that every now and then this mud slinging will resurface yet again.
When will the mud slinging end? Then we can be serious about negotiations. The mud slinging does no good for either side. The throwers are anti-negotiation mob, and merely seek the Status Quo. IMHO.
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Postby lovernomore » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:40 pm

In england they haev suicied by police. maybe Slomou did suicied by Turkish solders. nobody think like this but belive me in england peeople deliberatly provoke police and pretent they carri gun and get shot so they die. Solomou did this i think.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:46 pm

christos1 wrote:I no longer feel the need to keep silent. I have read the comments in this thread and i must say that i am not surprised by some of these comments, not surprised by them at all. Before the puppet state allowed Greek Cypriots to visit the north...i and many others (probably some of you in here) have demonstrated for this island. For those of us who have done this know that at some point during the demonstration, sometimes emotions can get the best of you. You may see the other side and a grin and a why is it that because i am Greek i can not cross this line?

I for one respect VP's opinion because its an honest one and lets not kid ourselves...isnt this how the majority of Turkish Cypriots think? In fact, some wouldn't have even said that those who killed "should be arrested and made to account for what happened". Why are we trying to cover this fact? Why is everyone ganging up on VP for, he is only expressing him/herself freely? What is it, one upmanship, political points, what?

Having said that, i would also like to be honest in my comments. VP, i feel that you and the majority of the TCs are backward, i always have -- its your thinking process which resembles middle eastern people. It is clearly evident by the comments in this and other threads in this forum. Dont get me wrong, a small percentage of Greek Cypriots are the same way, it must be the proximity to the middle east or something they have adapted from the Ottoman empire. What i am trying to say is that your people and the Greek Cypriots are different and not by a small margin. By having you somehow integrate with us (Annan Plan 6 or whatever) it will only dumbdown the Cypriot Republic. You are what westerners refer to as throwbacks. We have advanced without the TCs so much so that we are a net contributor to the EU. If your society joins the free areas it would create a welfare state that resembles Turkmenistan.

And please, i do not need lecturing from the so called progressives on the Greek Cypriot side. Let me give you all a scenario that is bound to happen if this island ever gets united. A few Greek Cypriots have the courage to go to the North to live with these people. All is well until one day a Greek Cypriot cop man handles a Turkish Cypriot youth and it is played over and over in the press. What is it that you think these backward people will do? Just take a look at what they did in other EU countries for something far less -- they love to riot. They have b@lls when they have strength in numbers. Would you then feel safe in a town then populated by these people? Who are we kidding? Are those two or three Turkish Cypriot friends you have or made, are they going to be able to prevent the horde from attacking you? Another scenario that happened in Egypt. A women approaches a religious moslem female school, she is at the lights and the students come out and they all have headscarves. They see the women in the car without a headscarf and start attacking it and calling the person inside an infidel. If these things happen in Egypt and Lebanon then what makes you all think it wont happen here? Are the Turkish Cypriots less fanatic? Clearly no, just look at their comments! Google the deaths that occurred in Turkey simply because people were of different faiths.

Some may not have wished that i posted this but i do not apologize because this is how i really feel. I didnt always feel like this. My father would one day love to see his Turkish Cypriot friends but he and the rest of you Greek Cypriots in here are living in a dream world. That Cyprus does no longer exist. Clearly there are no longer any difference between a TC and a person from Turkey, its a fact.

Let me give you all a scenario that is bound to happen if this island ever gets united. A few Greek Cypriots have the courage to go to the North to live with these people. All is well until one day a Greek Cypriot cop man handles a Turkish Cypriot youth and it is played over and over in the press. What is it that you think these backward people will do? Just take a look at what they did in other EU countries for something far less -- they love to riot. They have b@lls when they have strength in numbers. Would you then feel safe in a town then populated by these people? Who are we kidding? Are those two or three Turkish Cypriot friends you have or made, are they going to be able to prevent the horde from attacking you?

Welcome to the forum Christos1,

You made some valid points and some not so valid and I do not have time to go into them, but on the point (above) where if Cyprus is once again united, where an incident to a TC or to a GC will be exploited by their community to a point of riots and revenge, is precisely the reason as to why we must never, never, never have a BBF based on Confederation, because, and trust me when I state this, that if an incident to cause riots was not coming soon enough to call for permanent partition from the other state, an incident will be fabricated to cause a riot in no time. There are too many Fascists and Nationalists on both sides to stir the violence. This is why, a BBF needs to be a True Federation with True Democracy and not a Confederacy, where both states will be joined at the hip, and no matter what the Nationalist and the Fascist may try to cause a permanent partition, it will not happen, but gradually, all these "bad actors" will just die off, or come to their senses when they have been dealt swiftly with prison sentences for provoking violence against the State and Cypriots.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:59 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
As has been said many times before, once one side will acknowledge any wrong doings, the other will also follow suite, one hopes.

That's what I thought too Deniz, until Christofias before his meeting with Talat in March publicly took responsibility for wrongs done to the TC's by the GC's, and until today, there has been no reciprocating comments from Talat stating the same towards the GC's, and we expect VP to place blame to the murderers at the "Turkish Piñata Party" and the "Flag Pole Excecution Party".

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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:05 pm

lovernomore wrote:In england they haev suicied by police. maybe Slomou did suicied by Turkish solders. nobody think like this but belive me in england peeople deliberatly provoke police and pretent they carri gun and get shot so they die. Solomou did this i think.

Sure, if you pretend that you have a gun in your pocket or pull out a joy gun and point to the police. What the hell did these murdered victims have that was so threatening, a lit cigarette.!!

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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:13 pm

Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
As has been said many times before, once one side will acknowledge any wrong doings, the other will also follow suite, one hopes.

That's what I thought too Deniz, until Christofias before his meeting with Talat in March publicly took responsibility for wrongs done to the TC's by the GC's, and until today, there has been no reciprocating comments from Talat stating the same towards the GC's, and we expect VP to place blame to the murderers at the "Turkish Piñata Party" and the "Flag Pole Excecution Party".


Arent the FREE press ALLOWED to ask direct questions to these people we tlk about?
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Postby lovernomore » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:21 pm

Kikapu wrote:
lovernomore wrote:In england they haev suicied by police. maybe Slomou did suicied by Turkish solders. nobody think like this but belive me in england peeople deliberatly provoke police and pretent they carri gun and get shot so they die. Solomou did this i think.

Sure, if you pretend that you have a gun in your pocket or pull out a joy gun and point to the police. What the hell did these murdered victims have that was so threatening, a lit cigarette.!!


I dont say what the Tcs did is right. I dont say i am happy he die. i agree with you taht the shoting was wrong and the man who pull triger is gulty. what i say is maybe Solomou new that somebody shhoot himand he die, i read he was upset because sombody from hes familly die before one week or somthing.

Mr Kikapu, Tcs done wrong to you and you done wrong to Tc. Both now must try for beter futuer.
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