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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:05 pm

Viewpoint wrote:We need protection from rioting mobs who try to infiltrate our borders through cordoned off buffer zones regardless of plenty of warnings and knowing full well the dangers involved.

What I am saying is that you have to behave yourselves or otherwise like anywhere in the world accept the consequences.

Pursuant to which law of the TRNC is summary execution by a member of a foreign army the penalty for shinning up a flagpole and attempting to tear down a flag?
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:15 pm

Viewpoint wrote:We need protection from rioting mobs who try to infiltrate our borders through cordoned off buffer zones regardless of plenty of warnings and knowing full well the dangers involved.

What I am saying is that you have to behave yourselves or otherwise like anywhere in the world accept the consequences.

And the first choice of consequence was murdering two individuals, each incident three days apart, one by a bloodthirsty mob made of police and private citizens and the other by trigger happy "firing squad" government officials.!! Does that then mean, that after the first incident, the policy of the "trnc" was not going to change if another incident occurred, which was to murder that person also, rather than arresting them, because that's exactly what happened.??

I guess second choice of consequences was arresting the trespassing GC's, or was that just too much trouble to handle for the officials.??
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:19 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Your trying to provoke in order to get an answer this is more a reflection of your own inadaquecy to influence people as they do not value your opinion or input as you are 100% biased towards the GCs.

Therefore you have no BALLS to answer my question, but instead you want to disguise your inadequacies by using your old tired "your GC point of view" remarks to me which no one else views it as such, so you better find something else to "beat the drums with". I had asked you a straight forward question that had nothing to do with politics, but just you as a Human Being.

Viewpoint wrote:I would have avoided being in that situation like the plague as I could easily anticipate the danger I would be putting myself in.

You are still not answering the question. Jesus VP, how many times do I need to repeat the same damn question for you.??

Try reading my response and taking it in, its an answer to your question the second question was not for me but BigAl.

I've read your NO ANSWER answer VP, therefore my answer to you stands as is.!!
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Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:33 pm

I have scanned through the TRNC's Penal Code ... /f_154.doc

and the only offences that I can find Solomou guilty of are:

- participating in an illegal meeting, punishable pursuant to article 71 by a maximum of one years' imprisonment


- Causing destruction or damage to public property, punishable pursuant to article 143 by three months' imprisonment or a fine of no more than 100,000 Turkish lira, or both.

I can detect no capital offence of which he was guilty. Perhaps those with a better knowledge of the TRNC legal system can inform me differently.

I am a regular visitor to the north of Cyprus and find it to be a very civilised, peaceful place in which the rule of law applies. Even those who purport to defend the TRNC do the pseudostate no favours by implying that visitors need to watch their step or they will be shot on the spot.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:43 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Big Al wrote:this man entered the TRNC illegally, he was acting in a provocative manner, knew his life was in danger if he crossed into the TRNC. Since he knew what he was doing (ie he was sound of mind) and he knew the risks he deserves what he got. PS it was Tansu Ciller that said anyone laying a hand on the Turkish flag will have their hands cut off and it still stands.

Big Al, lets see if you believe in what you are saying above, or are you just shooting your mouth off just to be a tough guy and a Cowboy.??

August 8th, 1964 Turkish fighter jets were on a mission over Cyprus and one of them got shot down and the pilot bailed out. The pilot's name was Capt. Cengiz TOPEL. Perhaps you have heard of him. In any case, he was captured by the "Greeks" and according to UNFICY after the fact, it was determined that the pilot was tortured and burned to death alive in the most brutal way possible. So, now tell me Big Al, did Capt. Cengiz TOPEL deserved what he got.?? After all, using you arguments, he was flying on a mission over Cyprus, therefore he was doing an illegal act. He may have even carried out bombings on those "Greeks" on the ground with conventional weapons or Napalm, therefore he was in a position to be a threat and may even have killed some "Greeks" on the ground, so my question to you is, was this despicable act of burning him alive was justified and that he had gotten what he deserved.

So come on Big Al, tell us the truth if you dare. Lets see if your BALLS are any bigger than VP's, because you both talk the way you do, because "Greeks" were murdered by the "Turks" in 1996 with the brutal beating and execution on the flag pole, but lets see if you will talk the same way then a "Turk" is murdered in Cold Blood by the "Greeks".

So Big Al, tell me honestly. Did Capt. Topel got what he deserved, and if you say NO, then you are the biggest Big mouth hypocrite there is, and if have the BALLS to you say YES, then I want you to send some flowers to his memorial in Cyprus with a note telling him, that he got what he deserved when he was murdered by the "Greeks" in Cold Blood. Don't forget to leave your name and of your relatives who live in Cyprus on the note sent with the flowers to Capt. Topels memorial.

I may be the first person to have written about Capt. Topel's story 2 years ago here on the forum. If you want to read it, it is here.

If i may correct you Kikapu, speaking to Big Al,

...if you say No he did not deserve to die that way, you are a bigger man,
if you can say, "i see"; i am sorry.

...if you say Yes, of course the Dr. is correct. send flowers with your apology; and spit on them.

Ataturk was not these men.
For the lives they took in shame, he may have taken theirs,
as a Turk, his Justice was swift, but as a Man he did not suffer Ignorance.

Murder, and uncontrolled mayhem, are not the precepts of "Kemal".
...are you a Turk? Big Al, stand up and fight for him.
if you are a Man, you will not forget the Truth.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:51 pm

VP, if it is "rightthinking" and "wrongthinking" people we are talking about, "GC" and "TC" has nothing to do with it.

Why is it better for wrongthinking people to have authority, where Turks, or Turkish Cypriots are concerned?
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:49 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Big Al wrote:this man entered the TRNC illegally, he was acting in a provocative manner, knew his life was in danger if he crossed into the TRNC. Since he knew what he was doing (ie he was sound of mind) and he knew the risks he deserves what he got. PS it was Tansu Ciller that said anyone laying a hand on the Turkish flag will have their hands cut off and it still stands.

Big Al, lets see if you believe in what you are saying above, or are you just shooting your mouth off just to be a tough guy and a Cowboy.??

August 8th, 1964 Turkish fighter jets were on a mission over Cyprus and one of them got shot down and the pilot bailed out. The pilot's name was Capt. Cengiz TOPEL. Perhaps you have heard of him. In any case, he was captured by the "Greeks" and according to UNFICY after the fact, it was determined that the pilot was tortured and burned to death alive in the most brutal way possible. So, now tell me Big Al, did Capt. Cengiz TOPEL deserved what he got.?? After all, using you arguments, he was flying on a mission over Cyprus, therefore he was doing an illegal act. He may have even carried out bombings on those "Greeks" on the ground with conventional weapons or Napalm, therefore he was in a position to be a threat and may even have killed some "Greeks" on the ground, so my question to you is, was this despicable act of burning him alive was justified and that he had gotten what he deserved.

So come on Big Al, tell us the truth if you dare. Lets see if your BALLS are any bigger than VP's, because you both talk the way you do, because "Greeks" were murdered by the "Turks" in 1996 with the brutal beating and execution on the flag pole, but lets see if you will talk the same way then a "Turk" is murdered in Cold Blood by the "Greeks".

So Big Al, tell me honestly. Did Capt. Topel got what he deserved, and if you say NO, then you are the biggest Big mouth hypocrite there is, and if have the BALLS to you say YES, then I want you to send some flowers to his memorial in Cyprus with a note telling him, that he got what he deserved when he was murdered by the "Greeks" in Cold Blood. Don't forget to leave your name and of your relatives who live in Cyprus on the note sent with the flowers to Capt. Topels memorial.

I may be the first person to have written about Capt. Topel's story 2 years ago here on the forum. If you want to read it, it is here.

If i may correct you Kikapu, speaking to Big Al,

...if you say No he did not deserve to die that way, you are a bigger man,
if you can say, "i see"; i am sorry.

...if you say Yes, of course the Dr. is correct. send flowers with your apology; and spit on them.

Ataturk was not these men.
For the lives they took in shame, he may have taken theirs,
as a Turk, his Justice was swift, but as a Man he did not suffer Ignorance.

Murder, and uncontrolled mayhem, are not the precepts of "Kemal".
...are you a Turk? Big Al, stand up and fight for him.
if you are a Man, you will not forget the Truth.

The Turkish pilot shot down in Paphos should never have been either tortured or worst killed. One can understand the anger of those on the receiving end of napalm , but civilized human behaviour demands that captors are treated humanely.
BigAll considers the killing of the G/C young man, who according to this foreigner he entered"" illegally ", as justified. Nothing of the sort , he was killed by none other than a bloodthirsty murderer full of hatred for the G/Cs and for this young man who dared to challenge the occupiers .
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:29 pm

Viewpoint wrote:We need protection from rioting mobs who try to infiltrate our borders through cordoned off buffer zones regardless of plenty of warnings and knowing full well the dangers involved.

What I am saying is that you have to behave yourselves or otherwise like anywhere in the world accept the consequences.

Consequences eh? - the Dark State has spoken

I'm thinking two things. Firstly where in the world other than the Occupied North pseudo-state would someone be summarily executed for climbing a flag-pole and where the firing squad is defended even though the world's media relayed the event to an audience of 100s of millions. I come up with the answer Turkey. Secondly, I think what would VP, Big Al and others think if it had been their father or son that had been so brutally, viciously and cowardly murdered on that day?

( May all the victims rest in peace, including VP and BigAl for they condemn themselves when they try to defend the indefensible actions of brutal murderers )
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:48 pm

I hereby declare the biggest Plonker of them all , as the name implies " BIGAL " Plonker extraordinaire , but a foreign Plonker nevertheless .
What a Plonker !!!
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:04 pm

Was Soloman guilty of going up the pole or entering a buffer zone with intent to infiltrate into the TRNC?

Was the punishment in line with the crime? from a GC perspective or a TC perspective?
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