Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:You have this fixation with balls, are you homosexual?
No, but I would like to know who the CASTRATED males on the forum are.
So far only you and BigAl have shown to have had your
BALLS confiscated.!
Next step will be for you two to become transvestites.!!
You know what that means, don't you.!

You are really scraping the bottom of the barrel, you will go to any lengths to ridicule and degrade people personally, luckily posters are intelligent enough to see right through your petty little games.
You could have just answered the questions put to you and BigAl regarding the
"Turkish Piñata Party" and the
"Flag Pole Execution Party" murders, but instead you want to blame others (as usual) for their opinions of you two, in your refusal to answer.
If you asked your questions with clarity and refrained from disrespectful belittling comments to try and cloud your lack of argument then you may just get an answer which I believe BigAl already supplied.
No VP, my questions to both of you were very clear and pricely to the point, to get your views on,
A) How you would have reacted had you been at the scene of the crimes.
B) For BigAl to tell as if he felt the same way, without remorse for the brutal murder of Capt. Topel , as he has shown no remorse, in fact the opposite, in the case of the murdered GC victims.
BigAl just did not want to talk about it anymore, which showed that he had no BALLS for it, and you have not even attempted to answer it which I gave you plenty of time to do so. I did put emphesise about having the BALLS to tell the truth, if you both dared.
Well, neither one of you dared, so you tell me if you have the BALLS or not.