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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:45 pm

Brittania wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:

GAV has put a valid question forward to test your one sided views and you yet again failed miserably. You were condemning us well before this verdict was announced yet you say not one word that will place an ounce of blame on the GCs why is that? Lets read how you will try to squirm out of this one.

No, Gav does not have a valid point. All he's trying to do is mix oranges with lemons to make justification for the murders by trying to shift blame to others. I'll not let him do that. I don't feel like having any lemons today.........sorry, so let's stick to what it is that we are talking about or does it make you feel uncomfortable.?

I have not talked about this case at all in the past, so you must have me mistaken with someone else. I was aware of the flag pole murder but not the mop style "Mexican Piñata Party" beating to the bulb murder. They were both ugly as hell and those who did this, is exactly where they belong.!!

Just because these acts of murder were committed by members of my community, does not mean I should not speak strongly towards the guilty. I do not need to make justifications on what responsibility the GC's should bear relating to these murders. At the end of the day, two men were murdered when no defence can justify the actions of the guilty, since the victims posed no danger to the guilty. It is that simple and by trying to shift the blame to sanitize the whole crime, will not work with me.

Good try but you are obviously biased in favor of GCs, you show no sympathy towards our sufferings or even remotely an understanding of the TC viewpoint. The death is regretable but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, he placed himslef in great danger in a very explosive situation and paid the price, do you think any other GC in future will go up a poll and try to rip down a Turkish flag during a full scale riot?

Didn't Dr Matsakis rip one off a sentry post a couple of months ago? :lol:

was there a full scale riot going on at the time?
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Postby Brittania » Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:51 pm

Viewpoint wrote:and finally taking into account where this took place in the buffer zone meant that neither sides police force was took responsibility of felt a need to investigate and arrest those caught on film.

one Greek Cypriot that was shot in the abdomen was standing next to the Greek Cypriot sentry outside the buffer zone
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:55 pm

Brittania wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:and finally taking into account where this took place in the buffer zone meant that neither sides police force was took responsibility of felt a need to investigate and arrest those caught on film.

one Greek Cypriot that was shot in the abdomen was standing next to the Greek Cypriot sentry outside the buffer zone

Allow me to answer this one for VP, if you don't mind.

"He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, therefore it is his fault. Had he stood few few feet in the other direction, he would not have been hit."
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:01 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
The north has nothing to do with you so your evaluation is neither here nor there so your comments do not really effect us that live in the TRNC.

I guess you really do not have much more to say when you make the above silly statement, other than taking your marbles and going home.!!

I don't blame you VP.!!
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:08 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
The north has nothing to do with you so your evaluation is neither here nor there so your comments do not really effect us that live in the TRNC.

I guess you really do not have much more to say when you make the above silly statement, other than taking your marbles and going home.!!

I don't blame you VP.!!

I think I have plenty to say but when you havent got a clue about what you are talking about when it comes to the TRNC your evaluations are worthless.
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Postby CopperLine » Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:39 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:

GAV has put a valid question forward to test your one sided views and you yet again failed miserably. You were condemning us well before this verdict was announced yet you say not one word that will place an ounce of blame on the GCs why is that? Lets read how you will try to squirm out of this one.

No, Gav does not have a valid point. All he's trying to do is mix oranges with lemons to make justification for the murders by trying to shift blame to others. I'll not let him do that. I don't feel like having any lemons today.........sorry, so let's stick to what it is that we are talking about or does it make you feel uncomfortable.?

I have not talked about this case at all in the past, so you must have me mistaken with someone else. I was aware of the flag pole murder but not the mop style "Mexican Piñata Party" beating to the bulb murder. They were both ugly as hell and those who did this, is exactly where they belong.!!

Just because these acts of murder were committed by members of my community, does not mean I should not speak strongly towards the guilty. I do not need to make justifications on what responsibility the GC's should bear relating to these murders. At the end of the day, two men were murdered when no defence can justify the actions of the guilty, since the victims posed no danger to the guilty. It is that simple and by trying to shift the blame to sanitize the whole crime, will not work with me.

Good try but you are obviously biased in favor of GCs, you show no sympathy towards our sufferings or even remotely an understanding of the TC viewpoint. The death is regretable but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, he placed himslef in great danger in a very explosive situation and paid the price, do you think any other GC in future will go up a poll and try to rip down a Turkish flag during a full scale riot?

That a person is in the wrong place at the wrong time, even if acting wrongly, does not give licence to kill that person.

One can be as sympathetic to a cause or a side without having to abandon basic principles of justice. We cannot have 'my country, right or wrong'. Solomou, the claim goes, was (i) in some way unlawfully killed and (ii) his family denied a fair investigation/tribunal. Whether he acted rashly or foolishly may or may not be the case - whichever, neither his killing nor what followed in terms of a fair trial were defensible in law. That is the claim.

I for one would want to expect killing to be made unlawful and for fair trial to always be conducted - these are basic human rights. No serious argument can be levelled on the basis of whether the victim or perpetrator is GC or TC or any other nationality - that is irrelevant.

Two aphorisms to end on : 'what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander' and 'there by the grace of god go I'
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:33 pm

CopperLine wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:

GAV has put a valid question forward to test your one sided views and you yet again failed miserably. You were condemning us well before this verdict was announced yet you say not one word that will place an ounce of blame on the GCs why is that? Lets read how you will try to squirm out of this one.

No, Gav does not have a valid point. All he's trying to do is mix oranges with lemons to make justification for the murders by trying to shift blame to others. I'll not let him do that. I don't feel like having any lemons today.........sorry, so let's stick to what it is that we are talking about or does it make you feel uncomfortable.?

I have not talked about this case at all in the past, so you must have me mistaken with someone else. I was aware of the flag pole murder but not the mop style "Mexican Piñata Party" beating to the bulb murder. They were both ugly as hell and those who did this, is exactly where they belong.!!

Just because these acts of murder were committed by members of my community, does not mean I should not speak strongly towards the guilty. I do not need to make justifications on what responsibility the GC's should bear relating to these murders. At the end of the day, two men were murdered when no defence can justify the actions of the guilty, since the victims posed no danger to the guilty. It is that simple and by trying to shift the blame to sanitize the whole crime, will not work with me.

Good try but you are obviously biased in favor of GCs, you show no sympathy towards our sufferings or even remotely an understanding of the TC viewpoint. The death is regretable but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, he placed himslef in great danger in a very explosive situation and paid the price, do you think any other GC in future will go up a poll and try to rip down a Turkish flag during a full scale riot?

That a person is in the wrong place at the wrong time, even if acting wrongly, does not give licence to kill that person.

One can be as sympathetic to a cause or a side without having to abandon basic principles of justice. We cannot have 'my country, right or wrong'. Solomou, the claim goes, was (i) in some way unlawfully killed and (ii) his family denied a fair investigation/tribunal. Whether he acted rashly or foolishly may or may not be the case - whichever, neither his killing nor what followed in terms of a fair trial were defensible in law. That is the claim.

I for one would want to expect killing to be made unlawful and for fair trial to always be conducted - these are basic human rights. No serious argument can be levelled on the basis of whether the victim or perpetrator is GC or TC or any other nationality - that is irrelevant.

Two aphorisms to end on : 'what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander' and 'there by the grace of god go I'

I was living in Turkey at the time this incident took place, and I can remember the feelings of both pity and admiration I felt for the few brave soles who were trying to make their voices heard over the chauvinistic mob and argue that it was totally unacceptable to kill somebody just for pulling down a flag.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:35 pm

...i remember the sinking of the Belgrado, while in London, at the start of the Falkland War.

same fervor, same proportions; patriotism, and shame.

solomou will never rest in peace until we realise this weakness as persons.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:43 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...i remember the sinking of the Belgrado, while in London, at the start of the Falkland War.

same fervor, same proportions; patriotism, and shame.

solomou will never rest in peace until we realise this weakness as persons.

Very true. Thatcher almost certainly would have been ditched after her first term in office had it not been for the jingoism associated with the Falklands war. Such an easy tool for rulers to use.

You are right. These things are universal to humanity. Is there any hope that we can move on to a higher plane?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:51 pm

...indeed, just keep writing.
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