There are some aspects of this case that are new to me, may be new to others as well.
The court found that several people shot at Solomou, not just the person who is clearly identifiable in the news reels.
Several people, including UN personnel were also injured.
These facts show that the much touted iron discipline of the Turkish army, who are the ones manning the Dherynia posts, is nonsense. They panicked and fired salvos at a lone intruder who could easily have been arrested by two or three men.
Solomou's death is not in vain then, it demolished the myth of this super efficient army.
Reading the excerpt from the decision I remembered an interview with a PLO man after the invasion of Lebanon. He told me that the invasion was a disaster but it was the first time the Palestinians had been close and personal to Israelis. Up to that point the only experience they had of Israelis was that of jets and helicopters, of a distant faceless and invincible enemy. The Israelis with their arrogance destroyed their own myth of invincibility. The Turks did the same in the killing of Solomou.
The newsreels also show the reaction of the National Guard, with soldiers taking battle positions in a disciplined and organized manner, waiting for the order to charge their rifles and return fire if necessary. Their cool reaction was in stark contrast to the panic of the other side at what was a non threatening situation.