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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Brittania » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:09 pm

GAVCARoCOM wrote:i know at the end it was wrong but

watch the video and see the UN mistake as well !!!!!!! and he was english . also he was saying "very good " for what happen !!!!!

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Postby CanDiaz » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:10 pm

GAVCARoCOM wrote:no its not correct but the main guilty is that british soldier let him to run and un let them to go in buffer zone

The guilty, is the trigger puller.End of Story. This guy needs locking up & it should be a condition of any kind of solution to Cyprus.
The UN couldnt do anything if it wanted to.
Surely you must see that!!
If it was a Turk being killed what would you think then? Would you still blame the UN.

Go easy on the You tube, I don't want to be known as the man who gave GAV the gift of video! :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:19 pm

growuptcs wrote:
What was this guy doing up the pole in such a highly charged situation?

Same thing as you being here at the forum. Should you be shot and killed? Answer this one tough guy.

If this forum was an explosive situation I would not enter, all hell had broken loose and they had been warned to move back yet this guy wanted to become a hero by ripping down the Tukish flag which is very sacred to Turks, yet he took no notice of the warnings and continued to put his life in danger he paid the biggest price.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:23 pm

...smiling faces, by your own level of Justice

Gav, "But" is not enough, Turkish Cypriots are a people better than this.

(please Gav go easy on the video, i run windows 98 on dial-up service, so i can't even watch them, as well big image files screw up the size of my screen.)
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Postby Brittania » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:24 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
growuptcs wrote:
What was this guy doing up the pole in such a highly charged situation?

Same thing as you being here at the forum. Should you be shot and killed? Answer this one tough guy.

If this forum was an explosive situation I would not enter, all hell had broken loose and they had been warned to move back yet this guy wanted to become a hero by ripping down the Tukish flag which is very sacred to Turks, yet he took no notice of the warnings and continued to put his life in danger he paid the biggest price.

Its amazing, they are actually convinced of this. The turkish cypriot minister was not to blame for shooting, the policemen where not to blame for beating a man to death.

Silly greek deserved what he got
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:29 pm

Brittania wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
growuptcs wrote:
What was this guy doing up the pole in such a highly charged situation?

Same thing as you being here at the forum. Should you be shot and killed? Answer this one tough guy.

If this forum was an explosive situation I would not enter, all hell had broken loose and they had been warned to move back yet this guy wanted to become a hero by ripping down the Tukish flag which is very sacred to Turks, yet he took no notice of the warnings and continued to put his life in danger he paid the biggest price.

Its amazing, they are actually convinced of this. The turkish cypriot minister was not to blame for shooting, the policemen where not to blame for beating a man to death.

Silly greek deserved what he got

He did not deserve to die but the warning signs were in place he choose to ignore them and paid the price with his life. If a house is on fire do you try to enter so that everyone considers you a hero? or do you act sensibly and stay away?
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Postby CanDiaz » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:31 pm

Brittania wrote:
Silly greek deserved what he got

It's unacceptable. Like i said earlier, he could have been arrested, instead a life is taken & the lives of all who knew & loved him,are changed forever too.
The guy could have been drunk high on crack, or just not all there in the head, the shooter had no way of knowing. But shot anyway. It's murder.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:36 pm

CanDiaz wrote:
Brittania wrote:
Silly greek deserved what he got

It's unacceptable. Like i said earlier, he could have been arrested, instead a life is taken & the lives of all who knew & loved him,are changed forever too.
The guy could have been drunk high on crack, or just not all there in the head, the shooter had no way of knowing. But shot anyway. It's murder.

They should be arrested and made to account for what happened the point I was trying to make was that he jumped into the fire and it cost him his life.
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:42 pm

CanDiaz wrote:
Brittania wrote:
Silly greek deserved what he got

It's unacceptable. Like i said earlier, he could have been arrested, instead a life is taken & the lives of all who knew & loved him,are changed forever too.
The guy could have been drunk high on crack, or just not all there in the head, the shooter had no way of knowing. But shot anyway. It's murder.

it was in buffer zone. that area is controlled by UN !!!!!! They shouldnt let him to pass !!!! Whats UN job in this country ?????

at the end everybody i m sure feel bad about what happen. Many Hitmans in south and north which noone will judge them . they were the hitmens 1963-1974 . this happen before the doors open . that time tension was high !!!! it is past and we have to look future.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:45 pm

Gav, stop protecting the guilty and stop trying to put the blame on others, because all you are doing is making justification for the Cold Blooded Murderers who are wondering amongst you in the north. When you do not condemn these brutal killings, you might as well condone them. When you don't demand justice to be served on these Cold Blooded Murderers, then you are protecting them. These were nothing more than a barbaric acts at it's worse, and every TC who has not condemned such acts, are guilty by association by allowing these animals to live amongst them in their community, specially when they are identified as the ones who had committed these crimes against the unarmed individuals. So once again, stop looking for excuses and blaming others and start condemning these Cold Blooded Murderers. If not, you are only hurting the TC community in the long run.
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