bill cobbett wrote:I think there are two matters here, free speech in and outside the forum.
1. Free speech isn't of course free of cost or risk. It can sometimes be free of cost as in when we say " I don't like this government - lets get rid of it" and we've all said something similar. From the safety of our European democracies, that throwaway statement costs us nothing, it poses no personal risk but what if we said it in Zimbabwe ? - well, gosh, then it becomes very, very risky with a very real chance of a knock on your door late one night.
We're not in Zimbabwe, nor are we in places like Saudi Arabia discussing religious freedom, nor are in Turkey or the Occupied Districts discussing the role of the military in government. Those who look to government or other authority for guidance might do well to consider Germany in the ‘30s where the good people of that country democratically elected the most tyrannical and brutal government in human history with total restrictions on free speech. So if we look to governments to decide what is acceptable when discussing the limits of freedom of expression, we should be wary that governments change and I would also say that recently, the moderate western democracies have moved towards regaining control of the citizenry and are slowly restricting free speech. I am fearful that if we allow governments to dictate what we can and can’t say there’s a danger that we are being influenced in the direction of what we can and can’t think as well.
2. Not so long ago our free speech was confined to our own homes, or to the pub or to the cafenion where there was little risk of saying something that would be actioned as libel. Now the internet has made us all in to authors, poets, bloggers, posters, journalists etc. We can all now publish our little gems (ok, not like this one, cos it’s shite) to the whole world and reach a potential audience of 100s of millions with a click of the mouse. For those that fear action for libel I would say do what they teach on the first day at journalism school and that is to make frequent use of the “alleged” word or for variety, preface potentially libellous statements with something like “ I have heard it said that....” In these ways there is no risk of legal action to the poster or to the publishers of the forum. Who are we libelling anyway? Most of us (not all, so be wary?) use a pseudonym and don’t give personal details in their profile page, so are with anything other than characters of our own inventions? How can one fictitious character libel another character?
So where does that leave me now in the context of the Forum. Although I stand by what I say above, well I suppose I’m in that pub again because isn’t the Forum just like a pub? A place you can go and meet your friends and have a chat or even an argument about the colour of curtains or the trivial matters of life like football or the Turkish Problem? I then go on to think, don’t I have to try and respect my friend’s rules a bit and not go all out of my way to offend them? What would my mates say if I refused to live by the century’s old rule of buying my round and instead said something outrageous and I said it loudly and boldly and provocatively ? I know they would take me outside and give me a good slap. Isn’t this what is supposed to happen here when we speak of self-moderation?
So what do I do? Listen to Voltaire and John S. Mill or do I listen to you, you individually, which one of you, the sensitive you? the coarse, thick-skinned and provocative you? you collectively, the lowest common denominator you, a group of you, the other group of you, the well-respected you, the authoritative you ???? Where's the "happy" medium? Is there one?
(Let me here acknowledge publicly and without reservation that within the Forum, but nowhere else and certainly not down the pub and not in any discussion on football, especially not the off-side rule, the greater power of the mods and admin who are, if they will allow me to say so, exceptionally tolerant.)
bill c. ...a “ right idiot “(allegedly)
...must pop another one of those pills. Oh, this one has got a label on it, “Honesty Suppositories...”