About the girls, most of them are snobs. They don't have any taste while picking dress. They wear strange clothes and old fashioned footwear. They look more like rustic girls. And they have an obsesion of showing to everyone the fat on their abdomens. They look awful. And the behavior is also very bad. It seems that they didn't borrowed anything from the british style and education. Cyprus is and will be a village forever.
Cypriots are greedy. As far as you are a customer and you pay they smile to you but as soon as they realize you will not be a client they will show to you an evil face which few people on this planet can show. They are most of them racist. They don't like foreigners....and this is most hard to belive as we all know the are living because of turism.
Soon, everyone will go away from Cyprus because it's abnormal expensive and services are low quality.... and I cannot wait to see them how will they manage then to make money and how long cypriot girls will keep they vain.