miltiades wrote:Bananiot wrote:Mandela on Mugabe
"They want to die in power because they have committed crimes. The tyrant of the day can be destroyed by you and I,"
The Sunday Times reports today .
From The Sunday TimesJune 29, 2008
Robert Mugabe’s thugs shout: ‘Let’s kill the baby’
11-month-old Blessing Mabhena
Christina Lamb
A baby boy had both legs broken by supporters of President Robert Mugabe to punish his father for being an opposition councillor in Zimbabwe.
Blessing Mabhena, aged 11 months, was seized from a bed and flung down with force as his mother, Agnes, hid from the thugs, convinced that they were about to murder her.

She heard one of them say, “Let’s kill the baby”, before Blessing was hurled on to a bare concrete floor.
Blessing, who may never be able to walk properly, was one of the youngest victims of atrocities against the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change in the run-up to last Friday’s sham presidential election.
As Mugabe, 84, the only candidate in the election, prepared to be sworn in as president today, it emerged that his forces of terror plan to pulverise opponents to prevent them from ever threatening his leading Zanu-PF again.
Leaked minutes of the Joint Operations Command (JOC), which has orchestrated the violence since Mugabe lost a first round of voting in March, revealed that it is willing to wipe out opposition supporters.
A 10,000-strong youth militia loyal to the Zanu-PF has been created to enforce its wishes in case regular army units refuse, according to Zimbabwean human rights agencies.
“It’s a deliberate nationwide strategy to reoccupy space so all space is occupied by the Zanu of Mugabe,” said Jon Stewart, a director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum.
Minutes of one JOC meeting show that supporters of Morgan Tsvangirai, the opposition leader, “will all be internally displaced. The target number is two million supporters”.
The plan is to brutalise people into backing Zanu-PF or fleeing the country. “They’re not going to stop,” said a maid in Marondera. “They’re saying they’ll do more beatings and killings until all the ‘traitors’ are flushed out.”
She and her neighbours were waiting for officials to check their fingers for red ink to make sure they had voted on Friday. """"
It is unimaginable that this brutal deranged tyrant has the support of some on this forum .
He will be attending the OAU in Cairo sometime next week where he will no doubt be welcomed by most of the other African leaders , they themselves equally responsible for exploiting their own people , amassing millions for themselves , corrupt to the bone and yet blaming the West for all their ills.
Unfortunately there is a member among us who is apparently unable to distinguish the vast differences which exist between a 'Supporter' and an 'Inquisitor', which severely restricts his ability to understand that which he reads.
I very much doubt if there are ANY 'Supporters' of Robert Mugabe on this forum and I will reiterate (for the umpteenth time) that I am certainly NOT one of them.
My 'Inquisitiveness' (as always) compels me to analyse the information available to us all in world events, I must confess that I am often quite amazed at the audacity of the media in assuming that we are willing to accept their every word without question.
I 'Admire' the tenacity of Robert Mugabe, he is an old man and , right or wrong he has stood firm against the 'Giants' of the Western powers.
Those powers have used every device to depose him, they have failed miserably and that is a fact since he is today celebrating an extraordinary victory over their efforts and is still President.
The fact that I admire his tenacity, does NOT mean that I am in support of him.
I do not know whether the negative reports we are receiving from Zimbabwe are true or false, neither do any other of us on this forum since we are not allowed to know the truth, (THAT is the nature of Politics) therefore we have to use our own judgements.
If we base those judgements on what we have learned recently in connection with the 'LIES' we were told in order to justify the unlawful and murderous attack upon the innocent nation of Iraq, we can hardly be blamed for viewing what we are told of Zimbabwe with some scepticism.
We DO know that severe restrictions, sanctions and political pressures have been forced upon Zimbabwe (and that even more are being contemplated) surprisingly advertised as measures to ASSIST the people suffering from such deprivations imposed upon them by the powers that oppose Robert Mugabe.
I fail to see how such actions (as described) can be interpreted as ASSISTANCE.
The 'CRUELTY' of these sanctions, seemingly escapes the notice of those in support of the powers that impose them !!.
As to the violence and murders taking place in that unfortunate land, I doubt if any one of us would agree that they are justified (certainly not I)
however, since one side blames the other (and vice versa) we can only speculate on the issue, armed with the information we receive from those 'Suspect Sources' already mentioned.
In ALL my posts, I try to analyse the subject under discussion, if we are to blindly follow that which we are informed of by the media, then the whole purpose of debate is useless since there is little to discuss.
If we repeat the words of the politicians (knowing what we know of their previous form) there is no point in airing our own views.
We MUST learn to think for ourselves.
Which brings me to a certain member, here we have a man who accepts EVERY word of those that he perceives to be in power, he does not act upon that which he 'THINKS', rather on that which he is 'TOLD' and his consistency is quite astounding.
His only talent seems to be rooted in his ability to insult and verbally abuse ANY that disagree with his myopic opinions.
He condemns (without exception) any comment which he considers to be critical of those powers that he admires, refuses to answer questions which may result in a contradiction to his own views AND, has clearly stated that he is in favour of ALL the atrocities that have and are taking place in Zimbabwe, providing they result in the deposing of Robert Mugabe.
I have NEVER made such a bold statement, despite this particular member's persistent claims that I have, perhaps he should adopt the role of 'Inquisitor' and drop his 'Supporter' traits.
In my humble opinion.