Big Al wrote:boomerang wrote:Big Al wrote:boomerang wrote:Big Al wrote:boomerang wrote:Big Al
watch the video, im sure you'll find it amusing...a sure thing for those that suffer from softness

Nah...sticking to the straw as a delivery system...As they say no substitude for quality...

What the hell do you do for a living

Im sure the straw system would be much more expensive
I work in the finance you can imagine things are slow at the moment

not much more expensive....

...but satisfaction guaranteed...

yeap things are slow all over this month...being the last month of the financial year usually we all come at a stand still...
I can't see how it will improve the next 6 months either...with the skyrocketing petrol prices along with increasing interests rates it kinda squeezed the shit out of the economy...
things are fucked, and they will get worse before they get any better. We havent seen the worst of the credit crunch either, its seems like we are being fed the bad news slowly, bit by bit so that the stockmarket and the banks dont completely collapse. I was reading today that HBOS in the UK is in deep shit at the moment. Interesting times ahead....
True...we are fed info very slowly...The good thing is our dollar is an all time high and this is keeping the fuel costs down...Can you imagine if the dollar was .75 cents?...petrol would have been over $2.50 a litre...
Tell me I hear speculations that the interest might be coming down a quarter percent...what do you think?...Is this just speculation or what?...
No chance, not this year anyway. The best indication of what is going to happen with rates is the current fixed interest rates, which have all gone up in the last couple of days...we'll probably see another rate rise in the next couple of months. How are property prices in Melb going at the moment? Sydney's market is still going backwards.
Property market, especially commercial still going through the roof...Housing still holding reasonably...
For business, buying a warehouse is still a better option than leasing...the mortgage repayment along with the ever increasing property is still a far better option rather than leasing with no return on investment...
I own a couple of warehouses, and I bought the one I am in 12 months ago brand new and today, 12 months later, I got it on the market for 25% above what I paid for it...
I honestly think we are in for a real estate correction...
So you saying fix the rates if you can...